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Do you consider Chinese to be people?

If so, then why are you blaming me for something that another Chinese person said? As if we are robots?

I have been called a "chink" before by an Indian person. But I don't blame other Indian people for that, because they are individuals, who have their own opinions.

Show me where I blamed Chinese people. Let's not make this about you and me, we have PM for that.
Why are you trying to "bait" other people into getting banned? :rolleyes:

Easy answer= they don't need to worry about being banned cos they can always came back with another ID any time...imagine a compulsory IP check on PDF, wonder how many..... will still be here:D

On topic, i really doubt China will be became the largest Christian country, Chinese people are more into Buddhism than anyother.
Even in Thailand, Buddhism dominate among Chinese Thais.:smitten:
Show me where I blamed Chinese people. Let's not make this about you and me, we have PM for that.

You blamed me for something another Chinese person had said. Why? Because we are both Chinese.

I'm an individual, so if you're going to accuse me of something, back it up by quoting something that *I* said.

I am not an extension of other Chinese posters.
if this news is true, and that is a big IF, then Christians sooner or later would become quite powerful in China. Surely that would be a concern for Pakistan given the historic and continuing animosity between Christanity and Islam....
if this news is true, and that is a big IF, then Christians sooner or later would become quite powerful in China. Surely that would be a concern for Pakistan given the historic and continuing animosity between Christanity and Islam....

Every country has its own interest , China with any religion will see Pakistan as its friend.
don't worry, there is no chance that christianity can spread in china too fast today. ask any chinese person: will you sacrifice 5 hours every sunday to go listen to an old man talk about hell and suffering?

You do understand that it isnt compulsory for every Christian to attend mass. Just like any other religion Christianity too has its levels of involvement. From a practicing and probably converting missionary to a non-practicing believer there can be N types of Christians. What you're imagining is one extreme.
Warning to all members, discuss in a civilized manner, any attacks on any religion, its practices etc are not going to be tolerated, will lead to suspension or if necessary banning.

have a civilized discussion, if you can't, then keep off the thread.
Anyone wondering on the validity of the report simply have to do a background check on Michelle Malkin who seem to have contributed to the numbers or the article. Watch some of her videos and read some of her articles and you will understand what kind of a person she is. ;)

She has to be one of the most racist, xenophobic, delusional hypocrite ever to be born as a conservative.
Michelle Malkin Conservative Contributor/Right Wing Column Righter for FOX news, enough said, don't believe the bull =/
Christanity has to be the most Backward Religion .

Remember the Galileo Case.

The Church had a view that the Earth is the Center of the Universe and Sun revolves around it. The Public followed the same.

Galileo, Copernicus and other Astronomers proved that Sun is the center and Earth revolves around it.

The Church imprisoned them to Death.

I understand that was the Medivial period. But the church issued a Formal Apology for it's mistakes only in 1992.

Even after 12 Christians Landed on the moon :D

Galileo affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lol when Chinese-Dragon and his little group of buddies are proven wrong (which they are constantly) they result to diverting off topci and posting "ignore the troll, ignore him ignore him" lol it's very funny.

If you guys stopped posting absurd comments and misinformation then maybe this discussion could remain productive but i don't see that happening considering you both say something stupid with every post you make.

Very True. or they ask to prove your claim. Like he is sitting on a Judgment and we are his pupils.

Get over yourself Chinese dudes. Painting an entire religion as below prostitution is most ignorant thing if there was any. In my opinion, you are the laughing stock here.
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BS. The christian missionaries and press keep claiming such figures from time to time even about pakistan and Egypt. So no need to worry and take a chill pill.
BS. The christian missionaries and press keep claiming such figures from time to time even about pakistan and Egypt. So no need to worry and take a chill pill.
LOL! I agree with you :). Missionaries are serious jobless people having no other work but spread such short-sighted views and raise propaganda.

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