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China to sentence leading dissident Liu Xiaobo on Christmas Day

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And we thank god a thousand billion times that you were not born in our China!!!

Otherwise, more than anything else, we would have to sanctify the sacred soil of China for being polluted.

Our China??!! LOL. Don't you post from India?
GSK, conworldus, Grey boy, Sino, Communist,

Thank you for your opinion on this matter. I have to admit that most of my opinion is based on what I hear from the western media. I generally trust these sources.

What is given is my opinion. I am sure many other people share this same opinion. I admit we may be wrong. However the evidence overwhelmingly shows that dissent is something which the CCP doesn't take lightly.

Can you please help me with answers to these few questions. This could be a basis of a good discussion.

a) Are people generally satisfied with the workings of the government ?
b) How much do people generally trust their own media. Is the media censored? If yes, are most people aware of it.
c) One thing I have heard is that free movement of people around the country is severely restricted. Have you or your close ones ever experienced this?
Sadly, it's not that these people don't know, rather they prefer not to know! Until they get rid of their prejudice, and see Chinese people as equals their "opinion" won't change. :angel:

Sorry if I have given that impression. I work with a number of Chinese colleagues and at no time did I ever feel that they are very different or inferior to me.

The opinion is simply my own which I suspect a lot of other people share.
Can you please help me with answers to these few questions. This could be a basis of a good discussion.

a) Are people generally satisfied with the workings of the government ?
b) How much do people generally trust their own media. Is the media censored? If yes, are most people aware of it.
c) One thing I have heard is that free movement of people around the country is severely restricted. Have you or your close ones ever experienced this?

a) Are people generally satisfied with the workings of the government ?

Yes they are. By the way, you cannot make everyone happy since one's interest is served at the cost another. But the govt initiatives are based on egalitarian values since egalitarianism is the basis of Chinese socialism. China values harmony in society. In fact Chinese socialism says social order must be harmonious. And society plays a significant role in Asian culture. I do not know about Indian culture. But China maintains Asian cultural values.

b) How much do people generally trust their own media. Is the media censored? If yes, are most people aware of it.

As much as they want.

Yes the media is censored for the sake of maintaining social harmony. Why? Since China wants to preserve harmony in society, so any anti-social element that may topple the social rhythm and order is not allowed to create disturbance and social disorder.

c) One thing I have heard is that free movement of people around the country is severely restricted. Have you or your close ones ever experienced this?

One single word. Rumor. Why? To malign the image of China. Who can do that? China's natural enemy. Who is China's natural enemy? India. Simple.

:china: :china: :china:
All I can understand is when you get embarred from hair till toe, you tend to make the disussion personal. And all your other embarresed comrades stand by you in appreciating your personal attack.

In PRC, does CCP even decides what should be the colour of your undies, or you still have that little bit of "liberty/ freedom" still left for you, to decide it yourself?

What will happen if you chose to wear a different colour? Will you be jailed like Mr Liu Xiaobo or will be crushed by a tank in Tienanmen square?

Yes, I really feel embarrass for the sentence of Liu Xiaobo.

After you enlighten me of all those freedom you guys enjoying including

the freedom of discrimination, raping, beating,killing of those dalits.

But before i make up my mind to apply for "immigrant" of India, a

few questions i will like you to clarify before joining your camp of

unlimited "freedom".

(1) Dalits mostly are "Toilets" cleaner, but there are not much toilets

to clean though, since 650 million of you guys don't have toilets ?

(2) How do you identify who are dalits to aim for oppression ?

do GOI stamp "untouchable" on their "ID" if they had any ?

(3) Does your parents tell you which "Caste" you belong, how do

you able to prove your "Caste", cause you know I certainly only

wants to be in the elite Caste with all those freedom to oppress and

get away with Killing, raping etc. criminal acts.

P.S. Thanks buddy for opening my eyes to the "New Dimension of

Freedom in India"
I must say "Incredible India"
(3) Does your parents tell you which "Caste" you belong, how do

you able to prove your "Caste", cause you know I certainly only

wants to be in the elite Caste with all those freedom to oppress and

get away with Killing, raping etc. criminal acts.

P.S. Thanks buddy for opening my eyes to the "New Dimension of

Freedom in India"
I must say "Incredible India"

As far as I know about the caste system of Incredible India, caste is historically determined slavery based on skin color. Caste is a Portuguese word, first used by the Anglo Saxons who did not understand the Sanskrit word varna which literally means color of the skin.

One Indian member posted a youtube video on India's chief minister Mayabati. Now that Indian member along with other Indians ridicule Mayabati and another low caste leader, late Ambedkar because they look non Aryans. By the way, the irony is that those who hate low castes themselves are not Aryans anyway, neither in terms of skin color nor in terms of Aryan culture. Anyway, I should not post physical descriptions here, lest it would appear something racist.

You can google caste and get many other dimensions of caste concept.
Yes, we ridicule Mayawati, not because she is from a so called "lower caste" but because she's an incompetent corrupt leader. The fact is you're the one who can't see beyond someone's caste.

PS - I challenge you to show me one post where an Indian member ridiculed Ambedkar. He is one of our most respected leaders.

(1) Dalits mostly are "Toilets" cleaner, but there are not much toilets

to clean though, since 650 million of you guys don't have toilets ?

Well, We Indians lack the inventiveness of the Chinese government. Otherwise the GOI would have employed the unemployed to spam internet forums, much like your government.

(2) How do you identify who are dalits to aim for oppression ?

do GOI stamp "untouchable" on their "ID" if they had any ?

Profiling is something that is done by Dictatorships. I'm sure the CPC has a big red file on you. And oppression? Hilarious. Two words. Cultural revolution.

(3) Does your parents tell you which "Caste" you belong, how do

you able to prove your "Caste", cause you know I certainly only

wants to be in the elite Caste with all those freedom to oppress and

get away with Killing, raping etc. criminal acts.

Does your government tell you how to think? Or are you just shooting your mouth off because Big brother is watching?

Now, stick to topic. This thread is not about toilets, dalits, caste, or India in general. The topic is - The unfortunate sentencing of Liu Xiaobo.
GSK, conworldus, Grey boy, Sino, Communist,

a) Are people generally satisfied with the workings of the government ?
b) How much do people generally trust their own media. Is the media censored? If yes, are most people aware of it.
c) One thing I have heard is that free movement of people around the country is severely restricted. Have you or your close ones ever experienced this?

Here is the answer:

a) Yes, there was a survey did by a western media in the last year (I forget which one), more than 80% of Chinese are satisfied with their government's performance. Surpise for you?

b) Chinese people trust their media very much, but they all know that sometimes the media just try to cover some bad things as the government wants to maintain society stability. you know why, China is in a more hostile international environment compared to india. Stability is of the most importance for our economic development.

c) Totally wrong. In China, people are free to move and live everywhere they want. But if you move to another city, you don't have the same advantages (for example, discounts for health care and child care, etc.) as its local people usually have because resources are limited in China considering the big population.

If you think China is so bad, how come overseas Chinese in this forum still stand with China? They do have the same "freedom of speech" as you do, right? Think about it.

We Chinese are not arrogant, selfish people. All of you are welcome to China to see the truth and tell it to your friends.
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GSK, conworldus, Grey boy, Sino, Communist,

Thank you for your opinion on this matter. I have to admit that most of my opinion is based on what I hear from the western media. I generally trust these sources.

What is given is my opinion. I am sure many other people share this same opinion. I admit we may be wrong. However the evidence overwhelmingly shows that dissent is something which the CCP doesn't take lightly.

Can you please help me with answers to these few questions. This could be a basis of a good discussion.

a) Are people generally satisfied with the workings of the government ?
b) How much do people generally trust their own media. Is the media censored? If yes, are most people aware of it.
c) One thing I have heard is that free movement of people around the country is severely restricted. Have you or your close ones ever experienced this?

Although CCP may not be very democratic, As a Chinese, I must admit that life is much better than before. Our country is peaceful and stable. I'm more and more proud to be a Chinese.
Yes, I really feel embarrass for the sentence of Liu Xiaobo.

After you enlighten me of all those freedom you guys enjoying including

the freedom of discrimination, raping, beating,killing of those dalits.

But before i make up my mind to apply for "immigrant" of India, a

few questions i will like you to clarify before joining your camp of

unlimited "freedom".

(1) Dalits mostly are "Toilets" cleaner, but there are not much toilets

to clean though, since 650 million of you guys don't have toilets ?

(2) How do you identify who are dalits to aim for oppression ?

do GOI stamp "untouchable" on their "ID" if they had any ?

(3) Does your parents tell you which "Caste" you belong, how do

you able to prove your "Caste", cause you know I certainly only

wants to be in the elite Caste with all those freedom to oppress and

get away with Killing, raping etc. criminal acts.

P.S. Thanks buddy for opening my eyes to the "New Dimension of

Freedom in India"
I must say "Incredible India"

U find Dalits are mostly toilet cleaner ???
I guess u must've a phd on dalits of india from Peking university of china to make that assumption.

Do u have any idea about indian caste system and different segments??

Besides that india has no scope for caste discrimination in public life and its a punishable crime to practice caste discrimnation of any sort.

The founding father of indian constitution ,B R Ambedkar who was given the charge of formualtion of our democratic constitution was a dalit himself.We have dalits as presidents ,Chief ministers memeber of parliament s who were electected by people of all castes and religions in india who enjoy power as elected representatives not dictators .Indian constitution provides far more oppourtunities to dalits than their upper caste citizens to uplift their social status .

In todays india,ask any dalit ,u'll find there no complain about systemic caste discrimiation ,but ones based on personal prejudices in individual capacities.

Dont try to show ur scandlalous pitiness for dalits of india as dalit understand their position in india and the power they weilds in it as u are making only fool of urself and further harming the image of ur country china.

I'm touched by ur constant remind about the somany people in india not having their loiltets as u never forget to mention on each post of urs.

Pls dont worry ,as they would never visit china to answer the call of nature.
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China and India have total differently problem!
For China it need more democracy.
For India it has to face the religous discrimination(include Caste) in countryside! As I know there are lots of such problems in remote villages.
Both China and Indian need to improve!
The founding father of indian constitution ,B R Ambedkar who was given the charge of formualtion our democratic constitution was a dalit himself.We have dalits as presidents ,Chief ministers memeber of parliament s who were electected by people of all caste and religion in india who enjoy power as elected represetatives not dictators .Indian constitution provides far more oppertunities to dalits than their upper caste citizens to uplift their social status .

Yet the youtube video of mockery shows Ambedkar. :D

a6hT9chfFyM[/media] - mayawati 2008

Here is most powerful Chief minister in india, Miss Mayawati, who rules indias biggest state of Utter Pradesh.BTW the she is a Dalit leader and chances are she would easlily imprision u ...atleast get u arrested if u become a dissident aganist her Govt. ;)
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Here is the answer:

a) Yes, there was a survey did by a western media in the last year (I forget which one), more than 80% of Chinese are satisfied with their government's performance. Surpise for you?

b) Chinese people trust their media very much, but they all know that sometimes the media just try to cover some bad things as the government wants to maintain society stability. you know why, China is in a more hostile international environment compared to india. Stability is of the most importance for our economic development.

c) Totally wrong. In China, people are free to move and live everywhere they want. But if you move to another city, you don't have the same advantages (for example, dicounts for health care and child care, etc.) as its local people usually have because resources are limited in China considering the big population.

Here is the source for the survey from BBC;

An overwhelming majority of Chinese—the highest of nations polled--express support for increasing government regulation and oversight of the national economy to address the current economic crisis. At the same time an overwhelming majority expresses satisfaction with the response to the crisis by their own leaders, though they are divided on how fairly the benefits and costs of economic development have been distributed.

Six-in-ten (62%) support significantly increasing government spending to stimulate the economy, while an overwhelming majority (92%) support directing this money to renewable energy. Eighty percent favour government support for major industries and companies in trouble and 69 percent favour similar support for failing banks.
Nearly all (94%) Chinese approve of higher government regulation of their economy, while two-thirds (68%) approve of more regulatory power for international bodies.
Pluralities are satisfied with the efforts to address the crisis by executives of major banks (46%), the World Bank and IMF (43%), executives of international companies (37%), and EU leaders (36%).
The Chinese are divided on the efforts of US leaders (39% satisfied, 35% dissatisfied).
A very large majority (88%) expresses satisfaction with efforts of Chinese leaders to address the current financial crisis. However, Chinese were divided on whether the positives and negatives of economic growth have been distributed equally (44% fairly, 48% unfairly).
Open your eyes, Indians, FACTS are something you can't deny.
Global Poll Shows Support for Increased Government Spending and Regulation:smitten::pakistan::china:
China and India have total differently problem!
For China it need more democracy.
For India it has to face the religous discrimination(include Caste) in countryside! As I know there are lots of such problems in remote villages.
Both China and Indian need to improve!

Please do not get delusional. China already has enough democracy. Have you ever heard any Indian kicked by Han Chinese in China? No.

But do you know about the Chinese population in India during and after 1962 war?

Look at my post in this thread. Link below:


Well, not to mention today many Indians live in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou etc in China and if now Han Chinese start paying back.
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