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India moves in more troops, stand-off with China escalates

China is provoking india. From what I heard they do this quite frequently which makes India look weak. Being assertive and showing a show of force is often enough to discourage an enemy.

You are right. We must trap them arrest them by avoiding causalities to defame and put pressure back on China!!

You always can release them as good will gesture after sending strong message.
This is a Chinese trap and we will fall right into it if we resort to bullets and bombs.

They have just created a tent our territory, we can create one on their territory too.

If we go back in history, such things keep happening every now and then. Bullets and bombs are not the solution.

And may I also add, India is militarily no match for CHina. Its better if this can get sorted out over the phone.

china thinks that they can repeat 1961 kind of thing yet again but today if anything like this ever happens china is surely gona win but it will have bruses all over the body
Bring in the whole army set camps and start patrolling the areas that India percieves its boundaries, meanwhile comletely isolating the Chinese camp from any reinforcement or resupply. Its a game of chess where you make your move and wait for your opponent's move.

China knows bloodshed is not an option an they themselves disturbed the status quo. Whole world is watching.
china thinks that they can repeat 1961 kind of thing yet again but today if anything like this ever happens china is surely gona win but it will have bruses all over the body

Lets hope the situation does not escalate and if it does, it will be bad for both countries but more bad for us.
Indian press and media are actually doing a good job bringing such incursions to Indian public's notice. It keeps people on edge which makes the government uncomfortable. Imagine if the news of incursion was not released would the GOI be proactive as it is now?
Rather than fighting with Pakistanis we should concentrate on China more. The problem is Chinese don't speak more but do it... But we the Sub Continent folks speak more than work. I think we should apply mind than strength in this case. War is the last option. Remember if a war breaks out it'll be nuclear and World War and in this age it will not only destroy India and China but the whole world.
I hope this gets sorted out via phone.

India will not be looking to get its economy destroyed not at this point
The Indian army has moved an infantry regiment specialising in mountain warfare to Ladakh’s Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector where the Chinese army has intruded into Indian territory and set up a tent post. The ITBP has also pitched a tent post just across from the one erected by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), after it intruded 10km inside Indian territory on April 15.

The Indian government is playing down the intrusion with external affairs minister Salman Khurshid saying flag meetings were being held, but sources in the ministry of defence revealed that the situation was tense.

The two sides are caught in a bitter face-off with the Chinese refusing to retreat, claiming the territory to be theirs. In a deep incursion, a platoon strength of the Chinese army, comprising 50 men have entrenched themselves in eastern Ladakh at a height of nearly 17,000 feet.

In the past too, the PLA has intruded into Indian territory across the line of actual control (LAC), not very well demarcated at many places.

In 2011, members of the PLA landed in Ladakh in a helicopter and broke a few bunkers before retreating but this is the first time the stand-off has continued for a week.

A senior defence ministry official confirmed to HT that the intrusions have increased over the past few months because India has moved its tanks into high-altitude areas of Ladakh and even deployed heavy armoury. Recently, India also reactivated the advanced landing ground (ALG) for troop replenishment.

“Our troops are patrolling the Chinese side of the LAC and have not trespassed the line,” China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said in Beijing, adding, “China is willing to solve the boundary question through peaceful negotiations.”

In Delhi, an effort is being made to contain the confrontation especially since the new Chinese President Xi Jinping is likely to visit India. For now, Delhi is working the phone lines – a line of communication agreed upon under the recently set up Mechanism on Coordination and Consultation on Border Affairs.

India moves in more troops, stand-off with China escalates - Hindustan Times

Indian Army should avoid messing with China it will not be a good idea at all
China is provoking india. From what I heard they do this quite frequently which makes India look weak. Being assertive and showing a show of force is often enough to discourage an enemy.

Border with china is not demarcated , perception of LAC on both sides are different hence such incidents happens and indian media makes hype about it

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