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China wishes to build it's Space Station with developing nations


Indian Space program is not headed by bereaucrats but scientists :omghaha:

And they have delivered what they said,moon mission mars mission etc are the proof of their capability.They are respected world wide,and are involved in developing much bigger launch vehicles,much bigger cryogenic and semicryogenic engines,much larger solid rocket boosters(we already have worlds third largest one),re usable launch vehicles,scramjet engines and the like.

If you are underestimating Indian scientists,try to understand the fact that Indian scientists were able to develop tokamaks and fast breeder reactors,back in the '80s.They were also able to develop very safe thorium reactors and thorium fuel cycle (India is generaly considered world leader in Thorium technology) and they were able to find Water on the surface of moon.

And when you are laughing at India,also do realise the fact that you have beena at the same level once.Let me tell you,Indian manned space mission is at advanced stage of development,they have made prototype orbiters,,which can be tested on existing launch vehicles like pslv,while gslv mk3 get ready....

Also the same old rants like 'Indian projects are always delayed' won't work....In recent years,Indian projects have stuck to their schedule-like shaurya missile,Ligh combat helicopter or Indian Mars Mission.

Indian Space program is not headed by bereaucrats but scientists :omghaha:

And they have delivered what they said,moon mission mars mission etc are the proof of their capability.They are respected world wide,and are involved in developing much bigger launch vehicles,much bigger cryogenic and semicryogenic engines,much larger solid rocket boosters(we already have worlds third largest one),re usable launch vehicles,scramjet engines and the like.

If you are underestimating Indian scientists,try to understand the fact that Indian scientists were able to develop tokamaks and fast breeder reactors,back in the '80s.They were also able to develop very safe thorium reactors and thorium fuel cycle (India is generaly considered world leader in Thorium technology) and they were able to find Water on the surface of moon.

And when you are laughing at India,also do realise the fact that you have beena at the same level once.Let me tell you,Indian manned space mission is at advanced stage of development,they have made prototype orbiters,,which can be tested on existing launch vehicles like pslv,while gslv mk3 get ready....

Also the same old rants like 'Indian projects are always delayed' won't work....In recent years,Indian projects have stuck to their schedule-like shaurya missile,Ligh combat helicopter or Indian Mars Mission.
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India currently do not have active plans to send man to space. So 2020 is unrealistic. India media first have to declare it and get people excited. this have not happened yet.

visit Indian space Capabilities thread,the payload for first flight of gslv mk3 is the prototype orbiter,also they are going to test crew module on pslv

Do not talk too much about space exploration-you once said "I would bracket India with Pakistan in space research" :omghaha:
He is talking about own rocket and vehicle.... :lol::lol:

come and visit Indian Space Capabilities thread instead of making grandiose statements about Indian.Space Capability.


atleast try googling your username once,to know where Pakistan stands today inspace sector......

So when will have your own rocket.

You seem quite optimistic sir
Will help you in the long term
One should always think positive

But a little question how do you plan to do this
I mean currently pakistan has not even a SLV
What you state is highly ambitious

Pakistan has plenty of rockets, a big variety of long range ballistic missiles, so building and launching space rockets is not a problem for my country (Low Earth Orbit is only between 160km to 2,000km). What Pakistan lacks is the base to manufacture its own satellites.

All that's needed is a steady flow of cash to the space agency and in a very short period of time, Pakistan can become a fully fledged space faring nation. It's just that no one cares about khilahi exploration in Pakistan, especially the Governments. The only time SUPARCO was given a lifeline in its entire history was during President Pervez Musharraf's military-rule.

However, as the telecommunications industry is growing rapidly in Pakistan, I am hopeful our Government's negative attitude will change towards a positive one in the coming years.
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From the Chinese point of view, if they are rational, it should not be an option.

It will not only ruin the Chinese space dream but will also threaten China's existence by arming its enemies.

Chinese can't reverse engineer a space station. Yes, China is rational, and she will opt joining hand with other developing nation to build it. There is no arm or enemy in the field of space.
Pakistan has plenty of rockets, a big variety of long range ballistic missiles, so building and launching space rockets is not a problem for my country (Low Earth Orbit is only between 160km to 2,000km). What Pakistan lacks is the base to manufacture its own satellites.

You had an SLV program,what happened to it?Launching a 50 kg satellite (what we did in the 1980s) is still a longway for Pakistan,and you are talking about a manned space mission
India cannot send a man into space. Manned space flight is the only thing that matters. Even Iran sent a monkey into space, which proves they are ahead of India. India proving its backwardness :lol:

True. Only sending a living thing into space makes it a spacefaring nation, anything less just does not cut it.

Japan has a huge space program, does anyone know? Europe sent a lander on the moon of Titan, does anyone care? However, Iran sent a monkey into space and it surprised the whole world.
Not exactly.

Traditionally, China is not a colonist or expansionist country. During Qing's Qianlong Emperor period, the king of the current Philippines, the Sulu Archipelago to send a messenger to Beijing land accounts presented to the Emperor of China Atlas, the requirement was incorporated into China, the Chinese emperor politely refused their requirements incorporated into the Chinese to show the country grace. He said China territory is all registered in history, not a inch less and not a inch more. This is the real history. Of course, I do not want to comment whether Qianlong emperor made a wise decision but it just showed that we are not those bloodsucking west colonist.

If you want another evidence, well, During Ming Empire's Zhenghe seven expeditions, he commanded world biggest and strongest fleet, well before columbus little ship, across south pacific and then india ocean to reach as far as Africa, passing most southeast Asia countries, india, arab countries as well. However, our only interest is trade, not conquer.

So if you believe a stronger China after 15 years or whatever years will become bomb-throwing countries like U.S., or U.K., you just do not understand China' history and her inheritance.

She views herself as the center of the world and does not think too much of outside. Of course, historically, that brings huge problems to China, e.g. close and old and as a result of that, we were invaded by those colonist countries with flood of opium...

Now China is smart enough to guard herself carefully.

I understand what your are saying but what you need to understand is the US is doing whats it is doing because it is in its national interests.

Similarly China will be forced to do it because it has to fulfill its national interests as resources grow scant countries will resort to use of power.

and all your comments indicate China has no expansionist intentions neither does the US they didn't go to war in Afghanistan to make it their 51st state did they? Things are no more about land.

Bottom line is all countries are the same when they come to power they use it gaurd their own interests.
Pakistan has plenty of rockets, a big variety of long range ballistic missiles, so building and launching space rockets is not a problem for my country (Low Earth Orbit is only between 160km to 2,000km). What Pakistan lacks is the base to manufacture its own satellites.

All that's needed is a steady flow of cash to the space agency and in a very short period of time, Pakistan can become a fully fledged space faring nation. It's just that no one cares about khilahi exploration in Pakistan, especially the Governments. The only time SUPARCO was given a lifeline in its entire history was during President Pervez Musharraf's military-rule.

However, as the telecommunications industry is growing rapidly in Pakistan, I am hopeful our Government's negative attitude will change towards a positive one in the coming years.

You can't use ballistic missiles to send satellites, :cheesy: you will need a proper rocket to send satellites.

What sour grape are you going to link? why not you claimed Russia sell us DF-31 ICBM tech so that they will be in the sphere of getting nuke from China? :lol:

Indian are desperate to discredit Chinese space effort. I know you all need to find a reason. The fact, India until now is just a mere space tourist in space manned effort is embarrassing. :lol:

you claimed as if Chinese technology is 100% native.

Looser ... You want to me insult your islam or god ?????

Why do you take it as an insult?

In one of the Apollo missions, the astronauts were given copy of Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem to take with them.
I just think that the Chinese leaders are aware of how some of China's neighbors are doing everything to nuke and obliterate China with the latest series of missiles (Agnis and Brahmos for example) so that China ceases to exist.

This is a military reality.

If if Chinese don't see this reality, then its fine, why should I care? If they go extinct, thats their problem, not mine. But I think they are not that stupid and so I made that comment.

I think a smart Chinese would stick to the concept of lone development because space is important in military. Chinese should not be too much emotional and excited at the initial progress, they should go steadily, even if with longer time, alone and alone. IMO.

Stop. India is not military threat to China and it is not considered to be a military threat.
Dude, the Indians will have a man on the moon by 2020!
Then with their newly acquired 'moon power' they will have white slaves by 2030!

Indian Plan goes as follows:

1) Set goal and talk a lot about it. Ie Indian on moon by 2020, White slaves by 2030.

2) ?

3) year 2020 moon mission success!

4) ?

5) 2030 Alright! We are now super powah with white slaves!

Only Indians have such powah, we poor Chinese can only watch with envy.

As they say in India: When fail, set new timeline.

Indians will be coming to forums in the 22nd century reciting the same old lines about how India will send a manned Moon mission no later than 2250, or that India will surpass Japan in a few decades, or that India is about to become a superpower.

This will go on, ad infinitum, I suspect, until some Indian politician gets delusions of grandeur and fights to take back some "ancient territory", followed by the summary annihilation of most of the Indian people.
You mean ask a Indian to be a space tourist onboard another country carrier? :lol: stop trying to act stupid. That is far from putting a man into space. And testing orbital is far from going to manned mission. Where is the re entry capsule and carrier rocket? If that has not happen, it will definitely take Indian more than 10 years to really put a man into space. 10 years? That is not fast.

no wonder why PDF's standard is going down.simple example...China tried to send orbital to mars,but on Russia's Phobes Grant.so...as China is using Russian rocket,that means China is putting "space KB-10 camera" on Russian space craft.what a logic... :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You mean ask a Indian to be a space tourist onboard another country carrier? :lol: stop trying to act stupid. That is far from putting a man into space. And testing orbital is far from going to manned mission. Where is the re entry capsule and carrier rocket? If that has not happen, it will definitely take Indian more than 10 years to really put a man into space. 10 years? That is not fast.

no wonder why PDF's standard is going down.simple example...China tried to send orbital to mars,but on Russia's Phobes Grant.so...as China is using Russian rocket,that means China is putting "space KB-10 camera" on Russian space craft.so,that mission doesn't count,right???what a logic... :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
India put man into space as far back as 1984...and we have tested our first space orbital in 2009.

how? in your own spacecraft and technology? Or the guy was just a passenger?

no wonder why PDF's standard is going down.simple example...China tried to send orbital to mars,but on Russia's Phobes Grant.so...as China is using Russian rocket,that means China is putting "space KB-10 camera" on Russian space craft.what a logic... :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

we didnt claim "China is sending our explorer to mars on our rocket" or "China put explorer to Mars period"!

you are trying to mislead and not thinking with logic!
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