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China versus India - a thorough analysis

Ya but BD is not important to the world

High likelihood they're gonna surpass your GDP- at that point their indepheendence will become self-justified. You understand the historic implication of that?
Hats off to China n chinese people they have made impressive growth story so far n hopefully will continue the same.....
I never liked the idea of comparison between two gaints becoz both the country has different political economical n social background..... but surely our incumbent political leaders can learn from their counterparts though we dont requires china model for our economy yet v can learn a lot from them....
Supercomputers (Top 500 - June 2013):
China 65
india 11

Space exploration:

Space nevigation system:
China - Beidou
india - just started

Space lab:
China - Tiangong (mastering the launching-orbiting-rendezvous-docking-separating-returning-landing technology)
Unmanned docking - Shenzhou 8 and Tiangong 1

Manned docking

- Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 also featuring the first Chinese woman taikonaut

- 刘洋 Liu Yang
Credit: Wikipedia

- Shenzhou 10 and Tiangong 1 : second Chinese woman taikonaut 王亚萍 Wang Yaping. Wang conducted scientific experiments and taught a physics lesson to Chinese students by live television broadcast.


india - zippo

Manned Mission:
China - Shenzhou 5 times since 2003
india - 0

Space walk

China - Shenzou 7


Credit: Space.com

On 27 September, 2008, 翟志刚 (Zhai Zhigang), wearing a Chinese-developed Feitian space suit, conducted a 22-minute space walk ( Credit: wikipedia-Shenzhou_7

india - 0

Lunar mission:
China - Chang'e 1 (orbiting and surveying the moon, crash-landing), Chang'e 2 (travelling into deep space - taking HD of the moon landscape, fly-by photographed Toutatis, last reported travelling distance 50 million km from earth)link latest Chang'e

india - Chandrayaan-1 ( orbiting, surveying and crash-landing; discovered water on moon and hailed as "One Big Step for India, A Giant Leap for Mankind"

Launching success rate (success/launch):

Long March launches (up to 20 July 2013) 170/179 = 94.97%

List of Long March launches - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


PSLV 22.5/24 = 93.75%
(up to 1 July., 2013)
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GSLV 2.5/7 = 35.71%
(up to 25 Dec., 2010)

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Heaviest rocket lift:
China - Long March 3B LEO - 12 tons GTO - 5.1 tons

Long March (rocket family) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

india - max payload not more than 2.3 tons

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and suggestion on

Train accidents
Road auto accidents
Universities ranking

all sorts of military hardwares subs, fighter jets, MBTs etc

Great Job East Asia United, Keep it up! :tup:
India has more English speakers and has democracy as gifted by the British. China was not ruled by Britain and has less English speakers.

yes but democracy is not a guarantee for better livelihood of the people
in terms of English proficiency india is leading but we dont need English per se to advance our policies or for daily usage.
Chinese is a very competent language which can do quality communications brillantly
india counts down their rocket launch and their CWG games opening in English

And actually on international English proficiency tests like TOEFL or GMAT etc we are doing pretty well
Supercomputers (Top 500 - June 2013):
China 65
india 11

Space exploration:

Space nevigation system:
China - Beidou
india - just started

Space lab:
China - Tiangong (mastering the launching-orbiting-rendezvous-docking-separating-returning-landing technology)
Unmanned docking - Shenzhou 8 and Tiangong 1

Manned docking

- Shenzhou 9 and Tiangong 1 also featuring the first Chinese woman taikonaut

- 刘洋 Liu Yang (pictured)
Credit: Wikipedia

- Shenzhou 10 and Tiangong 1 : second Chinese woman taikonaut 王亚萍 Wang Yaping. Wang conducted scientific experiments and taught a physics lesson to Chinese students by live television broadcast.


india - zippo

Manned Mission:
China - Shenzhou 5 times since 2003
india - 0

Space walk

China - Shenzou 7


Credit: Space.com

On 27 September, 2008, 翟志刚 (Zhai Zhigang), wearing a Chinese-developed Feitian space suit, conducted a 22-minute space walk ( Credit: wikipedia-Shenzhou_7

india - 0

Lunar mission:
China - Chang'e 1 (orbiting and surveying the moon, crash-landing), Chang'e 2 (travelling into deep space - taking HD of the moon landscape, fly-by photographed Toutatis, last reported travelling distance 50 million km from earth)link latest Chang'e

india - Chandrayaan-1 ( orbiting, surveying and crash-landing; discovered water on moon and hailed as "One Big Step for India, A Giant Leap for Mankind"

Launching success rate (success/launch):

Long March launches (up to 20 July 2013) 170/179 = 94.97%

List of Long March launches - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


PSLV 22.5/24 = 93.75%
(up to 1 July., 2013)
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GSLV 2.5/7 = 35.71%
(up to 25 Dec., 2010)

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Heaviest rocket lift:
China - Long March 3B LEO - 12 tons GTO - 5.1 tons

Long March (rocket family) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

india - max payload not more than 2.3 tons

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and suggestion on

Train accidents
Road auto accidents
Universities ranking

all sorts of military hardwares subs, fighter jets, MBTs etc

Great Job East Asia United, Keep it up! :tup:

China is only a new comer in space exploration. And if China need to be compare with India, than China is in a very bad shape. Only Indian members and Indian media compare India space exploration with China. If India has ambitions, it should compare with America.
China is only a new comer in space exploration. And if China need to be compare with India, than China is in a very bad shape. Only Indian members and Indian media compare India space exploration with China. If India has ambitions, it should compare with America.

If India has ambitions, it should compare with America

You mean China, right?

Yes the distance between China and india seems lengthening and we are indeed trying to catch up with USA which in general is much ahead of us. Our next target is Russia.

But the comparison is between the dragon and the elephant on topic of this thread
You mean China, right?

Yes the distance between China and india seems lengthening and we are indeed trying to catch up with USA which in general is much ahead of us. Our next target is Russia.

But the comparison is between the dragon and the elephant on topic of this thread

Compare China with India is as interesting as compare China with Zimbabwe.
Compare China with India is as interesting as compare China with Zimbabwe.

I assume you are referring to the similarities in China and Zimbabwe - the authoritarian rule, the lack of civic freedoms, the forcible occupation of land and the general lack of respect for human rights - all these make the comparisons between China and Zimbabwe much easier because of the common background - but we can still compare China to a more open society like India.
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