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China to get access to Pakistan bases?

The reason why PLAAF may consider this is because THEIR TIBET airbases are either too far OR TOO HIGH ALTITUDE which severly limits payload on each sortie.

BUT THE CHINEASE and PAKISTANI govt know this will be open declaration of WAR by Pakistan on India.

This will have 3 effects

1. India will have right to bomb those bases
2. Pakistan joining in will almost lead to pressure from USA and Russia to intervene diplomatically
3. USA may even go as warning Pakistan including sanctions even direct military involvement.

Personally despite the open desire of pakistanis to be involved and make this 2 on 1 war I THINK the fear of international rage and hostility on pakistan will prevent Pakistan from allowing bombing runs from IOK bases.

ITS TOO RISKY for a econmically battered Pakistan to deliberately fuel a EVEN MORE dangerous scenario where india may feel surounded and need to go drastic in its military operations.
true, but alternatively, it will open season by both china nad pakistan..
if this happens india will surely loss a lot of terroity before a seize fire is called for..india can barely handle pakistan..bring in china its a different story altogether
A country whose 25% Population is mentally Challenged & 60% Population doesn't even have clean drinking water is talking about a country Which ran world's largest Home & toilet building Program & now have 98% sanitation covergae.
Your own PM said that Tourists don't come to Pakistan because of lack of Toilets.
Even UNICEF said Toilet is luxury for more than 45% Pakistanis.
And yes our 1 station master at railways Handle more trains than your Railways Minister.

UAE has given Pakistan approximately 33 Billion as loans & 5Billion as deposit in SBP which your country can't spend, It'll just lie in accounts of SBP to maintain FX reserves to avoid Bankruptcy.
Same story goes for Saudi money.
UAE had promised 11 Billion but deposited 3 Billion in 2018 & 2 Billion in 2019 end.
And instead of Rest 6 they promise Oil with 3month loan system.

There should be a limit of telling lies here but since you are Indian you don't have any limit and I do understand this. There are tons of videos online where Indians are shitting on railway lines, sea beaches etc. in a gathering publicly while I didn't see any video of any pakistani shitting on railway line or publicly. Most of the toilets your feku has built are non usable where there is no water, no sewerage etc and they are already filled with the shit. There are pictures online and I saw them.

Please give me the link of 25% of mentally challenged, 60% cannot drink clean water, 45% cannot access toilet.
Every troll video made by PMLN & PPP have the clips from that speech or you can simply google it & read which media you trust.

So the ONLY evidence you have are troll videos?.........NO REAL FACTS?............:disagree:

There should be a limit of telling lies here but since you are Indian you don't have any limit and I do understand this. There are tons of videos online where Indians are shitting on railway lines, sea beaches etc. in a gathering publicly while I didn't see any video of any pakistani shitting on railway line or publicly. Most of the toilets your feku has built are non usable where there is no water, no sewerage etc and they are already filled with the shit. There are pictures online and I saw them.

Please give me the link of 25% of mentally challenged, 60% cannot drink clean water, 45% cannot access toilet.

I would not count on it. He hasn't provided ANY credible links to ANY of his claims. Like all indians he is just stating random numbers that he likes with NO FACTUAL basis.

It will be damn easy to get both the birds in one hit now.... this should happen and then no one will question we hitting whatever we want :lol::lol::lol:

Very true. india has the ability to destroy Pakistan, China and America all at once.
Indian & US share navel bases where India doesn't even need US's though their vessels woun't be able to reach that far even if need arises. They will set fire on their vessel themselves or bump those into something.

What is wrong in sharing bases between two brotherly countries when they need each other?
I think this will be a very good move. China must have FULL Access to All Chinese bases and Ports.
India will be facing the Threats as it should be.
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