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China to get S-400 from russia in 2017

Care to look up which is the newest SAM that India purchased from Russia?

On topic, I find this dubious. China has already been manufacturing S-300 equivalent SAMs, and my guess is that they should be able to make an S-400 class system on their own.

The S-400 for China is definitely another cooked up rumor.

But not sure if India is interested for this SAM.
This has busted the bubble of that chinese hype that thier HQ series is more capable than S 300 and S400. Had they been even half capable, CHina would not have gone for S 400. Same is the case of Su 35 which china intends to buy. Chinese goods is not capable enough to be used in war against any potent adversary. Except chinese S to S missile, nothing is good enough. No Submarine, NO BMD, No Plane, No ship nor tank.
May be they want it for reverse engineering they did it with Su-27 and Mig 21 so now they want to reverse engineer S-400 as well.
Why would anyone be interested in the S-400 when the 052D is already commissioned?


Why would anyone be interested in the Su-35 when the J-10B is already in mass production?


And the pre-production J-20 is already in the air?


Use your brains people.
It's indeed funny how much noise a faked report can always make in a forum, where some try to keep their opinion regardless the facts ...

This deal was never a done deal, it is even denied by the Kremlin:

The Kremlin denied on June 2 that the sale of Su-35 fighters and S-400 missiles to China was near completion, reversing an earlier statement by the chief of Sukhoi aircraft maker Mikhail Pogosyan. Maxim Syssoev, the chief of Russia’s state-run United Aircraft Corp [UAC], refuted Pogosyan’s claim that he had discussed with the Chinese the Su-35 and S-400 sales.

Russia denies closing the sale of Su-35s, SAM missiles to China | East-Asia-Intel

or ...

Russian Fighters for China Still On Hold | Defense News | defensenews.com

and finally ....

Numerous reports have appeared in the media of late regarding a deal whereby Russia would export 24 Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker fighters and four Ladas-class submarines to China. The Russian government has officially denied these reports. Numerous unofficial sources, however, indicate that S-400 antiaircraft missiles and IL-476 transport planes could be included as part of a large deal. That would be the largest China-Russia sale package since 2002.

Making Sense of Massive China-Russia Arms Deal - USNI News

So as long as no Russian site officially announces this deal - and we can be sure they will tell it everyone - there is NO deal.

They already have reverse engineered in HQ series which is a failure so now they are purchasing from Russia once again. Their J series is a big failure. They are negotiating with russia for SU 35 and some subs to counter India.

I am impressed with your answer. When I shall have no logical answer to any post in discussion, i shall use your blah, blah formulae to counter the arguement and hide my ignorance.
HQ won the Turkey deal, only got stalled due to Western pressure, it scored the 100% accuracy (with 9 random targetts) and second longest range```and yet its downgraded export version of HO-9 ```

so your delusion and ignorance is the only thing that put you indian on world map to be honest
VW Dave another idiot with no purpose on life just talking rubbish I hope no body takes you seriously so that you can aswell go hug a transformer sleep on the express or jump of the mountain idiot.
Another news article claiming China bought Russia's S-400 S2A system:

China becomes first foreign buyer of Russian S-400 air defense system, according media
China becomes first foreign buyer of Russian S-400 air defense system, according media | April 2015 Global Defense Security news UK | Defense Security global news industry army 2015

Monday, 13 April 2015 06:58

China has purchased S-400 missile defense systems from Russia, director general of Russia's major arms exporting company Rosoborobexport Anatoly Isaykin has told the Kommersant daily in an interview, according Tass Russian news agency.

. . . .

China plans to deploy its first S-400 battalion opposite Taiwan. That one battalion can cover all Taiwanese air space. The next battalions will be deployed to deal with Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.

I could see China wanting a few components of the S-400, but not the entire thing.

I'll believe it when I see pictures of it being used in China. Until then, this news story goes in the bigfoot sighting category.
The S-400 deal is better than the rumour Lada submarine and obselete Su-35.
What about last Su-35 news ... now S-400 news incoming ?
Su-35 will never come. Same as Lada sub. I heard China provide Russia half the development fee of S-400 and thats why China is first customers for S-400.
S-300 is already under license production in China. Perhaps they will just be interested on an upgrade via the original vendor
That's very good new for Sino-Russia deal: we got new toys while Russia get $$$, indirectly both can boost the military relation to higher level without saying any words about alliance. In the future, don't be suprise if there is other high tech military cooperation to come. As I said before only Sino-Russia military cooperation will speed up the catch up to US military technology, we can complement each other with our resources technologies & finance.

Some of our neighbors are not happy with this new such India and Vietnam, but they can't blame Russia if they like to cozy with Russia's enemy, don't be surprise to get some payback :lol:, with 400km interception range, we can virtually shot down airplane take off from New Delhi:D.
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