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China to get access to Pakistan bases?

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You can live in your dream world it's up to you, We are living in reality that's why our foreign reserves are nearly 110 times of your country.

The same reality that claimed india would be a superpower by 2012 surpassing China?......:azn:

By the way, 508÷16.7= 30.4. So 30.4× bigger, not 110× bigger as you are claiming.........:lol:
Only low IQ generals of China will consider it an Intelligent Idea,
Barak-MX & MRSAM ( 150 KM & 95KM ) will not allow the Chinese junks to even Takeoff.
If India deploys them in shrinagar with layered batteries of Barak MX-MRSAM-AKASH-Spyder then S2, then even reaching the Indian borders will be biggest achievement of PLAAF & PAF.
Atleast their Poor-Engine planes who struggle to take off from Heights of 4KM, will be safe at Hotan & Nagari due to lack of Range of Indian ADS.

China can easily overwhelm Indian defenses and can even destroy aircraft on ground with its massive guided rockets leave aside it's other capabilities.
The same reality that claimed india would be a superpower by 2012 surpassing China?......:azn:

By the way, 508÷16.7= 30.4. So 30.4× bigger, not 110× bigger as you are claiming.........:lol:
You forgot to subtract the 5-5 Billion deposited by UAE & Saudi just to maintain ur Fx, that's their money not yours & your whole oil stock is bought on loan after paying the money for that total Foreign reserve for Pakistan will be left in Minus, That's why Niazi asked for a Loan of 1.2 Billion dollars.Just to maintain the Positive FX.
You forgot to subtract the 5-5 Billion deposited by UAE & Saudi just to maintain ur Fx, that's their money not yours & your whole oil stock is bought on loan after paying the money for that total Foreign reserve for Pakistan will be left in Minus, That's why Niazi asked for a Loan of 1.2 Billion dollars.Just to maintain the Positive FX.

Can you provide ANY credible and legitimate evidence that confirms and proves these claims? WHAT Saudi and UAE deposits? WHEN was it done?

IF what you say is true then remember to post the links to the credible and legitimate evidence here.
You forgot to subtract the 5-5 Billion deposited by UAE & Saudi just to maintain ur Fx, that's their money not yours & your whole oil stock is bought on loan after paying the money for that total Foreign reserve for Pakistan will be left in Minus, That's why Niazi asked for a Loan of 1.2 Billion dollars.Just to maintain the Positive FX.

India has massive railway system. Besides transporting millions of people everyday, Indian railway lines are also used as the largest open air toilet of the world.
I think Modi is buying time for the same.....he did not anticipate this.....

Best India can do is start some regional war with Pakistan but that can turn into full or 2 front war with China.
India has massive railway system. Besides transporting millions of people everyday, Indian railway lines are also used as the largest open air toilet of the world.

It is the best and most advanced railway system on the world.
India has massive railway system. Besides transporting millions of people everyday, Indian railway lines are also used as the largest open air toilet of the world.
A country whose 25% Population is mentally Challenged & 60% Population doesn't even have clean drinking water is talking about a country Which ran world's largest Home & toilet building Program & now have 98% sanitation covergae.
Your own PM said that Tourists don't come to Pakistan because of lack of Toilets.
Even UNICEF said Toilet is luxury for more than 45% Pakistanis.
And yes our 1 station master at railways Handle more trains than your Railways Minister.

Can you provide ANY credible and legitimate evidence that confirms and proves these claims? WHAT Saudi and UAE deposits? WHEN was it done?

IF what you say is true then remember to post the links to the credible and legitimate evidence here.
UAE has given Pakistan approximately 33 Billion as loans & 5Billion as deposit in SBP which your country can't spend, It'll just lie in accounts of SBP to maintain FX reserves to avoid Bankruptcy.
Same story goes for Saudi money.
UAE had promised 11 Billion but deposited 3 Billion in 2018 & 2 Billion in 2019 end.
And instead of Rest 6 they promise Oil with 3month loan system.
A country whose 25% Population is mentally Challenged & 60% Population doesn't even have clean drinking water is talking about a country Which ran world's largest Home & toilet building Program & now have 98% sanitation covergae.
Your own PM said that Tourists don't come to Pakistan because of lack of Toilets.
Even UNICEF said Toilet is luxury for more than 45% Pakistanis.
And yes our 1 station master at railways Handle more trains than your Railways Minister.

UAE has given Pakistan approximately 33 Billion as loans & 5Billion as deposit in SBP which your country can't spend, It'll just lie in accounts of SBP to maintain FX reserves to avoid Bankruptcy.
Same story goes for Saudi money.
UAE had promised 11 Billion but deposited 3 Billion in 2018 & 2 Billion in 2019 end.
And instead of Rest 6 they promise Oil with 3month loan system.

If you read the article properly you would have read that these are investments which are intended to be invested in the energy, health and education sectors of Pakistan. It is FDI. Does india not receive FDI?..........:azn:
It will be damn easy to get both the birds in one hit now.... this should happen and then no one will question we hitting whatever we want :lol::lol::lol:
If you read the article properly you would have read that these are investments which are intended to be invested in the energy, health and education sectors of Pakistan. It is FDI. Does india not receive FDI?..........:azn:
Lol, They planned to open a Refinery in Pakistan but later threw the Plan into dustbin when KSA decided to Open a 55Billion USD refinery in India.
U can simply Google the Refinery Plan in Pakistan by Arabs.
They won't tell you about reality of the Project but keep stretching the dates.
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Lol, They planned to open a Refinery in Pakistan but later threw the Plan into dustbin when KSA decided to Open a 55Billion USD refinery in India.
U can simply Google the Refinery Plan in Pakistan by Arabs.

So then, they didn't deposit any money into the Pakistani forex reserve as you were initially claiming. So you are now proving yourself wrong.......:disagree:
So then, they didn't deposit any money into the Pakistani forex reserve as you were initially claiming. So you are now proving yourself wrong.......:disagree:
They deposited 3Billion in 2018, & if you don't know about rest of 2 Billion which they gave 2019.
Then You missed the speech of Imran where He said We got nice package from our Biradar Mumaliks from Arab.
They deposited 3Billion in 2018, & if you don't know about rest of 2 Billion which they gave 2019.
Then You missed the speech of Imran where He said We got nice package from our Biradar Mumaliks from Arab.

Do you have ANY credible evidence to confirm this?
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