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China Warns U.S. To Stay Out Of Sea Dispute

Watch your language Tanlixiang28776, for you are not capable to have a healthy and clean discussion. Don't want to wash your mouth with soap yet kiddo!

BTW, who said about Vietnam has a military base in South Korea? "Our military" is "USA's military" - if you try to avoid the fact :rofl:

LOL. guess when you try to respond too quickly you revert to sounding like your other sock puppets Niceguy.
Refreshingly to know someone fails to know what was what!

Mission is accomplished? Yeah, Beijing is so close to so many American citizens' lives.

China Towns ? Can be "China Concentration Towns" like the Japaneses during WWII ... Worry not, my dear Gpit! :laugh:

Besides, if the Chineses here in the US want to be in China - then they would not want to be here! :rofl:
China Towns ? Can be "China Concentration Towns" like the Japaneses during WWII ... Worry not, my dear Gpit! :laugh:

Hell at least concentration camps have food and shelter and a quick way to die in. Not the case in your actual country of Vietnam though.
China is, for its aggressive is unbelievable as you can see from this picture

What is the same: many Chineses and Vietnames died, but with China's "one-child-policy" more Chineses' families will be ended without offsprings.

You're right! Let the International Court decides then, are you okay with that? Or let us, USA, the honor to do so

Is that what going on in Pakistan?

We know that too, that is we STOP CONSUMMING "Made in China" stuffs

If you aren't a Vietnamese person, then I have to commend you, for imitating the Vietnamese accent so perfectly in all your posts. :tup:

You are entitled to your opinion though. :laugh: I am not a communist, facist or a dictator ... Don't worry!

When you get banned due to false flagging, and multiple accounts its not my my opinion that matters but the fact that those things are against the rules on this site.
Hell at least concentration camps have food and shelter and a quick way to die in. Not the case in your actual country of Vietnam though.

Of course, two different countries - two different views and actions. So, which country would you prefer? :laugh:
When you get banned due to false flagging, and multiple accounts its not my my opinion that matters but the fact that those things are against the rules on this site.

Can't refute, use the F... word, so now you are trying to frame me with that dirty trick? Is that all you can do?
Of course, two different countries - two different views and actions. So, which country would you prefer? :laugh:

Neither. However your Vietnamese compatriots do have this nagging habit of illegally, and legally immigrating to China. The same does not happen vice versa. I wonder why?
Can't refute, use the F... word, so now you are trying to frame me with that dirty trick? Is that all you can do?

Like I said, when you post too fast you revert to your crude Vietnamese English. Well cruder than when you post after 10 minutes of deliberation anyways.
^^^ Please edit your post buddy, you don't want to get banned for a sock puppet.

Fixed it for ya;)

---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ----------

I don't think that Chinese are short brain like this....i do not like to say " stupid " here . The only South Korea can supply military in the world ?

Yes it is quite mentally inept of you to misconstrue your own statements.
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