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China welcomes possible peace agreement with Taiwan

Sorry , we co operate with North Korean upgrade to Scud-D and reduce CEP to 500m already.

Scud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
now CEP only be 500m.enough to blow up Atuba island ilegaly occupied by Taiwan:D
That's simply some unconfirmed rumour. Even if the CEP is 500, you'd be hard pressed to precisely hit military installations, especially fortified positions. Also, in case of hostility, PATRIOT missiles can be deployed by Taiwan on the island, and HHQ-9 missile by China also has ABM capability. We're not worried.

You tried to take 2 more islands, shot our cargo ship also and we had to fight back that time, as you can see on the clip, we didn't fight back on lost atoll .
The clip clearly showed that little Viets fired first, then got sunk when we retaliated.

1. Then we sue you to international course
2. Phil ramped and arrested your fishing boat too
4. Your air forces is a huge load of crap , your pilot dare not fly during conflict from 1979-1988 we Humiliated PLAAF for so long time already, you just make a hilarious rumor to make your self happy :P
So far, you failed to sue us. Even if you do, we can veto it. Our presence in SCS are getting stronger every year, which is why you and Philippines are bitching. If our air force is crap and humiliated your best platforms, that does that say about you? Crap of all crap?

I just said: the world need a leader and it must be UNSC, you can veto whatever you want to VN, we don't care :P.

You have too much money ? Do you know that your best friend complain that you won't give her a dime ??and Chinese here answer : China still have so many poor CHinese to take care of ??
Who complain we didn't give them a dime? Vietnam is bitching because you're dirt poor? Here is a hint, any good government takes care of its people first, not that you know anything about good governance.
are you that desperate to compare some cases of food poisioning to thousand of napalm bombs droped by america killing million of viets haha ha you viets stupidity has no limit.

In Vietnam war, US is our enemy, orange materials are also effected US soldiers and their children became same victims of war. US gov admitted his failure and given money to clean where it has been used.
Melamine has been used in China for long time to get profit. How the kids could grow up and lead normal live to day.
I still don't understand why would viet jump into the middle of the Straight? Do you like swim very much?
S10 said:
That's simply some unconfirmed rumour. Even if the CEP is 500, you'd be hard pressed to precisely hit military installations, especially fortified positions. Also, in case of hostility, PATRIOT missiles can be deployed by Taiwan on the island, and HHQ-9 missile by China also has ABM capability. We're not worried.
Some member here said :we must stop arguing, but if you don't wanna stop, so Oki, I will kindly reply all :D

ou think Atuba has stronger defence system than Japan ?/remeber even Japan also so scare of Sud-D, bro and What what can you do with PATRIOT and HHQ-9 ??level Ha Noi ??Oh , no problem, we still win bcz we will shoot down all of CHina-Taiwan cargo ship, and Taiwan will die in 1 week bcz of short of oil and supply :P.
S10 said:
The clip clearly showed that little Viets fired first, then got sunk when we retaliated.
from which second we fired back to you ??or only your PLAN keep firing like mad and barbarian dispite of the law of prison of war ??
S10 said:
So far, you failed to sue us. Even if you do, we can veto it. Our presence in SCS are getting stronger every year, which is why you and Philippines are bitching. If our air force is crap and humiliated your best platforms, that does that say about you? Crap of all crap?
When your present getting stronger ??can you take some more islands form ASEAN ??

for the jamming incident, it's just simply a rumor only, who said you can jam our fighter means you can Win ??see USAF and learn the lesson , bro :P. People only see we humiliate PLAAF from 1979- 1988 :P.
S10 said:
Who complain we didn't give them a dime? Vietnam is bitching because you're dirt poor? Here is a hint, any good government takes care of its people first, not that you know anything about good governance
SO finnaly, does CHina have so many poor and has to beg for Japan ODA to survive or not ?? I will give the link CHinese refused to give a dime to her best friend after that ^^.
oct605032048 said:
I still don't understand why would viet jump into the middle of the Straight? Do you like swim very much?
I wanna stop already, but your friend S10 don't .

btw: Taiwan took our Atuba island , so we may have a little problem with Taiwan too :D
You guys indeed like to swim in the middle of sea.
Oki, so this is my last post in this thread :cheers:

good luck for Taiwan -CHina relationship , but it seems that Japan-US will not happy with it, so you guys have to maintain separated like poor Korea :cool:

Unify your self first before thinking about ASEAN sea territories
In Vietnam war, US is our enemy, orange materials are also effected US soldiers and their children became same victims of war. US gov admitted his failure and given money to clean where it has been used.
Melamine has been used in China for long time to get profit. How the kids could grow up and lead normal live to day.

Lol this show your level of inteligent , how retard of u making comparision of few americans contaminated by orange with million of viets. then again may be you are right your useless country making you feel worthless compare to any other nation. your arguement suggests 1 american life is definitely worth more than 10000 cheap viets life .
Lol this show your level of inteligent , how retard of u making comparision of few americans contaminated by orange with million of viets. then again may be you are right your useless country making you feel worthless compare to any other nation. your arguement suggests 1 american life is definitely worth more than 10000 cheap viets life .

You don't have moral right to talking about Vietnamese are lost their live to protect Independence and freedom of Homeland.
How many innocent Vietnamese are killed by Chinese PLA murder 1979 ?
How many innocent People in China and Cambodia were killed by VN army? Countless.
As said by Deng to Carter, "Children who don't listen have to be spanked."

You are liar.
Deng is liar to Carter to beg him to get permission from US to attack Vietnam. Deng is given order to kill innocent Chinese student by Tienanmen's massacre. His children to day is US citizen. I wander about how do normal Chinese think about.
I don't think they are innocent seeing what they've done all these years.

And it is some times naive to judge the decision made at certain historical point. Say if the youth were able to seize power in 89, would they spare the old ones' (like Deng) lives? How were they going to assign the political power? How could they manage the country?

About Deng's children in US, maybe they got a shot for the presidency.
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