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China wants military base in Pakistan

Some Chinese presence in Pakistan is the call of the day; the pace at which US is increasing its pressure on Pakistan and inviting India to teach its neighbor a lesson in case she (Pakistan) fails to comply with each and every US demand is simply unheard of in the history of Pakistan. However, I don't think it is going to happen soon. US is not doing particularly well in Afghanisan, hence is not yet an immediate threat for China, Russia and Iran. However, if the US troop surge manages to do some wonders (which I seriously doubt) in Afghanistan and US tries to establish it presence more firmly and on rather permanent basis, than I do think that China may opt to increase its presence in Pakistan and possibly in Iran on the 'request' of the two countries.

Whether China will fight for Pakistan entirely depends on what is at stake; China did fight in Korea and in Vietnam, did she not? India has been a traditional adversary of Pakistan, but during all this time (pre 9/11), it never became a serious threat for China. However, now the game is changed, the US is sitting on the Chinese door step in Afghanistan; India is trying to cash this situation and rapidly increasing it influence in Afghanistan and bidding for the permanent seat in the Security Council. It has become important for China to dislodge the US from Afghanistan and counter the growing Indian influence in the region. With the US gone, India would loose its mentor as well as its artificial importance for the US in the so-called WoT, that will slow down though not entirely stop it advancement towards becoming the world's next superpower.

Whatever the case may be, I strongly support the idea that Pakistan must sign some kind of a defense treaty with China and do it now rather than later. Every small country needs some kind of a 'life insurance' and if we seek one, that would not be something new.
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Partnership with China will be the core of our foreign policy and military relationship with China needs to be further strengthened.
Base , we will create new city and call it new china ^_^ for our chinese friends

Yes, but ofcourse....

And the freedom of posting this in the internet will also fade away as the new city of "New China" is built.

Long live Pakistan and China friendship :cheers:
I like the chinese as much as the next pakistani on this forum. But i cannot allow a foreign country to have a military base in Pakistan. As pakistani we are very mindful of our sovereignty and having a piece of land in Pakistan that is under the control of another country just makes me very uneasy.
I like the chinese as much as the next pakistani on this forum. But i cannot allow a foreign country to have a military base in Pakistan. As pakistani we are very mindful of our sovereignty and having a piece of land in Pakistan that is under the control of another country just makes me very uneasy.

We gave land to the U.S.

Why not China?
Interesting and thoughtful response. There's a lot to consider when reading between the lines of your response.

We gave land to the U.S.

Why not China?

so it seems u wud be happy to make the mistake twice but not correct it... :bunny::bunny::bunny:

Well if thats what pakistanis feel, what can sbdy else say... U might have heard the same logic when pakistan joined US bloc... well some mistakes r never learned..

Friendship and Motherland isn't the same.... trust ur friend which doesn't necessarily means giving them ur own land to them.... I don;t know, I see personally it wud be a bad decision for pakistan

AGain if this is true, US and china may have a proxy war in pakistan, RING the bells , who will face the consequence, pakistan again.....:):)
This is what kinda worries me! But there are many positive outcomes if this were to happen! Maybe Chinese will give us more new weapons, and probably Drones as well! America would change its attitude towards Pakistan, and india won't dare launch any surgical strikes!

But this is just my opinion, i could be wrong!


dude...the only thing wrong that Pakistan has ever done is to not have an independent foreign policy and be firm about it.
dude...the only thing wrong that Pakistan has ever done is to not have an independent foreign policy and be firm about it.

Spot on, its either the Americans or the Sauds or the Chinese.

And favorite taunt to Indians that we were ruled :) Read up history and you will see part of this subcontinent was always ruled by outsiders, guess which?
During the war with Chinese in 1962, many of you would be shocked to learn that the Champion of the 'non-Alignment', Mr. Nehru reached for the US help.... Pakistan is the next target of US aggression and reserves the right to protect herself from destruction by whatever means. Signing up a defense treaty does not mean Pakistan becomes Chinese stooge.
Not sure its good IDEA. We should not get us involved in future war. Just have enough defence to keep India or any other away.

1st we need to build econmy and get us out of jalat by giving our ppl proper education. Arabic should be get back into school so we can understand Qura n more than just reading it.
I think we should just keep it at buying defence technology from China, maybe an entire base might be going overboard.
I think we should just keep it at buying defence technology from China, maybe an entire base might be going overboard.

Yes if i am friend with some one i cant allow him to move at my place :) He is more than welcome to visit etc but move at my place NEVER.

Same here we should not allow China to have it because when its WAR this base will be first attacked.

BUT on other hand USA have bases on country like Germany, Japan, Italy etc
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