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China will provide six patrol ships to Pakistan for CPEC protection

Even I doubt that it. But @Beast is no fanboy. @Beast how can you say Pakistan would be buying 6 type 056 corvette for $130 million+.

I personally think it could be type 022 missile/patrol boats. China uses them in massive numbers to patrol its coast, it would make sense we get those.
Plus they fit in the given budget.


Of course the Chinese would! After all it's not about Pakistan. It's about protecting China's port at Gwadar which has been leased out to them by Pakistan for 40 years. So the port effectively belongs to China and thus the need to protect it and the assets therein.
jaal jai burnol lgao cut jaie burnol lgao

sir did pakistan ha
Please specify what you mean by nuclear sub?
One carrying nuclear warheads or one powered by nuclear reactor?
s submarine that can fire nuclear missile????
6 patrol boats for 130 million USD, it will be not more than 300 tons at best and very lightly armed.
I personally think it could be type 022 missile/patrol boats. China uses them in massive numbers to patrol its coast, it would make sense we get those.
Plus they fit in the given budget.


yes for $130 Million these 6 boats can easily arrive to guard the Makran coast. And for the Sindh coast there will be a total of 6 Azmat FAC. Now we have 2 and thirds under construction. But there will be soon 3 more.....
I personally think it could be type 022 missile/patrol boats. China uses them in massive numbers to patrol its coast, it would make sense we get those.
Plus they fit in the given budget.



In that case we should reduce the number of ships and should go for type 056.
type of ships

are they type-056 or any other
Cant be 022 as they are 220 tons and the ship is roughly 560 tonnes. I think it is most likely stripped down azmat class which would be that price in stripped down condition. Include off sets for local production and the price comes down.I have previously mistakenly mentioned. 056 which is much bigger so therefore unlikely to be chosen. Although on a different note I would like to see 056 eventually in PN this is a separate discussion.
Just ignore these creatures.....
Are you people sure that 6 ships are actually Type 056 Corvette. For me if true than I hope Pakistan actually buys 8 not 6 they will be really big boos to our Navy along with with 8 F-22 P Frigates
Are you people sure that 6 ships are actually Type 056 Corvette. For me if true than I hope Pakistan actually buys 8 not 6 they will be really big boos to our Navy along with with 8 F-22 P Frigates

No I am not sure. The details are not yet released.
But the demand and approval is for 6 vessels.
Those people going crazy on price and saying price suggests it's not Type 056 should know we are offering China CPEC which would make sure China earns billions and billions of dollars so Guys we would get weapons at really low costs than other countries

No I am not sure. The details are not yet released.
But the demand and approval is for 6 vessels.
Well if we can manage to get 6 or better if 8 Type 056 Corvettes than it would be massive boost to our Navy along with 8 Type-056 Corvettes. So good going
Those people going crazy on price and saying price suggests it's not Type 056 should know we are offering China CPEC which would make sure China earns billions and billions of dollars so Guys we would get weapons at really low costs than other countries

Well if we can manage to get 6 or better if 8 Type 056 Corvettes than it would be massive boost to our Navy along with 8 Type-056 Corvettes. So good going

These vessels will be used for MSA and will not have Anti-Ship missiles and neither AAM's.
Keep this in mind, that they are not being bought for the Navy, so probably they won't have the weapon/sensor suite as per a Navy Missile Corvette.

Primarily activities of PMSA are directed towards ensuring protection of resources of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Search & Rescue (SAR) operations in the area allocated by International Maritime Organization (IMO), Disaster Management at Sea, protection of Marine Environment, ensuring safety and protecting our fishermen and regulating deep sea fishing activities. Besides this, PMSA has made enormous contribution in preventing smuggling and drug trafficking through sea.
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