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China to get access to Pakistan bases?

dont see the issue here

the Chinese navy should also establish themselves in Gwader

Americans have used us for decades and what did we get? Mc Donalds?

I am actually surprised they haven't done so already

any attack on India should come from a two fronted war, splitting the Indian defences in half

with their safety record and pressure from two fronts it would end India in 7 days
dont see the issue here

the Chinese navy should also establish themselves in Gwader

Americans have used us for decades and what did we get? Mc Donalds?

I am actually surprised they haven't done so already

any attack on India should come from a two fronted war, splitting the Indian defences in half

with their safety record and pressure from two fronts it would end India in 7 days

Would it be a nuclear end ?
The reason why PLAAF may consider this is because THEIR TIBET airbases are either too far OR TOO HIGH ALTITUDE which severly limits payload on each sortie.

BUT THE CHINEASE and PAKISTANI govt know this will be open declaration of WAR by Pakistan on India.

This will have 3 effects

1. India will have right to bomb those bases
2. Pakistan joining in will almost lead to pressure from USA and Russia to intervene diplomatically
3. USA may even go as warning Pakistan including sanctions even direct military involvement.

Personally despite the open desire of pakistanis to be involved and make this 2 on 1 war I THINK the fear of international rage and hostility on pakistan will prevent Pakistan from allowing bombing runs from IOK bases.

ITS TOO RISKY for a econmically battered Pakistan to deliberately fuel a EVEN MORE dangerous scenario where india may feel surounded and need to go drastic in its military operations.

1. affirmative
2. Negative, US and Russia will be watching from sidelines, US pressure will become null and void in front of chinese support.
3. US might say it, but it knows it will backfire very badly.
Chinese can fly from within China side with less fuel , do the job in India and land in Pakistan to re fuel and go back via china Pakistan border

no international pressure as Pakistan have given this right to USA in the past as well and no direct raid by Chinese from Pakistan side

India need to contain it only with China as they are afraid of multiple fronts from both sides

No. It would be the other way around.

Chinese fighters can takeoff with more fuel and payload from Skardu than from Rudok or Gartok or Tashigong in Tibet.

Fighters will take off from Skardu (Pakistan) , bomb Ladakh and land in Rudok (Tibet/China)


1. India will have right to bomb those bases

And China and Pakistan would be sitting idle? IAF fighter would be shotdown by Chinese S-400 as soon as they takeoff.

2. Pakistan joining in will almost lead to pressure from USA and Russia to intervene diplomatically

China has veto in UNSC.
LETS hope cool heads prevail.

OR that Indian military is planning well.

I have heard Russian IL76 planes have been flying into Agra and other northern bases for over a week daily .
I think they me spare parts and missles for fighter jets and other small arms to fight a full blown. skirmish .

Unfortuntely We ordered both Rafale and S400 12 months too late.

I think its time to find some permanent ally. Get American airbase in laddakh. And sikkim.
Where we have good infra.

Whats harm in it. They will be happy to have their birds on china neck surrounding them.

Also we must keep the nukes ready. Just in case of war going sour. We can finish it all for good.
I think its time to find some permanent ally. Get American airbase in laddakh. And sikkim.
Where we have good infra.

Whats harm in it. They will be happy to have their birds on china neck surrounding them.

Also we must keep the nukes ready. Just in case of war going sour. We can finish it all for good.

Come on dude, have some optimism and trust in your army. Your post sounds like you have almost given up on your armed forces and now waiting for external messiah to save you.
Come on dude, have some optimism and trust in your army. Your post sounds like you have almost given up on your armed forces and now waiting for external messiah to save you.
No we have nukes.
We can finish it all.

We have a sly enemy . Its not pakistan our regular .
We have to tangle china with a team. We can join whole world. Its very good time to finish china.

Whole world against them and it will benefit everyone.
Their internal issues are rising.
Hongkong in hot.
South China.
Japan Korea Vietnam Thailand Philippines usa , UK, europe Australia India everyone is their enemy.

Who are their alley? Couple of African Nation, pakistan , North Korea?

Ita very much time to put this issue to rest.
India keeps vigilant eye on Azad Kashmir as Chinese air activity increases
While the PLAAF can make up for the high altitude by deploying aerial tankers, Indian military planners have always been wary that in a time of conflict, airbases in Azad Kashmir could be handed over to China. Limited activity can be observed at the Skardu airbase, and an IL 78 tanker of the PLAAF landed there a few days ago, besides some Pakistan Air Force transport aircraft.
Manu Pubby
, ET Bureau|
Last Updated: Jun 27, 2020, 07.08 AM IST
India is keeping a vigilant eye on airbases in Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) after a Chinese refueller aircraft landed in Skardu last week. Also, Chinese air activity has increased opposite Eastern Ladakh, raising the possibility of PLA Air Force (PLAAF) using airbases in Azad Kashmir.

Indian and Chinese forces are in the middle of an escalating standoff in Eastern Ladakh with New Delhi forced to bring in a large number of troops in the area after Beijing amassed forces, which were otherwise supposed to be undergoing annual military exercises.

The Indian Air Force has been on heightened alert for several weeks now and extensive ferry missions have been undertaken to take supplies and troops to Ladakh. Besides, Chinese air activity – additional Su 27 fighters are believed to have been deployed at Hotan airbase in Xinjiang – is being closely monitored and their deployments mirrored on the Indian side.

The PLAAF has several airbases in and around Tibet, with Hotan housing the most combat assets, but they suffer from one debilitating issue – most are located at altitudes over 4,000 feet, making it difficult for fighters to take off with a full weapons load and fuel. Several Indian airbases, on the other hand, are located in the plains of Punjab and Haryana, giving them an edge.


Satellite Images
While the PLAAF can make up for the high altitude by deploying aerial tankers, Indian military planners have always been wary that in a time of conflict, airbases in Azad Kashmir could be handed over to China.

Sources said that limited activity can be observed at the Skardu airbase, and an IL 78 tanker of the PLAAF landed there a few days ago, besides some Pakistan Air Force transport aircraft. Skardu is located just 100 km from the Leh airbase and has recently been expanded by Pakistan.

In August last year, the Skardu base was used by Pakistani JF 17s on their way to the PLAAF base at Hotan for a joint exercise. The Shaheen series of exercises involving J 10s from China and Pakistani JF 17 jets had been carefully monitored by India and took place in the area opposite Eastern Ladakh.

In the past two years there has been a significant increase in air activity in Tibet. While the PLAAF earlier used to deploy its fighters to forward bases only in summers, a year-round deployment has now become the norm.

Recent satellite images show that another airbase located just about 200 km from the Pangong Tso lake is also being upgraded, with work on as recently as May this year. The Ngari Gunsa airbase in Tibet is housing Su 27 fighter jets and work to expand the runway has been ongoing.

In the past, Pakistan had no qualms in allowing other nations to use its airbases and military camps. During the Afghanistan campaign launched in 2001, US forces had enclaves at several Pakistani airbases to support combat missions against the Taliban.


india acts like the whole world is against them and they are some god sent gift to the world.. get off from the horse, u have a terrorist government with a terrorsit army ..
The reason why PLAAF may consider this is because THEIR TIBET airbases are either too far OR TOO HIGH ALTITUDE which severly limits payload on each sortie.

BUT THE CHINEASE and PAKISTANI govt know this will be open declaration of WAR by Pakistan on India.

This will have 3 effects

1. India will have right to bomb those bases
2. Pakistan joining in will almost lead to pressure from USA and Russia to intervene diplomatically
3. USA may even go as warning Pakistan including sanctions even direct military involvement.

Personally despite the open desire of pakistanis to be involved and make this 2 on 1 war I THINK the fear of international rage and hostility on pakistan will prevent Pakistan from allowing bombing runs from IOK bases.

ITS TOO RISKY for a econmically battered Pakistan to deliberately fuel a EVEN MORE dangerous scenario where india may feel surounded and need to go drastic in its military operations.
The Chinese constructing a military base would not lead to any of the three happening.
  1. India would not dare to bomb a Chinese military base in Pakistan in fear it might start a war between the two nations
  2. Neither the US or Russia would intervene on behalf of either side. The US already views a Chinese base in Pakistan as inevitable while the Russians really only care about money and not wider geopolitics with regards to China/India/Pakistan
  3. Sanctions might be possible but then again the US is already considering sanctions against India for purchasing the S-400 system. As such, I doubt this really matters to Pakistan. Any sanctions the US slaps on it would be less than what the US does to India once the S-400 system arrives.
If Chinese airforce can use bases in Pakistan, Ladakh will be indefensible for India, but that will bring our war to Pakistan which I don't think China will consider.

In fact that's exactly China has considered....avoid war in it's territory but fight it from a proxy state and minimise damage to 1. Chinese Civilians (and save any political opposition/pressure to CCP) 2. avoid any threat to industries/financial sector.
PAF should participate with PLAAF in unmarked F7PGs or send our pilots with their jets.

Because F16 and JF17 are pretty easy to identify.
Pakistan will not engage in anything that overtly involves participation unless there is compulsion to do so to prevent direct hostilities with India or it provides a strategic advantage of such great proportions as to equate forcing India into settling the Kashmir dispute.
Things is in case of any conflict in Kashmir no one will come to help India cause
1. Its a disputed territory accepted by whole UN. If they do they are helping our cause.
2. India which think its own land will make it again disputed territory by going to UN or west.

No country can legally sanction Pakistan in case of war in Kashmir. If they do they will be indirectly helping us in Kashmir cause.

About giving Skardu airbase to China won't work. Only few refuelers will be tag friendly for delivering fuel to jets flying from Chinese airbases. Otherwise it will be a nightmare to tag that many jets as friendly.

Yes we will see Chinese presence in Indian ocean and access to Gawadar port in case of war
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