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China to be next north korea?

@Chinese-Dragon hello little boy.... Indians can pee outside without fear (not saying they should) but if chinese do that in china than surely ur 1 kidney and half liver will be removed and given to rich people who in need of it and ur goverment earn through it. Caged human being. u people born in cages who has no right what so ever. Communist nation.
Chinese enjoy far more freedom and human dignity etc than Indians,


The problem with the Chinese is that they have too much freedom。

They can practically do anything and say anything they please,apart from “voting” inept and lying politicians into office。
@Chinese-Dragon hello little boy.... Indians can pee outside without fear (not saying they should) but if chinese do that in china than surely ur 1 kidney and half liver will be removed and given to rich people who in need of it and ur goverment earn through it. Caged human being. u people born in cages who has no right what so ever. Communist nation.
Loads of crap
Developed not just in the economic sense, but also in terms of individual freedom, human rights, etc. Even if India becomes ten times richer, if we still have all those social evils, I would consider those other countries to have a moral high ground over India.

BTW there are some countries that are extremely rich, but have a worse record of human rights and freedoms than India or China. I'd rather live in the poor India of today, than in those countries.

So yes, becoming a developed country economically as well as socially is the most important (in fact the only) collective goal for us. I think that that has been realized in both countries.

I grew up in Hong Kong, which has never been a democracy. And has one of the highest standards of living on the planet.

I don't see the need for Western style democracy myself, and apparently the majority of my fellow Hong Kongers agree.

If you check the last HK election results, the pro-Beijing camp always wins by a huge majority. Leading to the HK government being dominated by our camp at every level.
I grew up in Hong Kong, which has never been a democracy. And has one of the highest standards of living on the planet.

I don't see the need for Western style democracy myself, and apparently the majority of my fellow Hong Kongers agree.

If you check the last HK election results, the pro-Beijing camp always wins by a huge majority. Leading to the HK government being dominated by our camp at every level.

Why do you think HK was so much richer than China? Precisely because of its open economy and free enterprise.

BTW most countries that are doing well in every social indicator, are democracies. No question about that. Yes India has poverty and a lot of social evils, but that has nothing to do with democracy or totalitarianism. The reasons lie elsewhere.

I didn't specifically have democracy in mind when I wrote the post you replied to, but yes, political freedom is also important. Right now you might feel that your country is doing well economically, so the political system doesn't need to be changed. What happens when the political leadership takes a different turn, and tries to enact disastrous policies? You would really wish to have the freedom to vote them out. For instance, if you had the freedom to vote out the rulers in the 1960s, the so called "cultural revolution" would not have happened, and millions of your people would not have died, and millions of others impoverished.

What you are doing is to look at a period when your country is doing well, and drawing the erroneous conclusion that your political system is the right one, and not "western style democracy". If the shoe was on the other foot, if your rulers start ruling badly, you will want to fire them - that is only possible in a democracy. Look at how happy Indians are to have thrown out the previous govt, when they were not performing to our expectations.

All said and done, elections are just a choice. If you are happy with the current leadership, you can vote them back in. It keeps rulers on their toes, because they are accountable to the people. It's about political freedom - and yes, that is important for all humans, not just Europeans. You are being a bit condescending to your own people when you say that political freedom is not for them, as if they are not worthy of it, but "westerners" are. If Europeans are worthy of freedom, so are you and so are we and so is everybody else.
Why do you think HK was so much richer than China? Precisely because of its open economy and free enterprise.

BTW most countries that are doing well in every social indicator, are democracies. No question about that. Yes India has poverty and a lot of social evils, but that has nothing to do with democracy or totalitarianism. The reasons lie elsewhere.

I didn't specifically have democracy in mind when I wrote the post you replied to, but yes, political freedom is also important. Right now you might feel that your country is doing well economically, so the political system doesn't need to be changed. What happens when the political leadership takes a different turn, and tries to enact disastrous policies? You would really wish to have the freedom to vote them out. For instance, if you had the freedom to vote out the rulers in the 1960s, the so called "cultural revolution" would not have happened, and millions of your people would not have died, and millions of others impoverished.

What you are doing is to look at a period when your country is doing well, and drawing the erroneous conclusion that your political system is the right one, and not "western style democracy". If the shoe was on the other foot, if your rulers start ruling badly, you will want to fire them - that is only possible in a democracy. Look at how happy Indians are to have thrown out the previous govt, when they were not performing to our expectations.

All said and done, elections are just a choice. If you are happy with the current leadership, you can vote them back in. It keeps rulers on their toes, because they are accountable to the people. It's about political freedom - and yes, that is important for all humans, not just Europeans. You are being a bit condescending to your own people when you say that political freedom is not for them, as if they are not worthy of it, but "westerners" are. If Europeans are worthy of freedom, so are you and so are we and so is everybody else.

Sorry, but when people tell me that I somehow lack freedom in HK, I laugh.

I don't have to keep 10 meters away from a high caste person, or be afraid of mocking religion.

There is nothing I want to do, that I cannot do.
I think the Chinese govt should look at the HK protests as an opp rather than a problem. I think they're smart enough to know that the tides of dictatorship cannot hold for too long. Why not use this as an opportunity to define the systems that will eventually bring in democracy?

Sorry, but when people tell me that I somehow lack freedom in HK, I laugh.

I don't have to keep 10 meters away from a high caste person, or be afraid of mocking religion.

There is nothing I want to do, that I cannot do.

Propaganda man. Sure there is caste, but not like they tell you. Besides, caste began breaking once democracy came in- that's the validation. We know there is some distance to go, but we'll get there.
if one country just has referendum,the country is called a democratic nation???
I find a lot of PDF members here with this opinion.Your "democracy" is so narrow..
In many countries,voting is backed by plutocrat and if you give me my money,I vote for you.If your country is highly democratized and educated,voting is very good for people and nation.But if your country is poor,bureaucratized and underprivileged,do you think the voting is workable?If so,violence and protest would happen every day and the country would be in the crisis.
Will china turn like north korea, russia, pakistan etc etc? It does seems like as world starts moving out of china and shifting towords india. Mr Modi in Newyork said exactly that. He said india the future. He will make india the future by MAKE IN INDIA. history shows that america always war countries which are Communists. Now india japan america australia and whole world wants india to take a lead as world dont want a communist nation as super power. China's decline is started. They getting isolated. Sad to see that caged people in china trying to tame free people of hongkong and justifying it. World population dont want to be caged. Am glad Mr Modi took over india as he the leader even Mr obama (who hated him) now want to be like him. He started following Yoga tips from Mr Modi and admirers his future vision and strength. Both are working towards SCS now. Whole U.N Supports india. Watching india intruding into china 410 times and chinese eleven pingpong begging its military gave us hint india already took a step towards a leading power. America already wants india to lead as they dont want a communist nation like china to rule world. We have seen communist nations grew faster and fallen harder. China is slowly going backwards now and india moving ahead as india got 3 'D's which china cant have ever. Watching china running to russia made me laugh hahahahaha. Mr Modi didnt even looked at russia. Even though Russia wants india Badly but india got many options. No wonder why america took lead in supplying weapons to india. By the way F-15s leaked info to india was by American goverment. Thats how to make a nation powerful. What is alot suprising that america joined india in making weapons. That means india to grew more faster. Sad to see china's fall. They are stealers. Copied everything and now Mr Modi makes fun by saying no matter what india should not do same mistake china did by producing cheap 3rd class stuffs. World is laughing at chinese materials. Today in india many places u will find chinese goods. Majority indians being fooled by saying its made in japan while when they open they see made in china. 3rd class quality. More power to Mr Modi. MAKE IN INDIA but with QUALITY.

At leat we Chineses dont dream China in 2030 as Indians did :rofl:, keep dreaming with your aliens fanboys,
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@Chinese-Dragon hello little boy.... Indians can pee outside without fear (not saying they should) but if chinese do that in china than surely ur 1 kidney and half liver will be removed and given to rich people who in need of it and ur goverment earn through it. Caged human being. u people born in cages who has no right what so ever. Communist nation.

not quite sure about your statement about "PEE OUTSIDE WIthout FEAR", do you knw what is "INDIAN PISSING TANKER"? :rofl:

Why do you think HK was so much richer than China? Precisely because of its open economy and free enterprise.

BTW most countries that are doing well in every social indicator, are democracies. No question about that. Yes India has poverty and a lot of social evils, but that has nothing to do with democracy or totalitarianism. The reasons lie elsewhere.

I didn't specifically have democracy in mind when I wrote the post you replied to, but yes, political freedom is also important. Right now you might feel that your country is doing well economically, so the political system doesn't need to be changed. What happens when the political leadership takes a different turn, and tries to enact disastrous policies? You would really wish to have the freedom to vote them out. For instance, if you had the freedom to vote out the rulers in the 1960s, the so called "cultural revolution" would not have happened, and millions of your people would not have died, and millions of others impoverished.

What you are doing is to look at a period when your country is doing well, and drawing the erroneous conclusion that your political system is the right one, and not "western style democracy". If the shoe was on the other foot, if your rulers start ruling badly, you will want to fire them - that is only possible in a democracy. Look at how happy Indians are to have thrown out the previous govt, when they were not performing to our expectations.

All said and done, elections are just a choice. If you are happy with the current leadership, you can vote them back in. It keeps rulers on their toes, because they are accountable to the people. It's about political freedom - and yes, that is important for all humans, not just Europeans. You are being a bit condescending to your own people when you say that political freedom is not for them, as if they are not worthy of it, but "westerners" are. If Europeans are worthy of freedom, so are you and so are we and so is everybody else.
no matter what social system you've got, the living standard is the most important indicator of performance. If the people are fools, then the leader they vote for will lead to disaster. I don't see India is doing any better than Chinese in many fields. If democracy means low efficiency/malfunction and no toilets, let it die.

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon pee still far better than loosing internal organ hahahahaha u people are real slave of communist nation. Who knows 1 day u too might endup this way hahahaha
Illegal Human Organ Trade from Executed Prisoners in China
what are those raping and burning in India?

We Chinese of course want democracy, in a steady and stable way to transform. If we are not stable and push too hard to democracy, we will be vulnerable under attack. We have USA/Japan/vietnam as enemy to deal with, we can't suffer any political turbulence and power struggle. When democracy doesn't work, it means you don't have it right.
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When democracy compares to national security, the second comes first.
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