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ChinaIndia first broke the Tacit that's why PLA made tent

We gave multiple warnings over the past few months and India just laughed it off. We just showed we mean business when we entered DEEP inside Indian territory. India just looked on helplessly.

When will India learn that India is a lightweight.
We gave multiple warnings over the past few months and India just laughed it off. We just showed we mean business when we entered DEEP inside Indian territory. India just looked on helplessly.

When will India learn that India is a lightweight.

they are brainwashed.

just ask them how many of them ever been to Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen/Nanjing/Tianjing/Hangzhou/Guangzhou and saw the huge difference between these two nations. they probably still believe they are just 10-15 years behind.
The concept of freedom has no relevance to National integrity, like India will not allow AP citizens voting for which country they prefer to get along with. Do you understand me? freedom is restricted to a level under goverment control.

Even if that is allowed people of Arunachal will vote to join India. One thing that people of China need to understand is that the people of Arunachal are free they choose India because they are scared of China and also how Tibet issue is being handled.

freedom is restricted to a level under goverment control.

But the government is theirs. The state government of Arunachal Pradesh is by its own people.

wanglaokan i am not some nationalistic Indian, i am a practical guy and as far as i know the situation you are mentioning is true in Kashmir but the situation in Arunachal Pradesh is totally different.

In Arunachal people wholehearted accept themselves as Indians. Even if we go for a plebiscite it will be an embarrassing defeat for China.
@peaceful ..not only 10-15 but the 20-25 years behind......they are just paper tiger...they talked about china..usa.....Missile. but they must need to talk about their hunger people..where almost 2 million children died in a year...

freemdom doent mean to travel one place to another..... freedom means peace & development...India is one where half of population still sleep on Road
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The AP people be proud of Indian-who knows true or not,but it is not a matter which conern our Chinese,the crucial matter is AP people may welcome us since natural feelings (please don't correct me they are hostile ones)between us just like that ones among you people from whole sub continent,but your government and army do not let it happen.

Buddy if you really want people of Arunachal to respect China then you have to win their hearts and that can be done only when you can solve the Tibet problem first.

Right now people of Arunachal are scared of China because they know about how the Tibet issue is being handled and about the self Immolation's.

If China solves the Tibet issue then China will not only will the hearts of Tibetans but also Arunachalis till then none of them will be willing to join China.
The concept of freedom has no relevance to National integrity, like India will not allow AP citizens voting for which country they prefer to get along with. Do you understand me? freedom is restricted to a level under goverment control.
Indian prefer voting,they use it once in Sikkim and the result in favor of them,AP not a nation stand alone,so no voting to get a chance,only war can take out something, straight and efficient,no other way.
@peaceful ..not only 10-15 but the 20-25 years behind......they are just paper tiger...they talked about china..usa.....Missile. but they must need to talk about their hunger people..where almost 2 million children died in a year...

freemdom doent mean to travel one place to another..... freedom means peace & development...India is one where half of population still sleep on Road

Thirtha poverty cannot be removed in a year it takes time development from the grass root takes time.

Though you are happy pointing fingers at how we are poor what you are forgetting is years back we were poorer so we have improved with time.

And that improvement is important.
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Even if that is allowed people of Arunachal will vote to join India. One thing that people of China need to understand is that the people of Arunachal are free they choose India because they are scared of China and also how Tibet issue is being handled.

one day indian, always liar.

Read the following news reported by your own media and then ask a simple question to yourself: when they are crossing the border to live and work in China, how could you be so shameless and claim your crap?

Crossovers to China worry Arunachal - Hindustan Times

As political heat between India and China over Arunachal Pradesh ratchets up, the state is also facing the challenging task of stopping border exodus as an increasing number of residents migrate to China and other neighbouring states in search of livelihoods.

Over the years, the Chinese have developed good infrastructure on their side while border areas in India are still backward. Feeling neglected, residents here are looking for “greener pastures” across the border.

one day indian, always liar.

one day india, always liar.
Indian prefer voting,they use it once in Sikkim and the result in favor of them,AP not a nation stand alone,so no voting to get a chance,only war can take out something, straight and efficient,no other way.

With war u can only gain land but no hearts. Look at the self immolation's in Tibet.
@wanglaokan i guess your own country men gave u the answer for the question of plebiscite and how people will choose India.
my Chinese friends what you need to realize is that Arunachal is free and China has a chance only if it can win the hearts of the people not by Guns.
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one day indian, always liar.

Read the following news reported by your own media and then ask a simple question to yourself: when they are crossing the border to live and work in China, how could you be so shameless and claim your crap?

Crossovers to China worry Arunachal - Hindustan Times

one day indian, always liar.

one day india, always liar.

Yes i don't disagree with your point now consider this example.

Last year i had applied for a job in new york for which i got selected and had been there to earn better
than what i could if i was in India.
Now going by your logic dose that mean i want to be an American ? nope sorry

I went there only because the economic benefit was better and i could earn what i can earn i 2 years in India in 3 months in the US as simple as that.

now that dosent mean that i want to become an American.

People are moving because they can earn better and provide a better living to their family.

a quote from the link which u used

an increasing number of residents migrate to China and other neighbouring states in search of livelihoods.

they are moving not because they love China but because of the economic benefit, The same reason why most of us would work abroad so that we can make some extra buck for the family.

source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/India...to-China-worry-Arunachal/Article1-351058.aspx

PS: also the link is of 2008 (4 years back) Thanks to China the Indian government in center has woken up and has started a large number of Infrastructure and employment projects bringing development to the state of Arunachal.
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indians has freedom?

2 million children die every year
rapists can be found on every street

call this freedom? what a joke

I agree with you totally and even I want very strong laws when it comes to safety of women, education and health. But this has nothing to do communism and democracy. It depends on the mentality of leaders and citizens. It is proven that without a push nothing is achieved so at some level I do admire communism but not as a whole as communism can also be misused.
13% of world's poor in china and that too govt. figures. Military tech of 1980s ere and call j15 equal to f18sh:omghaha:
These people are a higher form of North Korea.

although we are not rich,most of the 13% poorest would be Middle class in some the country.and,1980s tech J15 equals to 1960-1970s tech f18?are you sure you are not highlight f18?
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