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China will provide six patrol ships to Pakistan for CPEC protection


This would be an ideal patrol ship enough fire power to command attention but not over the board

Stealthy design and necessary weapons to deal with intruders

China aj ker her cheez main 6 ka Tadka laga raha hai ....aek sath 6+
Too complex for you to understand? let me clarify this for you as I do for my plant pot, "Provide" here does not mean free, correct word should be "Supply" or "Sell', now sit on an ice pack for 10 minutes to relieve the pain. LOL

I wanted to use some Burnol, but you guys have finished it all by applying it in huge dollops! :laughcry:

Selling one's soul and sovereignty doesn't amount to 'national interest'! :azn:
Of course the Chinese would! After all it's not about Pakistan. It's about protecting China's port at Gwadar which has been leased out to them by Pakistan for 40 years. So the port effectively belongs to China and thus the need to protect it and the assets therein.
Of course the Chinese would! After all it's not about Pakistan. It's about protecting China's port at Gwadar which has been leased out to them by Pakistan for 40 years. So the port effectively belongs to China and thus the need to protect it and the assets therein.

Tum logon ko khula kon chor deta hai? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Type 56 is a formidable platform.

exactly .. when Rashid sahab mentioned it , i checked it on Internet for its details , it seem very nice for Patrolling .. indeed a good Choice .... now lets wait till they share details of the modification they would like to do ..
exactly .. when Rashid sahab mentioned it , i checked it on Internet for its details , it seem very nice for Patrolling .. indeed a good Choice .... now lets wait till they share details of the modification they would like to do ..
Most likely these ones are coming

China building coastguard ship based on Type 056 corvette hull
Andrew Tate, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
25 November 2014

Images have appeared online showing a CCG ship that is based on the Type 056 corvette in PLAN service. Source: Chinese internet
Photographs have appeared on Chinese military websites of a China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel under construction at the Huangpu shipyard in Guangzhou, southern China, with a hull form that appears to be derived from the Type 056 Jiangdao corvette.

The Huangpu shipyard has built five of the 17 Type 056 corvettes that have been commissioned into the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) since February 2013 and has also built a number of coastguard vessels.

The Type 056 hull is 90 m long and in naval guise displaces around 1,500 tonnes. However, the coastguard vessel will not have the 76 mm gun, anti-ship, and short-range surface-to-air missiles or other weapon systems so is likely to displace less.

Images have appeared online showing a CCG ship that is based on the Type 056 corvette in PLAN service. (Chinese internet)

Propulsion is derived from diesel engines, and a top speed of around 25 kt is anticipated. While the hull form is the same as that of the Type 056, there are significant changes to the superstructure. The bridge and main mast have been moved aft and a raised platform constructed in front of the bridge, the function of which is not yet clear. It appears that the flight deck has been retained that is capable of operating a Z-9-size helicopter, although neither the coastguard vessel nor the Type 056 corvette are equipped with a hangar. Large davits have been installed forward of the flight deck on both port and starboard sides that will be capable of deploying rigid inflatable or other sea boats for boarding parties.

China building coastguard ship based on Type 056 corvette hull - IHS Jane's 360
aren't they too big for coast guards? and why so cheaper, does weapons on type 056 are that expensive?
Not quite. China fights for China and China will defend its own property, never mind that is pakistani soil. China is not for rent.

You are almost right. A correction is that China is not just defending its property but also its interest. Would you agree? So unfortunate for india that Chinese interest is in-line with Pakistan's interests and Gawadar is one of them. So while you are welcome to develop crams, it is a WIN-WIN for China and Pakistan.

But that was another interesting aspect that you being an indian thought you would represent China's doctrine better than Chinese are able to do. Good on you.
They probably would maintain their Anti Submarine Capabilities but not other weaponry. Thats why the price is so cheap.
When did the Navy confirm this..?
I don't think so.

I think the members are confused. The Navy has been repeatedly for the last few years stated that some kind on Submarines are going to be inducted. Two or so years back there was a buzz in the Navy that the submarine deal is done and PN would be making it so that was interpreted as to be a Pakistani made nuclear sub... This is nothing new.

China aj ker her cheez main 6 ka Tadka laga raha hai ....aek sath 6+

6 is a lucky number for Pakistan. For China it is 8
Future of Pakistan looks very bright both militarily and economically. The Pakistan navy is finally being given the attention it deserves. Terrorism is being weeded out of the country. Cities are becoming safer by the day. The CPEC will hopefully improve the national GDP and increase buying power. Lifting of sanctions on Iran will allow import of oil and natural gas which may cushion the electricity crisis. Pakistan has finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel, lets hope our politicians don't have other plans.
China will provide six patrol ships to Pakistan for CPEC protection


China will provide six patrol ships to Pakistan for CPEC protection
China will provide six patrol ships to Pakistan for CPEC protection

The agreement was signed between China Ship Trading Company (CSTC) and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) during a ceremony at Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) in Islamabad yesterday


According to the agreement, four ships will be constructed in China with the remaining two will be built at Karachi’s Shipyard and Engineering Works under Transfer of Technology.

Last year, the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) approved eight development projects worth Rs157 billion, including two signature projects of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-N – first phase of Pakistan-China Economic Corridor (PCEC)

The committee had also approved Rs13.87bn for procurement of six maritime patrol vessels for Pakistan Maritime Security Agency.


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