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200 million won't make China the largest christian nation. India, IMO will get more christians than that. It is just that a good number of christians do not give their correct religion so that they can use the reservations for lower castes.
Christianity is growing at a staggering rate in Africa as well..

As much as I dislike fundo Christians at least the Christians tend to integrate into society just fine where as Muslims once they grow tend to want to separate and claim their own land...not much of an issue if you ask me.. Spreading of Christianity or Judaism isn't half as bad....
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Wow, 10 pages after one day. A lot of raw nerves here. Everyone, please take a step back and breathe.

Wars in China with a Western origin have their roots not in religion, but in power and economics. It was not a Crusade, it was a simple power grab and trade issue. The Opium Wars, for example. They were called the Opium Wars, not the "Christian conversion wars" for a reason.

20 million dead is ludicrous in the sense that religion was not at the base of it. And I doubt the number extremely.

I am a Christian and believe in Theistic evolution... a natural world guided by God over billions of years. Time has no meaning to a Creator. The vast majority of Christians in the U.S. acknowledge the age of the earth. That poll was probably intentionally skewed by polling in an extreme fundamentalist area.

Again, I see Hollywood at work with some perceptions. 99% of Christian services last about 1 hour and are messages of love, hope, and repentance. NOT hell. And you don't have to attend if you don't want to.

Forced conversion is vile, and not true to scripture. Conversion comes from within, like Blair's sister's conversion to Islam.

Race: What can I say? It always comes up. Race has nothing to do with religion. Christianity is considered a "White" religion... started by swarthy, Mediterranean, Middle-Eastern men.

If anything, I see strong reactions to anything that disrupts "Chinese cultural purity..." i.e. race. Outsiders were called "Barbarians" right up to the 19th century. The Japanese were even worse in this regard prior to WW2.
don't think its possible considering the Christian population of china :no:

May be next century Muslim or Christian majority..... but not possible in mid-century
200 million won't make China the largest christian nation. India, IMO will get more christians than that. It is just that a good number of christians do not give their correct religion so that they can use the reservations for lower castes.

Yes, I do think there are lot more Christians in India than the mere 4-5% represented in demographics.
I've seen no evidence of this increase though. I seriously think this news is BS.

ill remind all Christian's in China to come register with you personally lol Anways if people want to be Christians then its their choice, no one has any right to questions their faith. Contrary to popular belief, religion has seen a rebound in faith overall in the past 5-10 years or so, increasing incomes dont always mean decreasing belief in God. More money leads to more insecurity which leads to a stronger belief in fate and the power of the divine one. China will face many such challenges in the coming years, it will be interesting to see how they handle it.
Are they true Christians, or are they like the many Christians in America(including me) that just call themselves that, born that, but dont take the religion seriously.

China should just be like athiest.
Are they true Christians, or are they like the many Christians in America(including me) that just call themselves that, born that, but dont take the religion seriously.

China should just be like athiest.

achayo... achayante amma ithu kanada... pullikkari chilappol oru 10 kontha niruthathe achayane kondu chollikkum....:D:D
just kidding.. dont take this seriously mate...:D
Almost all religions are dumb, and dogmatic, and discourage rational thinking. Among religions, based on history, Abrahamic religions are more dogmatic than others.

Also everyone loves their religion but hate or dislike others (mostly).
I kind of feel, we should have been better off without religion. Actually religion is becoming more like a political party. More into politics than into actual religious stuff.

Actually it is not the religion but the followers that creates the problem. It's like nuclear science one can make nuclear bomb or energy depending on the person.
achayo... achayante amma ithu kanada... pullikkari chilappol oru 10 kontha niruthathe achayane kondu chollikkum....:D:D
just kidding.. dont take this seriously mate...:D

Its ok, because I didnt understand a singe word. :D

You want to translate for me?
friend ,my english not very good but i would like to help u in the regard of your opinion about abrahamic religions, islam to my know orders it followers to get knowledge and make research ,1400 years ago islam told its followers to explore the universe, quoting the prophet muhammad i must say he told his followers to get knowledge ,no matter if u have to go for china,it mean knowlege not mean only religion as chinese have never been believing in God, and islam produced scientists when christians even do not know how to drain their dirty waste,sorry for lost comments
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