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ChinaIndia first broke the Tacit that's why PLA made tent

one day indian, always liar.

people in South Tibet are crossing the border to live and work in China, and you claim they are proud to be indians?

for what? lower life expectancy? fake democracy that led to such low life expectancy? or because of those 2 million children die in india every year?

one day indian, always liar.

Buddy i am a lire. It will be a lie if is say that i haven't lied till now. keeping that aside. any source on the bold part or is it just an assumption?
Before coming to New Delhi, you have to pass through my area!!:flame::flame::devil::devil:

Who said anything about pulling back? We are going straight to New Delhi to put our flag. Notice every couple of days we are deeper and deeper into Indian territory. We take more land and set up camp to rest up and then march again.
We are calling the shots in your country boy, not you.
Lot of people has said about New Delhi - we will be putting are flags in New Delhi, from the west as well as the east, it is not New Delhi you fools, it is the people you have to go through before coming to New Delhi, I will be waiting either from east or west..come on boys!!
Tibet and its many areas like Mansarovar lake was part of India since ancient time. China claims to Tibet is illogical. If we use the sam elogic Chinese uses, we will have claims to more areas than China can ever digest.

Don't say these things you will really rile the Pakistanis.
India is not thinking about land. We would not exchange Arunachal Pradesh because of its people i bet you already know how they believe in India. They are proud to be Indian.

the people living in AP must have one or some or all of the following when you claim they are proud of being indian:

1. they cannot afford a tv or
2. they dont have electricity or
3. the tv programs dont show the world to them other than ap / india or
4. they stay at home or in AP or india all the time
The people of AP or anywhere in India are proud irrespective of the TV, electricity or land they have or have not because they are true sons and daughters of the land
Actually we have every facility and more unless you are talking of North Korea.

33% of Indians are considered to be poor by UNHCR and so are 13% of Chinese. Given territorial size and resources China should have done better don't you think?

you are inviting a recital of your woes

The people of AP or anywhere in India are proud irrespective of the TV, electricity or land they have or have not because they are true sons and daughters of the land

why should I question about their delusions as they have been living in the dark for so long!

I have mentioned this before. When we come and liberate the people of AP, they may choose to stay behind for a new life or are free to migrate to india and continue their way of living there!
You are the one living in the dark with state controlled media not us ..dont be delusional ..troll
People this is just a misunderstanding both sides have different borders in thier mind so they both travel to each other sides
& people here are talking about conquering New Delhi
Calm down
Shuttler are you drunk man? :cuckoo: AP is one of our most developed states housing Asia's best IT parks like Lanco and Cyber City. Most NRI's are AP including a friend of mine. BTW regarding poer and infrastrucure here is excerpt from wiki , although I don't trust it, it shall give you an idea.

The State is well connected by road, rail, air and sea. Visakhapatnam is a major port in the State. Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Tirupati, and Visakhapatnam are air-linked. National and international flights link the state with important world locations.
Hydel and thermal power projects in the state meets the power requirements of the State. Number of new power projects are coming up in the State which is expected to generate additional power capacity in the State.
The State was plagued with transmission and distribution losses, leading to a power crunch. It initiated reforms in the power sector. Yet, some SSIs still face the problems of erratic supply of power and report that power tariff is high in the State.The installed power capacity of the state is 13920.58 MW.
AP has been one of the first States to encourage private sector participation in infrastructure development. The State has a total length of over 2,05,000 km of road network, including national and state highways, district and rural roads. Development of high density corridors on major routes is being undertaken with private participation.
Andhra Pradesh has a World class airport in Hyderabad, Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is the second public-private partnership venture in the Indian airports. Hyderabad international airport has been named amongst the world's top five in the annual Airport Service Quality (ASQ) passenger survey along with the ones at Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing. Apart from Hyderabad, there are airports at Visakhapatnam, Tirupathi, Vijayawada and Rajahmundry. Hyderabad has an air-cargo complex with customs clearance. Direct flights to Singapore, Sharjah, Kuwait, Muscat, Malaysia, Dubai and New York operate from Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh share in All India Air traffic is around 5.29 in domestic traffic and 3.3 in International passenger traffic. The average per month domestic passenger traffic is 119,000 and that of International passengers is 36,000. Average cargo handled per month is around 2052 Tonnes.
[edit]Sea ports
Andhra Pradesh has the biggest seaport at Visakhapatnam, with feeder services to Europe, Russia, USA and the Asia Pacific. Berthing of vessels is available up to 50000 DWT. The cargo handling at Visakhapatnam port during July 2002 – June 2003 was 45.5 million tonnes (14.6% of All India), making it the busiest port in the entire country, ahead of Kandla, Chennai, Haldia and Mumbai. Gangavaram Port also located in Visakhapatnam, is India's deepest port. Inaugurated in July 2009, it has a depth of 21m.
The latest available statistics (as in 2001) show that there were 3003 Telephone exchanges, 3140948 telephone connections, 118 telegraph offices (excluding extension counters, telecom centres, and combined offices) and 78218 public telephones. As at December 2003, it is estimated that there are 1550,000 cell phone subscribers in the State. The State's share in All India cell phone subscribers is 7%.
[edit]Industrial infrastructure
[edit]Industrial estates, and industrial parks
There are 272 Industrial estates and industrial development areas in the State, covering an area of 14700 hectares. The State Government is in the process of developing Industrial Parks at different places, for specific groups of industries. The existing parks are Software Park at Hyderabad, Hitec city for software units, Apparel Park at Gundlapochampalli, Export Promotion Park at Pashamylaram, Visakhapatnam Export Processing Zone, Bio-technology park at Turkapally.
Many other parks are proposed, such as leather parks at various places in the districts; food parks – one each in the 3 regions of Telangana (processing of poultry products/processing of coarse grain & millets/spices);Coastal Andhra (value added rice products, dairy products, horticultural products, marine products, labour oriented, export oriented industry); and in Rayalseema region (processing of vegetables – onion, tomatoes, fruits, spices – coriander, edible oils, labour oriented, export oriented industry. Agri Export Zones for the following produce are proposed at the places mentioned against them:
Red Chilli – Guntur district,
Mangoes – Krishna district,
Gherkins – Mahaboobnagar, Rangareddy, Medak, Karimnagar, Warangal, Anantapur, Nalgonda.
Mangoes and grapes Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Medak, Mahaboobnagar,
Mango pulp and fresh vegetables – Chittoor
Other parks coming up are Gems and Jewellery park, Visakhapatnam Exim park.
Tentative estimates reveal that the total exports from AP during the year 2003–04 were to the tune of Rs.153.06 billion. The share of software was 30%, and that of food products was 20%. The value of exports during 2002–03 was Rs.136.14 billion and that during 2001–02 was Rs.124 billion. IT exports alone from Andhra Pradesh for 2007–08 is over Rs.25,000-crore mark, up from Rs.185 billion recorded last fiscal, according to Hyderabad Software Exporters Association (HYSEA).
Agriculture is the main occupation and 60 percent of population is engaged in agriculture and related activities. Rice is the major food crop and staple food of the state. Other important crops are Jowar, Bajra, Maize, ragi, small millets, pulses, tobacco, cotton and sugar cane. The state has 23 percent area covered with forest.Agriculture has been the chief source of income for the state's economy. Four important rivers of India, the Godavari, Krishna, Penna, and Thungabhadra flow through the state, providing irrigation. Rice, sugarcane, cotton, Chili pepper, mango, and tobacco are the local crops. Recently, crops used for vegetable oil production such as sunflower and peanuts have gained favour. There are many multi-state irrigation projects in development, including Godavari River Basin Irrigation Projects and Nagarjuna Sagar Dam, the world's highest masonry dam.
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economy of Andhra Pradesh and the better performance of this sector is vital for inclusive growth. Although its contribution to gross state domestic product (GSDP) is around one-fourth, agriculture provides employment to nearly 60 per cent of the work force. Andhra Pradesh was among the very few states in the country which went in for the Green Revolution in rice cultivation in the 1970s. The share of agriculture in GSDP and employment are higher in A.P. as compared to all-India. The per capita value of GSDP from agriculture is relatively higher in the state when compared to all- India. Average per capita agricultural income in the state was Rs.3618 while it was Rs.3360 in all-India at constant (1993–94) prices in the triennium 2002–05. There have been significant changes in the structure and performance of the agrarian economy in the state. In recent years, the state has also been facing a crisis in agriculture with a high incidence of suicides by farmers.
[edit]Land reforms
Land reforms, in spite of all the limitations in implementation, did play an important role in changing the agrarian structure in Andhra Pradesh. The early land reform measures in the state were a combination of two administrative histories, of the Andhra region and the Telangana region which had formerly been under the Nizam. Following the pattern at the all-India level, the land reforms in Andhra Pradesh had three components: abolition of intermediaries, tenancy reforms, ceiling legislation and the other government initiatives.In 1977, the government of Andhra Pradesh enacted the Assigned Land Prohibition Act which ruled that land that had been 'assigned' by the government to the landless and tribals could not be resold and used for purposes other than agriculture3 . To improve women's access to land and landed property Andhra Pradesh along with Karnataka and Tamil Nadu amended the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, to legally protect the right of women to property including land.
With respect to tenancy, the Hyderabad Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act was enacted in 1950 which gave protection to nearly six lakh tenants who held over 7,500,000 acres (30,000 km2) of land, constituting 33 per cent of the total cultivated area. This was considered one of the progressive acts of legislation in the state. The AP (Andhra Area) Tenancy Act 1956 was passed to ensure that a tenant was not evicted from his/her holding except by going to court. This legislation has given a mixed result as it often led to concealed tenancy (Reddy, 2006). Legislation on ceilings on agricultural holdings was enacted in two phases, 1955–72 and 1972 to the present.
The Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agriculture Holdings) Acts were passed in 1961 and 1973. As in most states, the first round of legislation in 1961 was a miserable failure but the second one in 1973 had some impact. Against an estimated surplus land of 2,000,000 acres (8,100 km2), only 790,000 acres (3,200 km2) were declared surplus, of which 647,000 acres (2,620 km2) were taken possession by the government and 582,000 acres (2,360 km2) were distributed among 479,000 beneficiaries till August 2004 (GOAP, 2004). This amounted to about 4 per cent of the net sown area.
Several major industries are in operation around Hyderabad, which has now been nicknamed as Cyberabad due to its Information Technology foray and location of major software industries in the city. Another industrial location is Visakhapatnam which is also one of the major sea ports of India. The State is promoting Information Technology in a big way and has one of the IT parks in Hyderabad.
[edit]Active industries
Automobiles and Auto components Industry,spices,mines and minerals,Texttiles and apparels,IT industry,Bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals, horticulture,poultry farming are the main industries in Andhra Pradesh.
Andhra Pradesh has the largest deposits of quality Chrysotile Asbestos in India. It accounts for about 93 percent of India's total production of Barites. Other important minerals in the state are copper ore, manganese, mica, coal and limestone.
Charminar, Salarjung Museum, Golconda Fort, Tirupathi, Warangal fort are some of the important tourism locations.Tirupathi is one of the major source of income in the tourism segment because of the adobe of Sri Venkateshwara. The temple is one of the richest in the world in terms of donations received. Other important sources of income come from the developing tourism centres at Vishakapatnam, Vijayawada.

The GSDP at current prices(1999–2000) for the year 2009–10 is estimated at Rs.3,643.41 billion as against Rs.3,389.07 billion for 2008–09 reflecting a growth of 7.5%. During last FiveYears, the GSDP of A.P on the average recorded 9.14%, and higher than the Annual Average Growth of GDP (All India) which is 8.49% only. Further,during last three years, the GSDP of AP was consistently more than 10%,which itself is a record. With more than 10% Growth for the past 3 years and due to this high Base effect, further Growth Rate in during 2008–09 is only 5.53%. In spite of Global recession and negative growth trends in the major world economies, the State is able to continue the growth path along with the Nation.
[edit]Growth of different sectors 2008–2009
The sectoral composition of GSDP growth for 2008–09 in Service sector with 10.06% has maintained the same growth tempo, while the Agriculture sector with 2.27% and industry sector with 0.12% have recorded little lesser growthrate. At All India level (GDP), the Sectoral Growth rate in Service sector is 9.67%, while in Agriculture Sector, it is 1.60%. In these both sectors, our State's Growth rate is higher than All India level. The relative decline in agriculture growth during 2008–09 is due to a very high base effect during the previous years especially last year i.e. 14.85%. However, the foodgrain production has reached a peak of 20,404,000 tones during the year 2008–09.
[edit]Per capita income
The per capita income figure gives a better idea of the standard of living of the people. The Per Capita Income of Andhra Pradesh at current prices is estimated at Rs.39,597 in 2008–09 as against Rs.35,864 in 2007–2008.
[edit]Public finance
The finances of Government of Andhra Pradesh are robust due to efficient public finance management. The State is well in advance in eliminating revenue deficit and achieving other fiscal targets enacted in APFRBM Act, 2005. The State revenue receipts stood at Rs.696.85 million in 2008–09 (RE) of which the State's own revenue is Rs.441.38 billion. The revenue receipts under State's own taxes during the year 2008–09 (RE) stood at Rs.357.39 billion as against Rs.287.94 billion in the previous year registering a growth rate of 24.12%. Total expenditure (revenue + capital) stood at Rs.853.63 billion for the year 2008–09 (RE). The capital expenditure constituted 20.78% of the total expenditure (revenue + capital). Revenue Surplus for 2008–09 (RE) is Rs.20.66 billion. The Fiscal Deficit is Rs.104.27 billion which 2.81% of GSDP.

Face thr truth like a man, we are catching up and are even ahead in many areas whether you accept it or not. :cheers:
Actually we have every facility and more unless you are talking of North Korea.

33% of Indians are considered to be poor by UNHCR and so are 13% of Chinese. Given territorial size and resources China should have done better don't you think?

Do you know which hobby of indian do I like? one of them is making excuse for their failure...
You should google that which country have more arable land between china and Indian, and the output....

Yes, we should better, so we work harder, so what are indian doing for you and your countries?

you are inviting a recital of your woes

why should I question about their delusions as they have been living in the dark for so long!

I have mentioned this before. When we come and liberate the people of AP, they may choose to stay behind for a new life or are free to migrate to india and continue their way of living there!

It is not worth arguing with indian, they only have a big mouth, I am very glad that their media and elite brainwash them such these, fool is better for their rival....
Go back work, we are chinese, we still far behind USA.
Do you doubt you are chinese?? It is not go back work, it is go back to work...anyways you first go back to school before you start to work..troll!
the people living in AP must have one or some or all of the following when you claim they are proud of being indian:

1. they cannot afford a tv or
2. they dont have electricity or
3. the tv programs dont show the world to them other than ap / india or
4. they stay at home or in AP or india all the time

My friend don't take me wrong Freedom is worth more than TV or traveling places. Its not only Arunachal Pradesh that is the way all Indian states work. Every state has self rule.

And the leaders of Arunachal Pradesh are from arunachal it is they who have to invest the resources in to development of the state.

What you need to understand is they have self rule, They decide their leaders and their leaders are responsible for their development.

Things in India are slow but we never walk backwards. And buddy freedom to do what they want to do is what is the most precious, they are free to do what they want which ever religion they want to follow.

People of the north east have reserved seats in all Indian universities and jobs in the central government are also reserved.

PS: I am not telling China dose not have freedom but India is different you can understand only when u visit India once. If China follows Indian federal model there will be no more Immolation's in Tibet.

There are still so many villages in India which have no electricity buddy its not just in Arunachal Pradesh. That is why we are still a developing country.
the people living in AP must have one or some or all of the following when you claim they are proud of being indian:

1. they cannot afford a tv or
2. they dont have electricity or
3. the tv programs dont show the world to them other than ap / india or
4. they stay at home or in AP or india all the time

My friend don't take me wrong Freedom is worth more than TV or traveling places. Its not only Arunachal Pradesh that is the way all Indian states work. Every state has self rule.

And the leaders of Arunachal Pradesh are from arunachal it is they who have to invest the resources in to development of the state.

What you need to understand is they have self rule, They decide their leaders and their leaders are responsible for their development.

Things in India are slow but we never walk backwards. And buddy freedom to do what they want to do is what is the most precious, they are free to do what they want which ever religion they want to follow.

People of the north east have reserved seats in all Indian universities and jobs in the central government are also reserved.

PS: I am not telling China dose not have freedom but India is different you can understand only when u visit India once. If China follows Indian federal model there will be no more Immolation's in Tibet.

There are still so many villages in India which have no electricity buddy its not just in Arunachal Pradesh. That is why we are still a developing country.
The AP people be proud of Indian-who knows true or not,but it is not a matter which conern our Chinese,the crucial matter is AP people may welcome us since natural feelings (please don't correct me they are hostile ones)between us just like that ones among you people from whole sub continent,but your government and army do not let it happen.
My friend don't take me wrong Freedom is worth more than TV or traveling places. Its not only Arunachal Pradesh that is the way all Indian states work. Every state has self rule.

And the leaders of Arunachal Pradesh are from arunachal it is they who have to invest the resources in to development of the state.

What you need to understand is they have self rule, They decide their leaders and their leaders are responsible for their development.

Things in India are slow but we never walk backwards. And buddy freedom to do what they want to do is what is the most precious, they are free to do what they want which ever religion they want to follow.

People of the north east have reserved seats in all Indian universities and jobs in the central government are also reserved.

PS: I am not telling China dose not have freedom but India is different you can understand only when u visit India once. If China follows Indian federal model there will be no more Immolation's in Tibet.

There are still so many villages in India which have no electricity buddy its not just in Arunachal Pradesh. That is why we are still a developing country.

The concept of freedom has no relevance to National integrity, like India will not allow AP citizens voting for which country they prefer to get along with. Do you understand me? freedom is restricted to a level under goverment control.
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