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China Unveils The World Biggest 70-Ton Vibration-Simulation Table


Nov 1, 2015
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2 days ago China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC)announced it has successfully developed the 70-ton vibration simulation table, which will play a key role in the upcoming CZ-5 heavy rocket launch test.

Chinese technology in this field has now eclipsed the U.S. Back in 2005 NASA could not find a vibration testing table over 9 tons and had to import a 16 ton vibration testing table from a Chinese company.

It is very irony considering the U.S. Defensed Department had a law passed 20 years ago to ban export
to China of vibration table technology over 9 tons, when in reality the U.S was totally reliant on this technology from China. China is also starting to win the space race launching twice as many space missions in 2013 on only 1/17 the budget of NASA.


The Mechanical Vibration Facility (MVF) at NASA uses 21-ton vibration testing table till today



振颤说白了就是高频的抖动,这个抖动可是个大事,控制不好非常容易造成火箭损毁,卫星甚至载人航天器的发射失败。这 种情况在人类早期的太空探索中经常会出现这样的问题,美国的“红石”火箭在最初设计时就出现过多次风洞中振颤强烈的情况,结果就是跟跟火箭固有机构的频率 重合,发生了经典的共振,最终的情况结果就一个:火箭解体。著名的火箭专家冯·布劳恩被迫对原始设计进行了不下4次的改进才解决相应的问题,就是这样在发 射”土星五号“的时候仍然检测到有莫名原因的振颤。更为著名的例子就是苏联的N1火箭,这种火箭屡次发射失败,都可能来就是来源于多个火箭发动机并联后产 生的复杂振颤。可见“振颤”这种情况对航天威胁也相当明显,同理可证在设计弹道导弹时也同样遇到类似的问题。在早期设计V-2弹道导弹的时候,德国人其实 就曾被遇到过类似情况导致V-2导弹凌空爆炸。


既然知道问题了,有什么好办法避免吗?早期很难,因为这类问题一般需要在很高的速度特定的条 件下才能出现,早期高速风洞不性能不全面,不能再现相应现象,而且就算吹过风洞,等比放大后由于材料等原因可能要出现更多新的问题。所以人们想到研发专门 重现这种状况的仪器:振动台。要说这个东西相当不一般,除了可以模拟各种频率的震动,还可以持续数天运行来进行疲劳性实验。同时还可以单纯实现角震动或者 某种特殊条件下不固定波形震动,这是一种用来进行科学分析定量分析装备。尤其是现代航天器个头越来越大,设备越来越精密,还有大量容易损坏的精密电子仪 器,必须要进行进行实际测试把关后才能放心发射,要不然很容易造成数亿的火箭上天了,卫星或者航天器却没反应了,不是震坏了就是震碎了。


现在中国已经拥有了总推力可达70吨级的电动振动试验系统,正在为国内的长征-5火箭进行测 试中。长征-5火箭是中国未来希望之箭,近轨100吨以上发射能力就需要依靠这款火箭来完成了,所以它的要求更高。单单一个仪器舱直径就有5米!比神舟飞 船还要粗2米多,而且一个舱段就重达6.5吨,要进行振动试验可以说难度颇多。所以中国完全自主研发了相应的大型电动振动台,未来中国的“神舟飞船”“嫦 娥着陆探测器”“深空探测器”甚至是“洲际导弹的分导多弹头发射装置”都需要依靠这台大型设备来进行测试,只有它发了合格证,你才能上天实验。


如果你认为这个只能航天导弹用,那就太窄了。小到一辆小轿车的抗颠簸能力测试,再到高速铁路车厢和车头,甚至是预警机的大型雷达罩都需要经过它的实际测试,所以应用相当的广泛。那么中国研制出来了这种设备在全球水平排行多少呢?全球第一是货真价实,目前美国仍然使用的9吨级别的!为 什么美国只用的上9吨的?因为在上个世纪美国就制定文件,超过9吨的不能出口,同类研究项目也就无果而终了。以至于在2013年,美国的著名国家级实验室 不得不想向中国购买了一台50吨级的振动台。因为美国自己确实造不出来,俄罗斯用的也是中国造的20吨级振动台,所以只能向中国购买。而且购买的时候,美 方必须要签下一系列强制性文件,除了不可以军用硬杠以外,所有操作必须在中方人员在场时操作,所有参数也必须由中方人员控制,连维护部件也必须只能采购中 方制定产品。美方代表不无讽刺的说:“这是我第一次在买方位置上签字。“


目前,中国仍然在攻关个头更大的振动台,这种高精尖设备现在也属于国家战略性大装备。虽然不 能上天下海,但是其直接决定了关键战略装备的实际性能,所以显得尤为重要。当然,美国早在1977年就制造了探测器飞出太阳系,1969年就送人类登上了 月球,但是那些都属于上个世纪美国在极限条件下办成的。回看21世纪,美国的重大科技突破项目在变少,中国却在增多,电动振动台就是一个最好的范例。现在 中国需要的是时间,时间越久,前期积累的基础项目越容易形成新成果。
Chinese technology in this field has now eclipsed the U.S. Back in 2005 NASA could not find a vibration testing table over 9 tons and had to import a 16 ton vibration testing table from a Chinese company.

It is very irony considering the U.S. Defensed Department had a law passed 20 years ago to ban export
to China of vibration table technology over 9 tons, when in reality the U.S was totally reliant on this technology from China.

What an irony!

The US sanctions China for a technology for which it is reliant on China.

Well done China. Gives another middle finger to the terror regime.

First the supercomputer and now this. But the USers vow that they will beat China in supercomputer race in 2017.
What an irony!

The US sanctions China for a technology for which it is reliant on China.
That is why for nearly 20 years, I don't bother much trying to convince people on the net. Let them believe what they believe. Self deception of your enemy is the most lethal weapon for you, plus you can reap tangible benefit

Back in 2008, when almost every so-called Chinese experts on Western news predicted China economy would have a FREE FALL, I tried to convince my fellow day-traders on the share trading forum that China would be riding out fine. No one believed me. As a result, I bottomed up many depressed resources stocks knowing China's economy would still sail ahead. I had to pay a six-figure tax bill for may capital gain for that year alone. Laughed my whole way to the bank. SO LET IT BE.
That is why for nearly 20 years, I don't bother much trying to convince people on the net. Let them believe what they believe. Self deception of your enemy is the most lethal weapon for you, plus you can reap tangible benefit

Back in 2008, when almost every so-called Chinese experts on Western news predicted China economy would have a FREE FALL, I tried to convince my fellow day-traders on the share trading forum that China would be riding out fine. No one believed me. As a result, I bottomed up many depressed resources stocks knowing China's economy would still sail ahead. I had to pay a six-figure tax bill for may capital gain for that year alone. Laughed my whole way to the bank. SO LET IT BE.

The underestimation of China will be the greatest mistake Western civilization will ever make.
That is why for nearly 20 years, I don't bother much trying to convince people on the net. Let them believe what they believe. Self deception of your enemy is the most lethal weapon for you, plus you can reap tangible benefit

Back in 2008, when almost every so-called Chinese experts on Western news predicted China economy would have a FREE FALL, I tried to convince my fellow day-traders on the share trading forum that China would be riding out fine. No one believed me. As a result, I bottomed up many depressed resources stocks knowing China's economy would still sail ahead. I had to pay a six-figure tax bill for may capital gain for that year alone. Laughed my whole way to the bank. SO LET IT BE.

The underestimation of China will be the greatest mistake Western civilization will ever make.

Well said. Let's hope the denial stage of reality will last longer for them.
Well done China..after dependence on Russia RD180 engines..here comes another NASA weak point..
That is why for nearly 20 years, I don't bother much trying to convince people on the net. Let them believe what they believe. Self deception of your enemy is the most lethal weapon for you, plus you can reap tangible benefit

Back in 2008, when almost every so-called Chinese experts on Western news predicted China economy would have a FREE FALL, I tried to convince my fellow day-traders on the share trading forum that China would be riding out fine. No one believed me. As a result, I bottomed up many depressed resources stocks knowing China's economy would still sail ahead. I had to pay a six-figure tax bill for may capital gain for that year alone. Laughed my whole way to the bank. SO LET IT BE.

China Burns Hedge Funds as $562 Million Yuan Bet Turns Worthless


Well said. Let's hope the denial stage of reality will last forever for them.
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