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China wants military base in Pakistan

I think it would be GREAT ...

a) We will have 50 Chinese J10B parked on our east west front
b) We will have 10 Chinese frigates to help out with training efforts
c) Also it will give UNLIMITED protection to IRAN/Pakistan/China
peace gas pipeline

We are already part of the THE GREAT GAME... so bringing in China is logical thing ...

CHINA - PAKISTAN ALLIANCE IS THE NEXT 200 YEAR PLAN, which will hopefully be joined by Turkey and rest of Asia
I think it would be GREAT ...

a) We will have 50 Chinese J10B parked on our east west front
b) We will have 10 Chinese frigates to help out with training efforts
c) Also it will give UNLIMITED protection to IRAN/Pakistan/China
peace gas pipeline

We are already part of the THE GREAT GAME... so bringing in China is logical thing ...

CHINA - PAKISTAN ALLIANCE IS THE NEXT 200 YEAR PLAN, which will hopefully be joined by Turkey and rest of Asia

Chinese are our brothers that are always there in our worse times - pain of happiess they are always there as TRUE friends... not like ones that show up un invited

China creates 99% of world goods , why do we even need to worry about any one else

We have 2nd largest coal reserves, china has largest economy - we can do just fine just the two of us ..

My plan is simple just invade , Afghaistan and setup a big mall in Afghaistan for Chinese goods , and storage facility , it will create gazillion jobs -you can't grow farm land there Afghanistan is only good for a big kick *** storage facility for China.

Damn, that sounds kind harsh, you might want to take that back, you can offend someone!
This is by no means a finalized plan. I'm sure it's still hotly debated within the CMC.

Even if China were to open a base in Pakistan (with Pakistan's permission of course), it would probably only be more of a refueling station to support China's anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden. China is not about to raise the heat in South Asia by placing serious offensive hardware in its first overseas base.
No, I think your friend cannt stand for most chinese.
Do you know which country got the biggest cheering in beijing Olympic opening ceremony except china? That is pakistan.
And after 2008 WenChuan earthquate, a chinese opened a thread to offer "thanks" to pakistan on a chinese forum which has more than 40million members, over 10million chinese posted their "thanks" on that thread.
About chinese goods, I am a not economy expert, I just know banning goods cannt solve any problem. the most importand thing is cheap goods will raise pakistani's common life and it will benifit both china and pakistan, and china also helped pakistan to set their own industries with cooporation with china in many area.:china::pakistan:

I completely agree. Banning chinese goods is a ridiculous idea. There was a lot of demand recently in Pakistan for Chinese cell phones. The Chinese business community invested in a JV to build a cell phone manufacturing plant in Pakistan (being built now). ACs were being imported in the 10s of thousands, so China's largest AC manufacturer Gree, teamed up with DWP to build an AC manufacturing plant on the outskirts of Lahore. The same goes for Dong Feng and others. China has never demonstrated by its actions that its primary motivation is to make money off of Pakistan. If that were the case, the kinds of facilities they have extended to Pakistan would never have been extended.

And remember, much of this was done in years past when China wasn't as prosperous as it is today. As China moves to the forefront and becomes the world's primary economic and military power in a few years, the China-Pakistan relationship will only increase in its strategic importance.

I would say the same re Pakistan and Turkey, but that's a different subject.

We need to widen the KKH, build more road links between Pakistan and China, invest in rail links, build that IPC pipeline and continue ratcheting the joint ventures up in a serious way.

The China-Pakistan border should be irrelevant and Chinese companies should continue to be encouraged to setup manufacturing facilities in Pakistan, as they are doing already. There are so many absolutely wonderful projects being implemented in Pakistan with Chinese cooperation... the Centaurus ($350M corporate complex, Mall and 7-star hotel) is one, Lahore's gorgeous Software Technology Park Tower is another... everyone here already knows about the Chinese assistance with Gwadar. One can keep going. The list is really substantial.

Lahore's new Software Technology Park - almost completed


Centaurus - more than half done - commercial areas opening in early 2011, hotel in 2012

First don"t think China ask for base. Second it will be extremely harmful for Pakistan. It will convert our soil into super power play ground. Because in any pre-emptive strike by the respected country on their enemy, Pakistan will take the heat. Allow trade logistics but no armed forces on the ground.

1=Who is china enemy=============could it be same enemy we have
2=we are a nuclear power only a brainless idiot will have a preemptive strike against a nuclear power.
3= Chinas is tommrows super power economically and Militarily like it or not it will be extremely stupid politically and economically to deny them an opportunity if they want it.
I see lots of indians trying to tell us how a chinese base is bad for us but what about the indian miltary base in Tajikstan is that good for tajiks or bacuse its india doing it it will be good for them.

We never said, it's bad for China :what::what::what:

We said for a sovereign and more importantly Nuclear state, it is bad....

well gud to know u consider pakistan as one among those tiny nations to find reason :woot::woot:
If China wants to set up a base in Pakistan it is completely a deal between China and Pakistan. There is no reason why Indians should get worked up about it - China is creating a footprint around the world - it is a much bigger economy in the world and wants to flex its military muscle. That should be fine.

My point to Pakistanis is - perhaps you should not go gaga over such demands. Consider: 30-40 years ago even USA asked for bases and you gave them - today using same bases USA is sending drones into Pakistan. I agree that Nixon had a soft corner for Pakistan - but Bush and Obama certainly don't. Hu Jintao might be nice to Pakistan but that does not mean next Chinese Presidents will. China has a problem with its Muslim citizens in Xinjiang - if they feel there is support from Pakistan - they might even bomb you. Certainly not now - but 20 years from now.

Zia-ul-Haq had called Pakistan - "America's most allied ally" - today America is more hated in Pakistan than India is! Neither Americans nor the Chinese came to help you in ANY war with India. Friendships are transient - national interests always take precedence. India and China despite their nationalist posturing for domestic consumption are not infinitely stupid to ever go to war - their economies are growing exponentially and they want to move 100s of millions of people out of poverty and bilateral trade between the two is always increasing. India should see no threat from Chinese presence in Pakistan or anywhere else.
Now I have read all the posts spending an hour, found referances in Wilipedia about war in East Pakistan which is only one sided view, view of Indians.

I have tried to correct it, but Indian on internet keep on putting indian spin and do not allow Others specially Pakistanis to put thier side of the story.

so here i will put the truth, Indians were training Mukti buhini saveral years prior to the Militry operations and in doing so they were using Universities as the hub of terrorist communications, Our Army had to go after those siding with enemy where ever they were. But bottom line is India interfered in Pakistani internal affairs. I hope I am not labelled as going off topic, I had to answer these Indians who blame other for trolling all the time.

I had to say this because India on this forum are gung ho on proving that right is wrong and interfereing in Pakistani affair with inuendos and ficticious stories. they are big story makers, look at Bolly wood, mostly inuendos even with historical picture like Jodha Akbar, total lie about wars, about singing of Hindu bhajans in Palace and about other Muslim chracters such as Army Genral.

So it is sad that Indians will bring only nagatively concoctioned things about our friendship with chinese and the way we want it to go. It looks that they take us fro fools telliong us that bringing chinese in for whatever reason we have are not right and that we must adhere to their kind of reasoning which is mostly based on untrue facts.

:taz: :angry: :hitwall: :devil: :disagree: :no: :eek: :tdown:

Eh...see the movie again. Read the disclaimer again - it is a work of fiction. And Akbar was 5'2" - he did not fight with elephants and he did not look like Hritik Roshan!! hahaha...am sorry if this comes across as rude but I couldn't help it.
Pakistan got never any help but Indians got help by Russia. Pakistan was part of NATO i dont why Pakistan isnt in NATO any more i guess its because of 1971 war.

Pakistan was never in NATO - it was in CENTO - and actually Nixon wanted to help you but his Senate and Congress would have fried him which they later did anyway. He did send in the nuke-equipped USS Enterprise to scare the Indians though.
If China wants to set up a base in Pakistan it is completely a deal between China and Pakistan. There is no reason why Indians should get worked up about it - China is creating a footprint around the world - it is a much bigger economy in the world and wants to flex its military muscle. That should be fine.

My point to Pakistanis is - perhaps you should not go gaga over such demands. Consider: 30-40 years ago even USA asked for bases and you gave them - today using same bases USA is sending drones into Pakistan. I agree that Nixon had a soft corner for Pakistan - but Bush and Obama certainly don't. Hu Jintao might be nice to Pakistan but that does not mean next Chinese Presidents will. China has a problem with its Muslim citizens in Xinjiang - if they feel there is support from Pakistan - they might even bomb you. Certainly not now - but 20 years from now.

Zia-ul-Haq had called Pakistan - "America's most allied ally" - today America is more hated in Pakistan than India is! Neither Americans nor the Chinese came to help you in ANY war with India. Friendships are transient - national interests always take precedence. India and China despite their nationalist posturing for domestic consumption are not infinitely stupid to ever go to war - their economies are growing exponentially and they want to move 100s of millions of people out of poverty and bilateral trade between the two is always increasing. India should see no threat from Chinese presence in Pakistan or anywhere else.

Very well said...In fact you have a very balanced view...However one little flaw is that one has to be prepared for worst...Who knows if our relations with China sour..and in such a scenario any CHina base in Pakistan will become a headache...Don't you think so???

It is like India making a military base in Taiwan...What do you think would be chinese reaction...So Indians worked up should not be a surprise...Don't you think so??
I am no fan of India by any means however, whatever our differences with India today, there is nothing that cannot be sorted out through dialogue, and if we are enemies today, with hopefully wise people on both sides, we may be able to bridge this cycle of hatred from within our societies.

But by Chinese bases in Pakistan, that will not happen and India/Pakistan may as well be prepared for a further very long process of confrontation with ech other as China will be replacing the US.

Clearly India will be on edge as it will face a threat from north and west far greater then before, and we should play no part in making India feel surrounded and work on a solution with India. I am all up for friendship with China, but not giving them our soil to build bases on.......why do we never learn from our mistakes of the past......China will always ultimately put its interests upmost. An enemy of an enemy is a friend may not work in our favour here as ultimately India will have to come to some sort of decision, can it actually deal with the dragon, truly and if not what can it do, either a foreign military having a base in India, which I dount the Indians will aloow but the future is never known with such a Chinese footprint or India will have to go with a more rigorous defence re-structure to counter the threat from all sides.....China is not helping and I believe this is a confrontational step as they are clearly pointing their finger to India being the enemy.....

I would suggest India changes its positon and attitude radically and Pakistan work with India towards a solution........no fence, but the Indians are more closer to us then the Chinese are even though we have fought wars and hate each other.......we shared a common culture and history, which cannot be ignored.
Very well said...In fact you have a very balanced view...However one little flaw is that one has to be prepared for worst...Who knows if our relations with China sour..and in such a scenario any CHina base in Pakistan will become a headache...Don't you think so???

It is like India making a military base in Taiwan...What do you think would be chinese reaction...So Indians worked up should not be a surprise...Don't you think so??

India does have a great base in Tajikistan which borders China and if not for the narrow Wakhan Corridor also borders Pakistan. This is great asset for us. If you look at China's neighbors - our buffer states are closer to us than to China - Nepal and Bhutan. Yea - Taiwan -already has astounding American military presence in Taiwan and an Indian base there would really pi$$ them off. But I think it would just be a waste of time and money - that money could be used to offer developmental loans to African nations where India and China are competing for resources and we are getting are ***** kicked.

China have clearly expressed in this news. that by having a military base , they can easily retaliate back defensively and offensively in war to enemies of Pakistan
India does have a great base in Tajikistan which borders China and if not for the narrow Wakhan Corridor also borders Pakistan. This is great asset for us. If you look at China's neighbors - our buffer states are closer to us than to China - Nepal and Bhutan. Yea - Taiwan -already has astounding American military presence in Taiwan and an Indian base there would really pi$$ them off. But I think it would just be a waste of time and money - that money could be used to offer developmental loans to African nations where India and China are competing for resources and we are getting are ***** kicked.

There are no american base in Taiwan, there are no america soldiers.
A indian base in Taiwan???:rofl: Taiwanese just respect US, they just think indian like a joke just like japanese. :lol:
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