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China to take Second Island Chain by 2020: analyst

Since after 1962 we have a long gap of 50 years but PLA's behavior have been aggressive since after....India will always talk diplomatic but will poke back if you poke us again and again..

And what is fake democracy??Yes our govt. is corrupt so is yours but that doesn't means democracy is fake...ours politicians are corrupt so are yours but we can protest against them against the govt. can't say the same about China

How do Chinese act aggressive. Just becos of your circus media keep reporting fake news of PLA troops intrusion into India?
Let me exposed your army stupidity and fake news of our aggressive.

Indian military pondered attack on Venus and Jupiter

Some eagle-eyed astronomers have saved the planet from possible nuclear Armageddon after the Indian army mistook Jupiter and Venus for flying intruders from China.

Two star-gazers from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore were sent over 1,400 miles to Ladakh near the disputed border with China at the behest of the army, which had been observing the UFOs since August 2012, Calcutta’s Telegraph has reported.

Between that time and February 2013 the Indian military had observed 329 sightings of unidentified objects at Thakung near the border with Tibet.

The objects were thought to have crossed the Line of Actual Control shared between the two nuclear-armed nations 155 times. What may have confused onlookers was that due to the high altitude the planets apparently appeared much brighter than usual.

One is said to have appeared on the horizon between 6pm and 5am while the other was visible from 4am-11am.

“Our task was to determine whether these unidentified objects were celestial or terrestrial,” senior astronomer Tushar Prabhu, told the paper.

After using a theodolite to measure the horizontal and vertical location of the objects, the astronomers decided they definitely belonged to the former category.

The army’s concerns about flying insurgents from China are not without merit, given the Middle Kingdom’s increasing use of unmanned drones in the area.

The India-China Joint Mechanism on border issues met for talks in Delhi on Tuesday after months of ratcheting tensions following a stand-off back in April when Chinese troops camped deep inside Indian territory.

The disputed Himalayan border between the two countries even sparked a war in 1962. ®

India will first make up fake news of CHina intrusion and paint Chinese as agressor. Then they claim its legal for them to counter. They will then intrude into Chinese territories inch by inch thinking Chinese is soft. When they can't beat PLA troops, they run back and claim foul...

The recent incident is also Indian aggression too. The agreement between each other is nobody is allow to set up surveilance or any kind within certain miles. The indian acting agressive and broke the treaty and plant a camera that. PLA have every right to remove that camera since both side has already previous agree of non surveilance device planted...
Maybe we should pack up and leave and wave goodbye to second island chain :)

And we should probably abandon our post in Guam, Hawai'i, Saipan, and our allies in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Philippine.
How do Chinese act aggressive. Just becos of your circus media keep reporting fake news of PLA troops intrusion into India?
Let me exposed your army stupidity and fake news of our aggressive.

Indian military pondered attack on Venus and Jupiter

India will first make up fake news of CHina intrusion and paint Chinese as agressor. Then they claim its legal for them to counter. They will then intrude into Chinese territories inch by inch thinking Chinese is soft. When they can't beat PLA troops, they run back and claim foul...

The recent incident is also Indian aggression too. The agreement between each other is nobody is allow to set up surveilance or any kind within certain miles. The indian acting agressive and broke the treaty and plant a camera that. PLA have every right to remove that camera since both side has already previous agree of non surveilance device planted...

How did PLA know about this unless they were also surveilancing?
How did PLA know about this unless they were also surveilancing?

Yes, of course we know, because they have already intruded our border. How can you just let a stranger rush into your house without permission? China's concentration is east and south china sea where rich oil and marine resources exsit, we have no time playing with India on the desolate and uninhabited Himalaya, unless India encroach on our border. India is just begging for international's sympathy by faking news. Joker's trick.
How did PLA know about this unless they were also surveilancing?

Becos the Indian army is so stupid to plant the camera in this way... :lol:


No surveilance device set up does not mean troops are not allow to carry out patrol. Chinese troops spot the stupid device there and they are angry at the broke of agreement. They go and snatch it and broke into pieces.
Don't fool yourself. Nobody will sell their state of art weapon? Example? F-22 is not for sale. So how can you get state of art from others. I pity India that possess that kind of mentality that buy major weapons from other is a feat.. For a big country like India, still import majority weapon overseas is a shame. Even all indigeous weapon needs oversea spare parts to complete the weapon..

No wonder, India suffer such high trade deficiency and economy is crumbling. One indicator? Your rupee is going to turn worthless soon. Can use it as toilet paper, oh sorry. I know Indian dont use toilet paper. :lol:

Is F-22 is the only state of art weapon present out their? or according to you their is only US who is a perfectionist in developing state of art tech??....Rafael,Apache,Pak Fa,T-90....and the list can go on....we can posses them because they are ready to share it with us, You have to respect someone's privacy if they share it with you....

About the toilet paper those who uses it the most produces it the most....and Chinese are the masters in making cheap toilet paper....i guess that's one area where made in China product can't fail..:lol:
I don't blame your failure to explain as you are clearly short-sighted to world military and global politics.

really since when? being a second now fall economy does not and will not make you powerful well if compare to other powers so don't worry your pretty little head about me sir your country is still full of it i know :omghaha:
really since when? being a second now fall economy does not and will not make you powerful well if compare to other powers so don't worry your pretty little head about me sir your country is still full of it i know :omghaha:

Being a parrot in a call center which influences the country's economy is nothing to be proud of.

Meanwhile in a call center:

Customer: Where are my stuffs?
Parrot: *reads from a script* Sir, according to our updates, the items you have ordered have already been dispatched. Please give us 2-3 days time for the item to reach you.
Customer: I've waited for a week already you moron
Parrot: I am truly sorry, sir. But as you see the items have already been dispatched, please give us a couple of days.
Customer: Put your supervisor on.
Parrot: I am really sorry sir, but my supervisor didn't come in today.
Customer: Get your manager on
Parrot: Sorry sir, he didn't come in to work today as well.
Customer: *getting frustrated* I'll tell you what, take those items and shove them up to where the sun doesn't shine.
Parrot: Yes sir, thank you sir, I'll see what I can do.
Customer: *Angered by his response* Okay now a BIG F U to you and your FU****G company.
Parrot: You're welcome, thank you, sir!
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