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China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

Hehe, so every nations have to knee down to CHina, right, but I wonder how can CHina take back Taiwan when CHina have inferior navy and no guts to face with mighty US also ??

No, no one have to kneel to China. I just did not like the way he post his reply. like "We will destory any Chinese ships" !!!

Now, to your question. China does not have a weak navy, even in the world, it has a respectble NAVY. China currently has 8 052C that is on par with the US AEGIS destoryer and is building 5 per year! The currently Chinese navy is already on par with Japanese Navy, even though still lag the USN for a large margin. However, China is also building 2 carriers, and already have one the Varyag!!

China also have many modern Nuclear attack subs (7+ 093 and 5+ 091) plus a huge amount (50+) of advanced dissile subs( 25 Song class, 10 Yuan class, 3 Qing Class, and 12 Kilo). Along with fighter aircraft support(JH-7A, SU-30MKK2) . The most important weapon China have against US navy is the DF-21D ASBM!!!

In 7 years from now, Chin will have 3 carrier battle groups and over 30 AGEIS destroyers plus a huge amount of advanced nuclear attack subs and dissle subs. By then J-20 will be ready too in good numbers(60+). Then China can really CRUSH Taiwan in hours(Less than 100 hours)!!!

And at last for your amusing sentence:" China has no guts facing mighty US."

Answer: We already faced the US, in 1950, while PRC is just 1 year old with vintage WWII weapons, China face not only super power USA armed with NUKES, plus the NATO, and what happen?? They pin the well equibed US and NATO force in little Korea for over 3 years and mondern day North Korea is the PRODUCT of that WAR!!! I suggest you check some history befor you come up with some thing funny!

Also, dont forget to mention your contry Vietnam too is a creation of China's support. Without it you Vietnames will still be fighting and killing each others!!
No, no one have to kneel to China. I just did not like the way he post his reply. like "We will destory any Chinese ships" !!!

Now, to your question. China does not have a weak navy, even in the world, it has a respectble NAVY. China currently has 8 052C that is on par with the US AEGIS destoryer and is building 5 per year!. China is also building 2 carriers, and already have one the Varyag!!

China also have many modern Nuclear attack subs plus a huge amount (50+) of advanced dissile subs. Along with fifgter support. The most important weapon China have against US navy is the DF-21D ASBM!!!

In 7 years from now, Chin will have 3 carrier battle groups and over 20 AGEIS destroyers plus a huge amount of advanced nuclear attack subs. By then J-20 will be ready too in good numbers(60+). Then China can really CRUSH Taiwan in hours(Less than 100 hours)!!!
Then China can really CRUSH Taiwan in hours(Less than 100 hours
But can CHina send stroop to defence Taiwan after that ??US senven fleet will do Nothing when CHina attack Taiwan ??
No, no one have to kneel to China. I just did not like the way he post his reply. like "We will destory any Chinese ships" !!!

Now, to your question. China does not have a weak navy, even in the world, it has a respectble NAVY. China currently has 8 052C that is on par with the US AEGIS destoryer and is building 5 per year! The currently Chinese navy is already on par with Japanese Navy, even though still lag the USN for a large margin. However, China is also building 2 carriers, and already have one the Varyag!!

China also have many modern Nuclear attack subs (7+ 093 and 5+ 091) plus a huge amount (50+) of advanced dissile subs( 25 Song class, 10 Yuan class, 3 Qing Class, and 12 Kilo). Along with fighter aircraft support(JH-7A, SU-30MKK2) . The most important weapon China have against US navy is the DF-21D ASBM!!!

In 7 years from now, Chin will have 3 carrier battle groups and over 30 AGEIS destroyers plus a huge amount of advanced nuclear attack subs and dissle subs. By then J-20 will be ready too in good numbers(60+). Then China can really CRUSH Taiwan in hours(Less than 100 hours)!!!

And at last for your amusing sentence:" China has no guts facing mighty US."

Answer: We already faced the US, in 1950, while PRC is just 1 year old with vintage WWII weapons, China face not only super power USA armed with NUKES, plus the NATO, and what happen?? They pin the well equibed US and NATO force in little Korea for over 3 years and mondern day North Korea is the PRODUCT of that WAR!!! I suggest you check some history befor you come up with some thing funny!

Also, dont forget to mention your contry Vietnam too is a creation of China's support. Without it you Vietnames will still be fighting and killing each others!!

Actually South Korea is the product of that war, a very prosperous democratic society which China actively sought to destroy in the Korean War. The US defended it from both the NorKs and the Chinese, thus accomplishing our objective. China safeguarded North Korea, a vile military state regime which starves its own people and destabilizes the peninsula with its terror attacks, attempted assasinations, needless provacations, etc., which lead to China acheiving its own objective. Basically both sides achieved their primary objective, but failed in any secondary objective (reunification of Korea for US, Pushing out the Americans from the Peninsula by China and unification of Korea under a communist regime).
Good, because if US does, US will lose up to 10 aircraft carriers in that sector!! Most likely DF-21D

China would lose the Spratleys, and by association any other claims in the SCS.

DF-21d isn't a wonder weapon. that wins the war on its own. What's it matter how effective it is if China can't project force into the area?
But can CHina send stroop to defence Taiwan after that ??US senven fleet will do Nothing when CHina attack Taiwan ??

Already China is totally shaken up with mere naval exercises between the US and the Philippines and later with Vietnam.

“It’s not a proper time for the United States to conduct military drills in the region with the Philippines and Vietnam,” said Gen. Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the People’s Liberation Army during a news briefing with Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…….

“The timing of these joint exercises is inappropriate as we see it,” Gen. Chen said. “If the United States truly wants peace and stability in the region, it should adjust the schedule of its military drills.”
China's top general calls U.S. naval exercises inappropriate - Washington Times

And Adm Mike Mullen said this

Earlier, Adm. Mullen told reporters that he is concerned that ongoing incidents and growing tensions in the South China Sea will trigger a “miscalculation, and an outbreak that no one anticipated, and we should seek to avoid that under all circumstances.”

That should be adequate an indication of the US resolve.

And then General Chen said the same thing that you find all Chinese posters also use - "If the U.S. could reduce its military spending a bit and spend more on improving the livelihood of the American people … wouldn't that be a better scenario?"


This is form the People Daily of China

Parroting the official Chinese party line that has been ingrained in every Chinese mind ?

They call the Vietnamese 50 cents!! :eek:
China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

Before lecturing anyone, they should check how they took Shaksgam Valley from Pakistan.

And Pakistan is supposed to be a great ally of China!

For their own interest, they spare none!
u might have a case when u stop building ports at pakistan and srilanka
u might have a case when u stop building ports at pakistan and srilanka

How is China's presence around Indian Ocean have anything to do with US China relationship? Do not think that everything US or China do is related to India. India plays a minor role to the US/China relationship. The main conflict is Taiwan and Trade. And then the Korean Peninsular and maybe Iran.
How is China's presence around Indian Ocean have anything to do with US China relationship? Do not think that everything US or China do is related to India. India plays a minor role to the US/China relationship. The main conflict is Taiwan and Trade. And then the Korean Peninsular and maybe Iran.

How brilliant a thought!

What is China's problem in the South China Sea with the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysian and every other Navy that uses the said sea?

Personally, I don't think that Chinese in the Indian Ocean is a big deal since it actually is not so,(what is a few ships and fishing trawler illegally fishing!) but the US does not think so.

I also have no qualms if China captures Taiwan. It is US who feels that is wrong!
How brilliant a thought!

What is China's problem in the South China Sea with the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysian and every other Navy that uses the said sea?

Personally, I don't think that Chinese in the Indian Ocean is a big deal since it actually is not so,(what is a few ships and fishing trawler illegally fishing!) but the US does not think so.

I also have no qualms if China captures Taiwan. It is US who feels that is wrong!

I think people in India is obsess with winning a war against China and take over Pakistan at the same time. Many Indians look at any relationship of Pakistan and China through the Indian's involvement.

For example, if China have a conflict with Japan or Taiwan, some, but not most, Indians here would talk about sending troops or sell whatever high tech weaponry to these countries. A few even talking about station troops in Taiwan or Japan. Does most Indians realize that these proposal are very preposterous. Most East Asians know that India is a very backward nation that would need assistance from the US in the case of a conflict with China, just like most East Asian countries. When China recently had a conflict with Vietnam, how many Taiwanese do you see talking about sending troops to Vietnam to help Vietnam counter China? I'm certainly there are none. Indians should have a proper measure of itself and realize that it need American protection before it can protect other.

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