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China to hand over first Frigate to Pakistan on Thursday: NA body told

now we needed two or three destroyers with good sam and u boats

with the U214 on cards the Submarine section is almost well equiped with three already present Agosta 90b and three more U214, this make the total number to six. perhaps we will go for two or three more in may be 8 to 10 yeasr time!
as far as the destroyers are concerned, this does not seem to be happening. for anti air warfare PN is looking for a fleet of four or six old ships but as farr as i am concerned it will be a wrong move. for me going for three new platform will be more wise then getting six, but retired ships!


You seem to post on every thread - Air Force, Naval and Land Forces; always comment on all of the threads and have your own reccomendations about what the Pakistan Military should do with regards to just about anything and everything.

Are you an expert?

Khudah nay wahi bayja hey tum'ko?
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You seem to post on every thread - Air Force, Naval and Land Forces; always comment on all of the threads and have your own reccomendations about what the Pakistan Military should do with regards to just about anything and everything.

Are you an expert?

Khudah nay wahi bayja hey tum'ko?

you should not have a problem with it if you have questions give you point of view that's the main objective for this forum
with the U214 on cards the Submarine section is almost well equiped with three already present Agosta 90b and three more U214, this make the total number to six. perhaps we will go for two or three more in may be 8 to 10 yeasr time!
as far as the destroyers are concerned, this does not seem to be happening. for anti air warfare PN is looking for a fleet of four or six old ships but as farr as i am concerned it will be a wrong move. for me going for three new platform will be more wise then getting six, but retired ships!

If U boat deal does not go through and we have to go for french again i think we should go for 3 agosta again if scorpions and merlin's are substantially expensive as compare to agosta because we can build them at home easier then others and when situation changes U boat will be their to go far
what u think
About destroyers we have to go for new ones in future its batter to plan know if we can successfully build F 22p in pakistan then we can of course with chines help go for type 52c we need only two or three of them on oliver perry if its coming free we should go for it its only 60 million each not a bad deal turkey Egypt, Poland and many others have them we should go for them but only if we are going to have at least three of them one will not be sufficient.
i hope we put order to china for some heavy destroyers similar to russian destroyer equipend with heavy weapons and sensors
Indeed good news for PN.

As far as submarines are concerned I believe French are again in the race. Germans have delayed the decision a bit too long.
Indeed good news for PN.

As far as submarines are concerned I believe French are again in the race. Germans have delayed the decision a bit too long.

Forsure good news for PN :yahoo: as far the subs i was excited for the u -boats but now with all this drama i really don't care much for them even if we get the subs from france we must full fill this need asap ! :agree:
Pak looks beyond P-22 frigates: Admiral Noman

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir has said that the induction of P-22 frigate in Pakistan Navy was a very big leap forward not only in respect of Pak-China bilateral co-operation but it also help enhance country’s defence capability, adding “we are looking beyond P-22 frigates”. The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) currently on official visit to China, said here he had very useful discussions at leadership level and looking forward for commissioning of the first P-22 frigate named ‘PNS Zulfiqar’ on July 30 which was constructed in Shanghai. “Because of extremely cordial relations between the two countries as well as among the two navies, it was very important for me to meet our most trusted friends and as soon as I got the first opportunity I embarked on visit to China”, he added.

Talking to Chinese media, Admiral Noman said that one of the important aspects of his visit was the interactions and discussions on how to further they can make progress and strengthen the relationship at all levels. To a question, he said Pakistan, China relations are multidimensional and both countries have understanding on many issues. Both countries are cooperating in various civil as well as defence projects.

About India Nuke submarine, Admiral Noman said that although it was launched two days back, we knew it for a long time. Indian, he said has their own security perspective, but Pakistan believs that the presence of Indian nuclear submarine changes the security calculus of Indian ocean. Pakistan, Admiral Noman said do not want to follow arms race as “we have our own priorities”. He said that we are fully alive to our security and taking all necessary measures to safeguard it.

In this regard he referred to acquisition of P-22 frigates for Pakistan Navy. Admiral Noman Bashir pointed out that Chinese military production industry maintains very high quality and standard and Pakistan wants to benefit from their achievements.

To a question on security of Indian Ocean, Admiral Noman said that it is very important for many reasons. The Ocean is main arty for oil supplies and it connect East with the West as a result a large number of cargo ships passed through it every day.
“The Ocean is very important not only for Pakistan and China but for the entire world therefore Pakistan don’t want to see it monopolize by any country. So, this is important for all the countries in the world including Pakistan which is located on the mouth of Gulf to make sure that the India Ocean remains peaceful”, he added.

Pakistan Navy, Admiral Noman Bashir said was contributing its role with the international community in fight against illegal activities including drug and human trafficking through sea. Welcoming the presence of Chinese Task-force in Indian Ocean, the CNS said we look forward for opportunities to work together for the common objective of maintaining peace and security. Meanwhile Admiral Noman Bashir said that Pakistan Navy is still actively participating along with Navies of various countries including China in curbing piracy in sea of Aden. “Our performance was highly acclaimed by major countries”, he added. Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Masood Khan was also present on the occasion.
Long live pak china friendship but now we should focus on destroyes.

I'd recommend we take it up one step in trust and cooperation (but not openly saying mutual defence) --- all friendly nations should unite and work together as one against 'foreign' threats! PLAN + PN + BN + IN + RN + JN + KN + ...... :cheers: Divided we fall, united we stand! :yahoo:
remember after 1 or 2 years we also get old USA ships i dont remember its name but still heavy fully equiped destroyers are needed to PN it will make invincible to our pn if we get
4 new destroyers+old USA ships+3U214+2nuke subs
So what exactly are we hoping to achieve from this frigate if some one perhaps can answer?
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