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China to establish 'unreliable entities' list


Aug 7, 2017
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China's Ministry of Commerce: China will establish an unreliable entity list system, specific measures recently introduced
2019-05-31 17:24
[Global Times - Global Network reporter Ni Hao] The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, at the press conference on the 31st, said that based on non-commercial purposes, blockades, confessions or other discriminatory measures against Chinese entities are relevant to China. Foreign legal persons, other organizations or individuals that cause substantial damage to the industry and pose a threat or potential threat to national security will be included.

The full text of the press spokesperson’s release:

According to relevant laws and regulations, China will establish a list of unreliable entities, foreign business organizations or individuals that do not abide by market rules and deviate from the spirit of the contract, and impose non-commercial blockades or confessions on Chinese enterprises, which seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises. Listed as unreliable entities. Specific measures will be announced in the near future.

CCTV reporter asked: What is the consideration of the Chinese government's list of unreliable entities?

Peak: The current world economic development is uncertain and the factors of instability are increasing. Unilateralism and trade protectionism are on the rise. The multilateral trading system is facing severe challenges. Normal international economic and trade activities are disrupted. Some foreign entities violate normal conditions for non-commercial purposes. The market rules and the spirit of contract, the Chinese enterprises to block the supply and other discriminatory measures, damage the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, endanger China's national security and interests, but also threaten the global industrial chain, supply chain security, the global economy Negative shocks, damage to the interests of relevant enterprises and consumers, safeguard international economic and trade rules and the multilateral trading system, oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism, safeguard China's national security, social public interests and legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, China It is decided to establish a system of unreliable entity lists.

Xinhua News Agency reporter asked: What is the basis for China to establish an unreliable entity list system?

Gao Feng: According to the "Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "National Security Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations, the Chinese government has decided to establish an unreliable entity list system for those based on non-commercial purposes. A foreign legal person organization or individual that imposes a blockade on Chinese entities or other measures to cause substantial damage to Chinese enterprises or related industries and poses a threat or potential threat to China's national security will be included.

The reporter asked: What measures will China take for the organization or individual listed in this list?

Peak: For foreign legal persons listed in the list of unreliable entities, other organizations or individuals will take the necessary measures, and specific measures will be announced in the near future.

2019-05-31 17:24 倪浩
【环球时报-环球网 记者 倪浩】中华人民共和国商务部新闻发言人高峰 在31日的新闻发布会上称,基于非商业目的,对中国实体封锁、断供或其他歧视性措施,对中国相关产业造成实质损害,对国家安全构成威胁或潜在威胁的外国法人、其他组织或个人将列入其中。









17:44, 31-May-2019
MOFCOM: China to establish 'unreliable entities' list


Based on relevant laws and regulations, China will establish a list of unreliable entities, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) spokesperson Gao Feng said on Friday.

Specific measures will be announced soon, according to Gao.
China hits back with its own 'entity list’
By Chu Daye Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/31 17:42:10

China will soon release its own entity list of foreign entities that conduct straggling efforts on Chinese companies, the Ministry of Commerce announced on Friday.

The announcement was made before previously published retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion in US goods that will take effect on Saturday.

Called the "non-reliable entity list," the list will include foreign entities, individuals and companies that block and shut the supply chain, or take discriminatory measures over non-commercial reasons, and when their actions endanger the business of Chinese companies as well as global consumers and companies, Gao Feng, MOFCOM spokesperson told a press conference on Friday.

What will happen to those included in the list will be announced in the near future, Gao said.

He said the move comes after some foreign entities violated market rules and the spirit of contracts to block the supply or take other discriminative measures against Chinese companies, which damaged the legitimate rights of Chinese entities and jeopardized China's national security.

Gao said the entity list was based on China's foreign trade law, antitrust law and national security law.

The US has imposed tariffs of 25 percent on $200 billion of Chinese goods in recent weeks.

The country has also escalated the trade war into the sphere of technology by imposing a ban on Huawei, a Shenzhen-based global leader in wireless technologies, suspending supply of vital products and technologies to the company.

Software providers, including Google, Microsoft, as well as Softbank's chipset producer Arm face risk of being listed into the list. It is not known what punishment firms on China's "entity list" face at the moment, analysts said.
Any US company on the list will be ban enter China market, any product not from US with any component make by the entities list will face high tariff enter China market, any Chinese material export to produce the good own by US corporation outside of US will be regulated with quotas export restrictions.
Yeesss China, unbury your hatchets. Lets see how big you bite each other who will be the last man standing.
The business man president is good at doing businesses
He will say "Hi ,let us make a deal,rip the weak turkey together"

Lol, chinese intellectuel shows itself in the posts again. What Turkey have to do with that? Because I replied to the thread? Get over it buddy.
Lol, chinese intellectuel shows itself in the posts again. What Turkey have to do with that? Because I replied to the thread? Get over it buddy.
Get over it buddy,relax
The businessman president like to bully the weak one,just imagine what he will do when find himself in a tough situation

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