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China to get access to Pakistan bases?

Please don't rush to any conclusion yet. My dear friend Gupta is gone to fetch some concrete proofs. If he doesn't bring the proofs, please feel free to consider them bollywood nation who lives in parallel universe with no connection to reality. :-)
Pakistan & China holds world records for most shameless military surrenders,
China surrendered infront of Japan & Pakistan in front of Mighty Indian Army.
& Pakistan is better than China because Pakistan holds world record of doing only Public surrender of the world History, even WW1 & WW2 surrenders were Private functions.

your 5000 years of existence is all about surrenders...pipe down son
If Chinese airforce can use bases in Pakistan, Ladakh will be indefensible for India, but that will bring our war to Pakistan which I don't think China will consider.
This triangle will invole us by default so its better to push earlier together than later, cuz india definatily will want Pakistan to join so she will call other countries for her support then 2nd front will be sea.

NY times also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins........:lol:

None of your sources above are credible........:azn:

Your response above explains why over 1.4 billion indians have a lower racial IQ compared to Pakistani and Chinese people.........:azn::

NY times also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins........:lol:

None of your sources above are credible........:azn:

Your response above explains why over 1.4 billion indians have a lower racial IQ compared to Pakistani and Chinese people.........:azn::


Sorry @PAKISTANFOREVER, my friend gupta ji failed me. You may please call him delusional now as he couldn't bring anything but usual rant.
China should approach Pakistan to install avanced radars in Northern Pakistan directed at Indian occupation forces. The intelligence can be shared. Land can be leased and Pakistanis trained at the facilities. Should be win win and give both sides a military edge with no Chinese "force projection" towards Pakistan or Chinese "forces" being stationed in Pakistan.
Only low IQ generals of China will consider it an Intelligent Idea,
Barak-MX & MRSAM ( 150 KM & 95KM ) will not allow the Chinese junks to even Takeoff.
If India deploys them in shrinagar with layered batteries of Barak MX-MRSAM-AKASH-Spyder then S2, then even reaching the Indian borders will be biggest achievement of PLAAF & PAF.
Atleast their Poor-Engine planes who struggle to take off from Heights of 4KM, will be safe at Hotan & Nagari due to lack of Range of Indian ADS.
And F 22
Flying T14s
Terminator 1,2,3,4,5,6 7,8
How can anyone possibly step in land air or sea of mighty supa power when Vedic India will have all of above :enjoy:
Welcome to :pdf:
Whats the size of your chest ? Mr Shaktiman?
Only low IQ generals of China will consider it an Intelligent Idea,
Barak-MX & MRSAM ( 150 KM & 95KM ) will not allow the Chinese junks to even Takeoff.
If India deploys them in shrinagar with layered batteries of Barak MX-MRSAM-AKASH-Spyder then S2, then even reaching the Indian borders will be biggest achievement of PLAAF & PAF.
Atleast their Poor-Engine planes who struggle to take off from Heights of 4KM, will be safe at Hotan & Nagari due to lack of Range of Indian ADS.
Another Bhagat is here for open defecation:rofl::rofl:
Pakistan & China holds world records for most shameless military surrenders,
China surrendered infront of Japan & Pakistan in front of Mighty Indian Army.
& Pakistan is better than China because Pakistan holds world record of doing only Public surrender of the world History, even WW1 & WW2 surrenders were Private functions.
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If Chinese airforce can use bases in Pakistan, Ladakh will be indefensible for India, but that will bring our war to Pakistan which I don't think China will consider.

This is a masterstroke!

Fighters can take off from Skardu (Pakistan) , bomb Ladakh and land in Rudok (Tibet/China)


Only low IQ generals of China will consider it an Intelligent Idea,
Barak-MX & MRSAM ( 150 KM & 95KM ) will not allow the Chinese junks to even Takeoff.
If India deploys them in shrinagar with layered batteries of Barak MX-MRSAM-AKASH-Spyder then S2, then even reaching the Indian borders will be biggest achievement of PLAAF & PAF.
Atleast their Poor-Engine planes who struggle to take off from Heights of 4KM, will be safe at Hotan & Nagari due to lack of Range of Indian ADS.


Ladakh will be bombed from both sides.
The reason why PLAAF may consider this is because THEIR TIBET airbases are either too far OR TOO HIGH ALTITUDE which severly limits payload on each sortie.

BUT THE CHINEASE and PAKISTANI govt know this will be open declaration of WAR by Pakistan on India.

This will have 3 effects

1. India will have right to bomb those bases
2. Pakistan joining in will almost lead to pressure from USA and Russia to intervene diplomatically
3. USA may even go as warning Pakistan including sanctions even direct military involvement.

Personally despite the open desire of pakistanis to be involved and make this 2 on 1 war I THINK the fear of international rage and hostility on pakistan will prevent Pakistan from allowing bombing runs from IOK bases.

ITS TOO RISKY for a econmically battered Pakistan to deliberately fuel a EVEN MORE dangerous scenario where india may feel surounded and need to go drastic in its military operations.
Chinese can fly from within China side with less fuel , do the job in India and land in Pakistan to re fuel and go back via china Pakistan border

no international pressure as Pakistan have given this right to USA in the past as well and no direct raid by Chinese from Pakistan side

India need to contain it only with China as they are afraid of multiple fronts from both sides
The reason why PLAAF may consider this is because THEIR TIBET airbases are either too far OR TOO HIGH ALTITUDE which severly limits payload on each sortie.

BUT THE CHINEASE and PAKISTANI govt know this will be open declaration of WAR by Pakistan on India.

This will have 3 effects

1. India will have right to bomb those bases
2. Pakistan joining in will almost lead to pressure from USA and Russia to intervene diplomatically
3. USA may even go as warning Pakistan including sanctions even direct military involvement.

Personally despite the open desire of pakistanis to be involved and make this 2 on 1 war I THINK the fear of international rage and hostility on pakistan will prevent Pakistan from allowing bombing runs from IOK bases.

ITS TOO RISKY for a econmically battered Pakistan to deliberately fuel a EVEN MORE dangerous scenario where india may feel surounded and need to go drastic in its military operations.

If india even dares bomb Pakistan or Chinese bases in Pakistan, the repercussions on india will be so severe from both China and Pakistan that india will probably NEVER recover from it. Forget about America, the West, Israel and the EU. Where were they when over 20 indian soldiers were slaughtered by Chinese troops earlier this month?...........:azn:.......these countries will not DARE mess with China in ANY way especially for dark brown Asian indians whom they regard as being inferior and way beneath them. White Europeans ONLY care about and fight for White Europeans only. They could not care less about non-Whites.

Economically battered?....so says the person who comes from one of the most poorest, underdeveloped and impoverished nations on earth........:azn:..........but then again you indians also believe you are a superpower on par with China and America......:lol:......:azn:
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