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China welcomes possible peace agreement with Taiwan

---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------


It seems their laughing with us our influence has is very strong however Vietnam is free to try to seize OUR Islands.

Yes, Vietnam freely seized Islandes from long time in the past be course they belong to Vietnam.
S10 said:
You really think we'd let your tiny island garrison threaten our airfield in times of war? Your only chance to score hits is if you decide to pull an sneak attack, though either way your forces will be wiped clean in the end. We have an assortment of mobile strike assets at our disposal. You have your obsolete navy with a few tiny islands that can be individually wiped out with a 500kg bomb.
you wipe out our forces, we will use ballistic missile Scud-D- Shaddock to wipe out you back, all islands will be destroyed, and that means you ahve No more chance to stay in SCS(east sea) any more :P
S10 said:
Does Japan still hold Beijing? Do you still hold that island we booted you off of in 1988? I know China holds several strategic areas captured from you, as well as the island. Enjoy your "victory".
But our conflict in SCS(east sea)haven't end yet, and we will build more man made islands to overwhelm you soon. And don't forget that our brave soldiers didn't fire back in that battle :sick:
S10 said:
If ignorance can be used as a weapon, little Viets would be the world's strongest superpower. Unfortunately, ignorance in military matters is a weakness. A weakness that you place your pride in.
You're weak in SCS(east sea), not us, Phil ramed and captured your fishing boats, and what can you do to retaliate united ASEAN untill now ??Nothing , bro :P
some chink guys are grow up by feeding with the milk made in China are poisoned with Melamine as reported China media recently, therefore you have something wrong in brain, maybe mentally ill.

Post reported
Good to hear that China and Taiwan are going for peace deals and enhancing mutual cooporation....:smokin:
70% Hoklo
14% Hakka
14% Waishengren[4]
2% Taiwanese aborigines[5]

and they are independent from mainland from ancient time until to 1683.

RFI - Thousands protest at closer China ties

Manchuria was big nation, they couldn't disappeared so quickly.

North and South Vietnamese, we are same ethnicity, Jingzu. We have been reunified 1975, i's means dirty politic of US and China was collapsed. We don't like our soil one more time to be get wet by invader's blood.

Tell you what: your VN has too many fools, in and out of VN.

Hoklo and Hakka are branches of Han Chinese:
The Hoklo people (endonym Hok-ló, Hō-ló, or Ho̍h-ló) are Han people whose traditional Ancestral homes are in southern Fujian of South China.

Hoklo people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hakka (Hakka: Hak-kâ; Chinese: 客家; pinyin: Kèjiā), sometimes Hakka Han,[1][3] are Han Chinese who speak the Hakka language and have links to the provincial areas of Guangdong, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan and Fujian in China.

Hakka people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Waishengren are "out of (taiwan) province people", they are also Han. Thus, Taiwan is composed of 98% Han.

Quess what? Given your huge population of fools in VN, you are hopeless in against China, irrespective of whether US will help you or not.

You appear to be on your no-return road of self-destruction.
The World need a leader. And a great nation should take this valuable role for the development of the whole mankind. That is true.

However no matter how big and powerful China is, she would not and will not to be able to that leading role. You know why ? Because of such suck thinking like you. You need to learn more and more, enrich your heart more and more to be a great nation, ortherwise a big-evil power will soon appear, then human being again have to spend much lifes,money and time to fix the mistake..and slow down the development of the earth...you know what I mean

Show off your spineless slavery mentality!

Why can’t you lead yourself, but to rely on a “world leader”?

Sure, the “world leader” in your imagination is USA. But a brain-deficient you know that USA is living on borrowing from China?

Yeah, I know the wimpy power of your brain denies that fact! In fact, your brain denies any “enrichment”. :lol:

That is why you have a huge population base of fool. Some of you believe Hoklo and Hakka in Taiwan are not Han. :lol: Some of you believe Vietnam should be led by a world leader not Vietnamese themselves. :lol:

And even you don’t know what you mean, why a fool like you demand other people to know what you mean? :rofl:

In fact, nobody cares what you mean.

Let Taiwanese say about them.

Millions of Vietnamese People have been *watching video clip made by PLA 1988, how robbers killing brutally our worker sailors,who working in our territory with out waffens.

In fact, more than just millions of Vietnamese watch the movie. Billions of others are also watching the movie.

The lesson you have to learn from the movie is that regardless of whatever, if you want to be hegemony over South China Sea, to invade China’s territory, you will be swatted to death like a cockroach.

Watch the movie once more. Learn it, and behave – this is a fatherly advice from me.
Oh , I think I'm the one who enlighten you about China-VN history. You didn't know your ancestors were our slave too untill a I told you :lol: you poor brain washed CHinese must learn more if you wanna discuss about history with us :P
We don't need to do it, your ancestors fled to VN to beg for protection during Mongol-Manchur invasion , of course, we treated them as slave, call them 'boat men' to discriminate with native VNese :P

hehe, whatever . but Great power can not compete with VN in SCS(east sea):lol:

You are nobody compared with some S. Koreans.

According to them, the people of the whole world were once their slaves. Even Jesus was a Korean. Your NV is nothing but a part of Korea.

So, go and learn from S. Korea to make yourself more impressive.

Show off your spineless slavery mentality!

Why can’t you lead yourself, but to rely on a “world leader”?

Sure, the “world leader” in your imagination is USA. But a brain-deficient you know that USA is living on borrowing from China?
World leader must be UNSC , if CHina-Taiwan want to lead yourself, then withdraw of UNSC and live with your own rule , and don't beg for Japan ODA any more :whistle:
You are nobody compared with some S. Koreans.

According to them, the people of the whole world were once their slaves. Even Jesus was a Korean. Your NV is nothing but a part of Korea.

So, go and learn from S. Korea to make yourself more impressive.



The thing is Vietnam never compare to any countries in this World, and the fact is if anyone Unwelcome entering to Vietnam will get kicks out.

Whatever the World or ppl think, thought Vietnam this and that, we [Vietnamese] does not give a S and Vietnam only focusing to do business and rebuilt a country starting from ground zero.

The rest VN should careless.

Congrats to China and Taiwain.
Oh , I think I'm the one who enlighten you about China-VN history. You didn't know your ancestors were our slave too untill a I told you :lol: you poor brain washed CHinese must learn more if you wanna discuss about history with us :P

Come and look!!!!, this is what we called--stup1d&Crazy!!!
I start to love little Viets, cause they bring fun.
Come and look!!!!, this is what we called--stup1d&Crazy!!!
I start to love little Viets, cause they bring fun.

When you called and named Vietnam are little Viets that tell me you have no brain, or you have it but you just don't know how to use it.

Just because you Chinese always think Vietnamese are second class of people China has been paid off whatever Chinese ppl thought by 6 countries invaded not for long ago and how many times China armies got wiped out from Vietnam?
When you called and named Vietnam are little Viets that tell me you have no brain, or you have it but you just don't know how to use it.

Just because you Chinese always think Vietnamese are second class of people China has been paid off whatever Chinese ppl thought by 6 countries invaded not for long ago and how many times China armies got wiped out from Vietnam?

Hahaha you viets have so much brain what you doing in this thread which has nothing to do with vietnam?
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