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Buddhism is actually an atheist belief system.

Since there is no God in Buddhism.

God in Buddhism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't say I'm a buddhist but I've been looking into buddhism lately.

Buddhism teaches that there are beings in different realms besides human. (animals, hell and heaven among them) A persons actions and thoughts during his life time determines which realms he will be reborn to after death. A person will be naturally drawn to the realm most suitable for him.

Think about how you behaved when you are dreaming. You will find that your mind is in a more confused state because the reasoning part of your brain is shut off. Desires and fears drive your actions in dreams, and any appearance of thinking is just an illusion. When you die, a similar process happens. You are drawn to the realm you most associated to by karma accumulated not only in this life but also any remaining from previous lives.
The distinction between different realms is not a clear cut one. Even when you are born as human there can be drastic difference in your fate (Think about son of kings vs someone in slums).

Beings in different realms may have more power than we have, but no matter how powerful they may be there are two things they cannot change. They are the laws of cause and effect (Karma) and the law of birth and death. Beings in these realms are not permanent, and suffers from life and death just like humans do. Therefore sufferings in hell and enjoyment in heaven are also not permanent. In this context more powerful beings maybe referred to as Gods and Demons but they need not be worshipped because one they are bound by death and two even they cannot escape from the karmic effects of their actions. Buddhism teaches that salvation is to come from ourself and not rely on any other beings and all living things have buddha nature in them.
You're free to be a Christian overseas but I would like China to be a predominantly Buddhist and Atheist nation. Please do not try to convert me, you will only be seeking humiliation.

Why? Will the religion be superior to Christianity?

Christianity will bring China closer to the West.
Most people will almost reflexively repulse anything that threaten their sense of identities.
i will when nonsense like "we should pick up christianity to become closer to the west" is stopped.

if being "accepted" by the west is the goal, the worst thing to do is pick up christianity, they'll look down on you as fakes and liars. the soviets were extremely well accepted by the west, because they could turn the whole west into radioactive dust within seconds. They were hardcore atheists. Power and money are the only thing that matters.
Islam came into being because the Christian Bibles were translated into too many languages and too many different interpretations appeared. Both Islam and Chritianity share the same roots.

To prevent mis-interpretation, Quran is only printed in Arabic, and shall be read in Arabic only. In this way I will say Islam is more original. Also, Islam forbide statute and pictures of god and the prophet, which has a reason. Look at the picture of Jesus, he is looking so much like a westerner than having a Middle-East Look. Even the correct name for the son of God is NOT Jesus, it is simply a corrupted name in English.

However, personally, I go for Buddhism in its earliest format, i.e. Therevada Buddhism, it is so scientific and it does not preach blind faith. Buddha once said "Do not believe in what I said, go and find out what I teach is true or otherwise" (not exactly his wordings of course). In Chinese this is called 觉悟,or enlightening.

So China should go for Buddhism, my vote.
Christianity is the single most unpleasant religion in China. No one else is bent on converting others except Christians. Picture the most evangelical fundamentalist, that's what Chinese Christians are like.

Fortunately Christianity in China is mostly a rural/small town affair, with modernization and rapid urbanization, it will eventually be eradicated.

Thank God!

---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ----------

I believe alot of the increase is in rural/poor areas and not places like Shanghai.

Must be the money they offer.
Later, when they come around asking for 10% (or more)...
IMO Sikhism and Buddhism have lots of similarities.

In Sikhism God is Sargun (all attributes) meaning all things you see around you. God is also Nirgun (no attbutes) meaning nothing around you. So God exists and doesn't, at the same time! What does that tell you? That you can not believe in God all you want and still believe in him. And you can believe in him all you want and still not believe in him. That kind of makes every Sikh an atheist. So if you are atheist Sikh then be proud!
Jesus might have travelled to India and Tibet during his formative years sometime between the age of 12 and 30.

It is said that this is where he learnt values such as pacifism, non-violence, tolerance and understanding.
Its ok, because I didnt understand a singe word. :D

You want to translate for me?
From your name i thought you were a typical central travancore malayalee..:blink:
well if u dont know malayalam just forget what i said mate...:D
Christians aren't trying to convert others either. You can't convert someone to a religion unless they want to convert.

Do you think Christians in China are holding people at gun point and saying "accept Christianity" no.

As for you last comments, don't make such ridiculous statements. It only makes you look more moronic. :disagree:

You must be dense or blind. Proselytism is written into the bible. Do you think that Christianity would be the world largest religion if they took no for an answer? I've personally missed being "converted" many times, some of the tricks they pulled especially consider my age then was despicable.

Proselytism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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