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China urges India to withdraw from fresh occupation by India

I guess China's challenge with India is same as India's challenge with Pakistan. 1 is significantly powerful than the other but you cannot prove your supremacy without going to an all-out war. But, an all-out war will be too damaging even if you are able to prevail as expected. Additionally being nuclear powers it brings an odd type of parity between all. Hypothetically, even if tomorrow US/China wants to attack & wipe-out Pakistan they can't do it because nuclear weapons at least guarantee continued existence.

For the smaller power its much easier. Even if you are able to land a single punch you can claim that the stronger power is just for show. The stronger power will at some stage show restraint as they have more to lose.

There too much confusion on what's happening. But, if a respected publication like The Print is reporting this, it brings some clarity.
Who cares if Indian Army patrols up to a PLA post? You know you can't go beyond it. Now you are stuck making your post on your own side of the LAC while boasting about "controlling" finger four on the internet :lol:
I guess China's challenge with India is same as India's challenge with Pakistan. 1 is significantly powerful than the other but you cannot prove your supremacy without going to an all-out war. But, an all-out war will be too damaging even if you are able to prevail as expected. Additionally being nuclear powers it brings an odd type of parity between all. Hypothetically, even if tomorrow US/China wants to attack & wipe-out Pakistan they can't do it because nuclear weapons at least guarantee continued existence.

For the smaller power its much easier. Even if you are able to land a single punch you can claim that the stronger power is just for show. The stronger power will at some stage show restraint as they have more to lose.

For me both cases are the same.

India vs China
India vs Pakistan
LOL India was already beaten back with Indian special forces killed :lol:

He is sharing point of his view and his credibility is "0".

I am reading more reliable sources and the news are backing by your control electronic media.
Vedic math again, it's 2 hilltops vs 1000 sqkm, 20 killed, 60 captured, that's not including the earlier episode of 5 tied up bitches with full HD pics. Lol.

I knew this would happen.

Yesterday - "China will crush India! We will break India into pieces!"
Today - "We have captured more hilltops than you have. We won!"

Pakistanis are massively disappointed.
I knew this would happen.

Yesterday - "China will crush India! We will break India into pieces!"
Today - "We have captured more hilltops than you have. We won!"

Pakistanis are massively disappointed.
Erm it was Indians who claimed they captured mountain tops and won mate, disregarding the 1000sqkm controlled by PLA so far. Lol.

Btw, go to BR, they are saying Black and Helmet top taken by China but India is occupying adjacent 'tops' and Reqin La. The same self masturbation was also performed by Indians before the Galwan massacre, must have scarred Indians pretty deep to ban 100+Chinese apps. Lol. We as usual gave the standard warning, please withdraw same statement before Galwan massacre. And sorry for killing those two Tibetans butt boys. Lol
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Your love for Tibet is embedded on Indian minds... SFF tiger... we will always remember you for supreme sacrifice...
But India is not acknowledging his death officially, why are you so embarrassed? Same thing happened when you guys initially denied the 20 dead soldiers remember? Stop lying mate. Chinese MOFA said no Indian soldiers killed, they only killed Tibetan rebels...
LOL India was already beaten back with Indian special forces killed :lol:

They are gonna claim 20 Chinese soldiers died mate, new formula is x10. Reqin La is just next to the Chinese LAC, and they are shouting victory lol, these guys ejaculated everytime the word supapowa is mentioned, they can't go further because the plains and the pass are controlled by us.
Are you the 1st one?

And the only one?

Lone reed standing tall?

Accordingly to all your fellow countrymen, since Galwan episode,
China has occupied Indian territory,
China has killed 20 soldiers with bare hands without any of its own touched,
China has forced India into silence & submission,
China is continuously jumping on India's chest and

With this admission of "india intruding into chinese terriroty",
China has actually "played out its cards very well" so that
China can now "attack and finish India"

China didn’t kill 20 Indian soldiers. I would say a China kill 3 or less Indian soldiers. Himalayas killed 20+ Indian soldiers. Blame India for lack of preparation to conduct operations in Himalayas, causing unnecessary Indian death.

This is why Chinese casualties should be 3 or less as well. As likely none die because of the elements.
They are gonna claim 20 Chinese soldiers died mate, new formula is x10. Reqin La is just next to the Chinese LAC, and they are shouting victory lol, these guys ejaculated everytime the word supapowa is mentioned, they can't go further because the plains and the pass are controlled by us.
No, I think this is just the beginning. The peaks are extremely rugged and difficult to permanently occupy. The Indians are going to use them as vantage points for an artillery exchange. That is going to be their next escalation. In the past three days Indian Army posture has been adjusted to a maximum offensive set up.

Quite frankly Beijing is stupid if it thinks Indians will negotiate in earnest. As soon as the Indians realize PLA is not going to vacate Pangong Lake they will begin an artillery strike. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to be marginalized right away. They are exposing PLA to unnecessary danger by encouraging a defensive mindset.

There too much confusion on what's happening. But, if a respected publication like The Print is reporting this, it brings some clarity.

Per Sushant Singh:

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