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China to sentence leading dissident Liu Xiaobo on Christmas Day

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I don't think so China's Media and people has any Major role in this circumstance because of they don't have ALTERNATIVES.
I also admire development in China, but it seems that it is focus on Monitory level only.. On the other hand this incident shows that importance of holistic development approach of India. Sorry for bringing India in it but recent there is lot emotional comment going on India vs China.
Let us we should hope for relies of Liu Xiaobo...
China has been very impressive in pulling people out of poverty. It is slowly but steadily taking its rightful place in this world. I don't think any one actually grudges China for this.

However, its government has demonstrated a number of times that it doesn't take appreciate any criticism and is also very harsh in putting down such criticism with an Iron fist. Today it is within its own boundaries. Tomorrow, with its military strength growing, it could do it actually use force to settle arguments around the world. This is what makes most people in the rest of the world nervous.

There have been a number of examples of this already being done outside its borders. One such incident was the pressure put on the Australian government when it hosted a dissident from China.
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China has been very impressive in pulling people out of poverty. It is slowly but steadily taking its rightful place in this world. I don't think any one actually grudges China for this.

However, its government has demonstrated a number of times that it doesn't take appreciate any criticism and is also very harsh in putting down such criticism with an Iron fist. Today it is within its own boundaries. Tomorrow, with its military strength growing, it could do it actually use force to settle arguments around the world. This is what makes most people in the rest of the world nervous.

There have been a number of examples of this already being done outside its borders. One such incident was the pressure put on the Australian government when it hosted a dissident from China.

How sad you speak out of utter ignorance! :disagree: Please do NOT equate your Hindustan to other Asian nations. If the white-controlled nations continue to spread Terrorism and Racism, KARMA will be very heavy for them. :angel:
How sad you speak out of utter ignorance! :disagree: Please do NOT equate your Hindustan to other Asian nations. If the white-controlled nations continue to spread Terrorism and Racism, KARMA will be very heavy for them. :angel:

Sino, Please look at it from our perspective. How do you explain events such a Tiananmen Square in 1989 with that famous picture of the man in front of a Tank. What happened to that tank man? What about Liu Xiaobo? Whom did these people hurt?

Most people would find such incidents very disturbing.
You guys all have one assumption: as long as a case is related to political things, the Chinese goverment is always the bad guy. But one suggestion from me, don't trust western media who have used "devide and conquer" strategy on you. They are not your friend, they are using you. A powerful India or China is definitely not a good thing for them.

During last year's big earthquake , our government manuvered 100 thousands of soldiers from different parts of China in only a few days to help hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, and you want us to believe this government is against us with only your information of Mr. Liu's case from western media?:no:

Of course, these media can fool foreign people with twisted or exaggerated stuff, it is their so called freedom, we can do nothing about it. But we believe our own eyes not the western media's mouth. That is one of the most important reasons why China can make its current big achievement: go your own way, don't follow the untrusted guys.

You guys really don't know China and Chinese people.
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You guys all have one assumption: as long as a case is related to political things, the Chinese goverment is always the bad guy. But one suggestion from me, don't trust western media who have used "devide and conquer" strategy on you. They are not your friend, they are using you. A powerful India or China is definitely not a good thing for them.

During last year's big earthquake , our government manuvered 100 thousands of soldiers from different parts of China in only a few days to help hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, and you want us to believe this government is against us with only your information of Mr. Liu's case from western media?:no: Of course, these media can fool foreign people with twisted or exaggerated stuff, it is their so called freedom, we can do nothing about it. But we believe our own eyes not the western media's mouth. That is one of the most important reasons why China can make its current big achievement: go your own way, don't follow the untrusted guys.

You guys really don't know China and Chinese people.

Sadly, it's not that these people don't know, rather they prefer not to know! Until they get rid of their prejudice, and see Chinese people as equals their "opinion" won't change. :angel:
Sino, Please look at it from our perspective. How do you explain events such a Tiananmen Square in 1989 with that famous picture of the man in front of a Tank. What happened to that tank man? What about Liu Xiaobo? Whom did these people hurt?

Most people would find such incidents very disturbing.

This is much more disturbing.
At least Mr. Liu had a choice not to be an idiot. The Dalits never had a choice to be Dalits.

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This is much more disturbing.
At least Mr. Liu had a choice not to be an idiot. The Dalits never had a choice to be Dalits.

All I can say that mistreatment to Dalits is wrong and should never happen. Can you say so in case of Mr liu and in case of Tianemen square massacre? Certainly not.

At least we regret opression to dalits but do you regret state sponsored ideological massacre in Tianemen square.
Do you need to hang him for saying so?? I thank god a thousand million times that I am not born in China.

And we thank god a thousand billion times that you were not born in our China!!!

Otherwise, more than anything else, we would have to sanctify the sacred soil of China for being polluted. :wave:

:china: :china: :china:
All I can say that mistreatment to Dalits is wrong and should never happen. Can you say so in case of Mr liu and in case of Tianemen square massacre? Certainly not.

At least we regret opression to dalits but do you regret state sponsored ideological massacre in Tianemen square.

Are you comparing Tiananmen square incident that happened 2

decades ago with the discrimination violences against the untouchable

still commonly practiced in today India ?

On December 27, 2006 Manmohan Singh became the first sitting Indian prime minister to openly acknowledge the parallel between the practice of “untouchability” and the crime of apartheid. Singh described “untouchability” as a “blot on humanity” adding that “even after 60 years of constitutional and legal protection and state support, there is still social discrimination against Dalits in many parts of our country.”

“Prime Minister Singh has rightly compared ‘untouchability’ to apartheid, and he should now turn his words into action to protect the rights of Dalits,” said Professor Smita Narula, faculty director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) at New York University School of Law, and co-author of the report. “The Indian government can no longer deny its collusion in maintaining a system of entrenched social and economic segregation.”

Dalits endure segregation in housing, schools, and access to public services. They are denied access to land, forced to work in degrading conditions, and routinely abused at the hands of the police and upper-caste community members who enjoy the state’s protection. Entrenched discrimination violates Dalits’ rights to education, health, housing, property, freedom of religion, free choice of employment, and equal treatment before the law. Dalits also suffer routine violations of their right to life and security of person through state-sponsored or -sanctioned acts of violence, including torture.

Caste-motivated killings, rapes, and other abuses are a daily occurrence in India. Between 2001 and 2002 close to 58,000 cases were registered under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act – legislation that criminalizes particularly egregious abuses against Dalits and tribal community members. A 2005 government report states that a crime is committed against a Dalit every 20 minutes. Though staggering, these figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste individuals.

Both state and private actors commit these crimes with impunity. Even on the relatively rare occasions on which a case reaches court, the most likely outcome is acquittal. Indian government reports reveal that between 1999 and 2001 as many as 89 percent of trials involving offenses against Dalits resulted in acquittals.
India: ‘Hidden Apartheid’ of Discrimination Against Dalits (Human Rights Watch, 13-2-2007):smitten::pakistan::china:
All I can say that mistreatment to Dalits is wrong and should never happen. Can you say so in case of Mr liu and in case of Tianemen square massacre? Certainly not.

At least we regret opression to dalits but do you regret state sponsored ideological massacre in Tianemen square.

At least before you post your China bashing rants, first try to know the correct spelling of the names of the concerned places, let alone the so called incident. :rofl:

Its not Tianemen square,:no: its Tienanmen Square!!!

I think, we indeed need to regret. :agree:

Yes, we need to regret and start practicing untouchability at least in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing and also in some other places, as more and more polluting elements come to China from a neighboring rogue enemy state in the name of doing business.

Yes, honestly speaking, I am personally very disappointed by the Beijing politburo decision for allowing some untouchable pollutions enter China from an untouchable neighboring state and pollute the sacred soil of China.

:china: :china: :china:
All I can say that mistreatment to Dalits is wrong and should never happen. Can you say so in case of Mr liu and in case of Tianemen square massacre? Certainly not.

At least we regret opression to dalits but do you regret state sponsored ideological massacre in Tianemen square.

It is good that you regret, but the Indian government, and the society in general certainly do not. India repeated lashed out at Amnesty International for criticizing its treatment of the Dalits, and they are still being oppressed everyday through police brutality, rape, murder, economic suppression, etc...

The group of leaders that caused the Tiananmen Square incidents 20 years ago are no longer in power. The facts are becoming widely known in China and certain aspects of our government decisions were certainly amoral and wrong. However, using the army to suppress a riot was not. In fact, the government showed maximum patience by waiting MONTHS before taking any action. If such a riot was staged in a democratic, western country, way more people would have been slaughtered. There is no doubt that the CIA played a critical role in inciting these events.

In sum, the Dalits oppression is a purely human rights issue, while the Tiananmen Square incidence, and the democratic movement in China in general, are much more of political issues and we should not talk about purely in human rights context.
And we thank god a thousand billion times that you were not born in our China!!!

Otherwise, more than anything else, we would have to sanctify the sacred soil of China for being polluted. :wave:

:china: :china: :china:

All I can understand is when you get embarred from hair till toe, you tend to make the disussion personal. And all your other embarresed comrades stand by you in appreciating your personal attack.

In PRC, does CCP even decides what should be the colour of your undies, or you still have that little bit of "liberty/ freedom" still left for you, to decide it yourself?

What will happen if you chose to wear a different colour? Will you be jailed like Mr Liu Xiaobo or will be crushed by a tank in Tienanmen square?
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This is much more disturbing.
At least Mr. Liu had a choice not to be an idiot. The Dalits never had a choice to be Dalits.

G1l-x7708zY[/media] - India: The Dalit Story

U can have much song and dance around Dalits BS story of india.
Reality is quite different.No dalit is getting imprsioned in india for either being dalit or dissident aganist Govt.

Here is most powerful Chief minister in india, Miss Mayawati, who rules indias biggest state of Utter Pradesh.BTW the she is a Dalit leader and chances are she would easlily imprision u ...atleast get u arrested if u become a dissident aganist her Govt. ;)
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