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China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

There is also a famous phrase called "Speak softly and carry a big stick". It seems that someone remembers the big stick but forgot all about the speaking softly part.

You only focus on how big the stick is but you have forgotten that "Every stick has two ends."
You come here with your head already made up, don't you? From your thinking, I can clearly see that you are a china-basher!

So, you are the MIND-READER that you can read my thinking. Please enlighten me that how do I think of you as I wrote this sentence? :laugh:
Well, China hold a lot of your bonds. They can sold your bond, and support EURO currency to be more main stream currency than US $. That woundn't kill anyone but obviously make you pain.

EURO!? European Union has its own problem with many countries in the verge of bankruptcy, thus who would want to buy US bonds from China? :laugh:
China's claim over the area is older than McCain's country. No wonder he would say stuff like "unsubstantiated territorial claims".

Neither China nor Vietnam give a damn about those islands when US was Independent back in 1776, if not now those area is rich with natural resources. Therefore, your comparison and comment are invalid from the discussion. :azn:
I've heard a lot about boycotting Chinese made goods. This is helpful for both China and the U.S. since it will reduce pollution in China as well as help the U.S. economy become more important. Yet people continues to purchase vast amounts of stuff from China? Why is that the case. China is not forcing the U.S.

There is a time for everything and we will be just IN TIME, you'll see!
One more thing. You have conveniently ignored the fact that the various South East Asian nations have conflicts over the Islands themselves. Would that be the case if they followed the laws of the Sea, as you implied?

We do not imply that there is no conflicts among the various South East Asian nations - but China is the one with aggressive behavior about the unsubstantiated territorial claims, however!
as much it chafes your cheek I have always stated multiple times here I'm an American citizen, speaking as one w/ Indian heritage. I also advise Vietnam here, PH here to not bow down to china- per Chinese logic that makes me their citizen too? ...

While it is for sure that VN's or Ph's want to hijack USA for their own interest, USA however can also utilize VN and PH to achieve its own goal.

It is hard to see who will laugh last.

US politicians are fully aware of that: US would only venture to take military action is that a) it is in US national interest; b) US can afford to take the risk.

Strongly doubt US would take military action against China, unless the White House and the interest groups behind forget Iran, Korea, WoE, etc. in addition to huge economic stakes that US has on China.

BTW, I'm always interested in watching Spratly dispute is a pain in Indian a$$, and wondering if it is in India's national interest to fatten its a$$ to thousands of miles ...
Leaving the rest of your malarkey aside, China has the right to 'warn' anyone, just like Iran does. The response - who cares!

The real question here is whether China is able to carry out that threat or warning. And obviously, it cannot. Amassing military hardware, stealing technology and copying it, suppressing human rights, bullying surrounding countries and encroaching upon territorial claims doesnt make one a superpower.

China is not a supper power, but its moving towards it faster than those who can't copy, much less paste; have 2 million children starved to death yearly with enormous illiteracy as their human right record; bullying and encroaching territories of Nepal, Pakistan, BD those smaller countries.

No sir, one needs vision to be a superpower and lead countries, and frankly China has none. Want an example? Take Pakistan. What has China's association with Pakistan done for it? On the contrary, the country has gone from bad to worse!!


The more you Indian whines about Pakistan, the more we feel China has the vision: a right and great vision. :lol:

With the help of China, Pakistan goes from good to better. Yeah, we, including you, all know it's the pain in your a$$, and that's precise a leading power's vision.
When was the last time china puts out such news- your premise is that there is no racist gangs in china period. do a google search of " Chinese racist gangs in china" or variations of it and you won't find anything! - does that make the rest of the world believe there not any racist gangs period- nope. its ( news as such) just whitewashed by the govt. .

However-is the standard of racism defined or narrow to lynching? The question asked " show me racism "

is there racism in the US , hell yeah. Is it lawful no- but in china as stated above :


Dude, why you bring this out again?

She is on national top 25. If she is in India, she will be at your national bottom 25.

India is among the most racist countries.
www.outlookindia.com | 'India Is Racist, And Happy About It'


Racism is never a personal experience. Racism in India is systematic and independent of the presence of foreigners of any hue. This climate permits and promotes this lawlessness and disdain for dark skin. Most Indian pop icons have light-damn-near-white skin. Several stars even promote skin-bleaching creams that promise to improve one's popularity and career success. Matrimonial ads boast of fair, v. fair and v. very fair skin alongside foreign visas and advanced university degrees. Moreover, each time I visit one of Delhi's clubhouses, I notice that I am the darkest person not wearing a work uniform. It's unfair and ugly.

Discrimination in Delhi surpasses the denial of courtesy. I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt. Further, the lack of neighbourliness exceeds what locals describe as normal for a capital already known for its coldness.

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner. Who knows what else is more quietly denied?

"An African has come," a guard announced over the intercom as I showed up. Whites are afforded the luxury of their own names, but this careful attention to my presence was not new. ATM guards stand and salute my white friend, while one guard actually asked me why I had come to the bank machine as if I might have said that I was taking over his shift.

It is shocking that people wear liberalism as a sign of modernity, yet revert to ultraconservatism when actually faced with difference. Cyberbullies have threatened my life on my YouTube videos that capture local gawking and eve-teasing. I was even fired from an international school for talking about homosociality in Africa on YouTube, and addressing a class about homophobia against kids after a student called me a 'fag'.

Outside of specific anchors of discourse such as Reservations, there is no consensus that discrimination is a redeemable social ill. This is the real issue with discrimination in India: her own citizens suffer and we are only encouraged to ignore situations that make us all feel powerless. Be it the mute-witnesses seeing racial difference for the first time, kids learning racism from their folks, or the blacks and northeasterners who feel victimised by the public, few operate from a position that believes in change.

Living in India was a childhood dream that deepened with my growing understanding of India and America's unique, shared history of non-violent revolution. Yet, in most nations, the path of ending gender, race and class discrimination is unpaved. In India, this path is still rural and rocky as if this nation has not decided the road even worthy. It is a footpath that we are left to tread individually.

(The writer is a Black American PhD student at the Delhi School of Economics.)
They are delusional. They are in denial. You need to learn to separate the riff raff from substance.

Pakistani people are blinded by the false aura of how awesome their army is. There is a reason why they hold their army in such high esteem and it has nothing to do with its actual fighting prowess!! Anything which negatively affects that illusion pushes the majority into a denial mode and they cannot see who actually their well wishers are.


About India, you need to learn more

Ok, so Pakistan army is shitty, but this "shitty" army successful holds your "great" Indian army at bay for so many decades.

Man, sounds like your army is even shittier, and you are the one in delusion.


In addition to the well known vast illiteracy and 2 million children, this is what we just learnt about India.
If Chinese Vice Foreign Minister ever made such a statement, it is right to do so. China has to defend its territory with all the means she can. If that means a war to defend our maritime frontiers, so be it. For those who bear ill wills itch for a fight, bring it on.
We do not imply that there is no conflicts among the various South East Asian nations - but China is the one with aggressive behavior about the unsubstantiated territorial claims, however!

The neighbors also have unsubstantiated territorial claims.
Only China's merchant ships need to be re-routed, coz we won't damage any one else, but any more route for you to import lots of resouces to mataining your economy and feed 1,3 bil Chinese ??

Vn will be OK, we can ask for help from Indian's route, we have many way to import and export and CHina can not block our way, coz we don't need to pass by your territory ^^

Why this guy sounds so much like an Indian? :lol:

Same as some Indians that this fool doesn't know that many international maritime traffic to China are non-Chinese ships.

Can foolishness have coincidence between a self-claimed Vietnamese and some Indians?

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