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China to be next north korea?

Everybody knows that China is doing well, and probably will do better in future (provided they don't get into unnecessary wars). Ignore useless threads like this.

Besides, most Indians would agree that the rise of China as an economic power is a good thing for India, and the world. It is better to have rich neighbours than poor ones, purely from an economic POV.

As long as there are no enemities between India and China, and no prospect of a military conflict, we wish China the best in peaceful progress.

aye aye to that
Hilarious topic.

North Korea beats India on most social development indicators, their literacy rates are miles ahead of India, and they have a life expectancy higher than the global average. (Whereas India's life expectancy is below the global average).

Not to mention things like infant mortality rate, malnutrition, and sanitation per capita.

Everyone knows North Korea has messed things up, but that doesn't mean you can get on a pedestal and use it as some sort of political attack against another country, in this case China which again is miles ahead of both North Korea and India on social development indicators.

And then we should not get up on a pedestal and look down on other countries either, when we still have so far to go.
Wouldn't that be a step up for China?

Hey buddy what do you think of your countrymen voluntarily voting for a mass murderer like Modi to become your PM? :P

With full knowledge of all the Indian Muslims he killed?
Hey buddy what do you think of your countrymen voluntarily voting for a mass murderer like Modi to become your PM? :P

With full knowledge of all the Indian Muslims he killed?
I don't know if you are being serious or not, but Mr Modi has not killed anybody.
Hey buddy what do you think of your countrymen voluntarily voting for a mass murderer like Modi to become your PM? :P

With full knowledge of all the Indian Muslims he killed?

Prove that he is a mass murderer or GTFO.
I don't know if you are being serious or not, but Mr Modi has not killed anybody.

Jackdaws is always going on about how "moral" India is (especially on minorities), I just wanted to remind him that his countrymen voluntarily, and with full knowledge of his crimes, elected Modi to be their PM.

Let's face it, the first thing anyone thinks of when the name "Modi" comes up is the mass murder of Indian Muslims. That's just a fact.
Jackdaws is always going on about how "moral" India is (especially on minorities), I just wanted to remind him that his countrymen voluntarily, and with full knowledge of his crimes, elected Modi to be their PM.

Let's face it, the first thing anyone thinks of when the name "Modi" comes up is the mass murder of Indian Muslims. That's just a fact.
It may be a fact that people think so, but that does not mean that mass murder by Modi itself is a fact.

If you want to show that India does not stand on a pedestal of morality, there are much better (and truer) examples to point to.

Taking the 2002 riots itself, it is a fact that hundreds of hindus and a thousand+ muslims were killed by muslims and hindus. In other words, thousands of Indians rioted, raped and killed each other on religious grounds. Isn't that a worse thing to know, than accusing one man (the PM) of being a mass murderer? As I said, Modi has not murdered anybody, that is a fact. But thousands of other Indians have.

Just read the Indian newspapers everyday, and you will have plenty of examples of Indians behaving horridly - inter caste violence in some places, dowry deaths in some places, female infantcide in some places, and so on.

When you pick Modi as a stick to beat India with, you are simply making Indians defensive, because it is a wrong example. An Indian reading it would immediately think that because your example is wrong, India still has a moral high ground.
Jackdaws is always going on about how "moral" India is (especially on minorities), I just wanted to remind him that his countrymen voluntarily, and with full knowledge of his crimes, elected Modi to be their PM.

Let's face it, the first thing anyone thinks of when the name "Modi" comes up is the mass murder of Indian Muslims. That's just a fact.
The first things that come to mind while one thinks of China........
Lets see.....
>MASSive Growth
>Poor people working in sweatshops in the most sub-human condition possible to make smartphones for Americans
>MASSive Pollution
>Tianmen Square
>People being brainwashed by CCP...............................
The first things that come to mind while one thinks of China........
Lets see.....
>MASSive Growth
>Poor people working in sweatshops in the most sub-human condition possible to make smartphones for Americans
>MASSive Pollution
>Tianmen Square
>People being brainwashed by CCP...............................

We didn't elect our leaders. :wave:

So whatever wrong things the Chinese government does is not our fault, because we did not elect them.

The Indian people on the other hand, voluntarily, and with full knowledge of his mass murder of Indian minorities, elected Modi to their highest office. They chose him.

If you want to show that India does not stand on a pedestal of morality, there are much better (and truer) examples to point to.

My point is that NO country stands on a pedestal of morality. Not us, and not you.

But at least we know that, we don't go boasting about it like India does with her "secular democracy" and the claims that it is somehow morally better.

When you pick Modi as a stick to beat India with, you are simply making Indians defensive, because it is a wrong example. An Indian reading it would immediately think that because your example is wrong, India still has a moral high ground.

Why would Indians be defensive in a thread started by an Indian to insult China?
We didn't elect our leaders. :wave:

So whatever wrong things the Chinese government does is not our fault, because we did not elect them.

The Indian people on the other hand, voluntarily, and with full knowledge of his mass murder of Indian minorities, elected Modi to their highest office. They chose him.

My point is that NO country stands on a pedestal of morality. Not us, and not you.

But at least we know that, we don't go boasting about it like India does with her "secular democracy" and the claims that it is somehow morally better.

Why would Indians be defensive in a thread started by an Indian to insult China?

Modi is not a mass murderer, even supreme court of India has cleared him of all charges.

A few Indians in pdf doesnt portrait majority of Indians. As you might have seen, theres rarely one fellow Indian supporting his claim in this nonsesnse thread, every 1 else is moking him. Unlike your fellow chineese who postes their megaton kiloton farts ( no disrespect intended to your kin) trolling unnecessarily.
Without higher moral values we would have engaged in trolling china dont you think.
Note: Reason modi was voted pm because of progress made by Gujrat during his tenure, he has been seen as a visionaire by fellow indian youth, & thats why He was voted by majority of muslim youth accross India.
Why would Indians be defensive in a thread started by an Indian to insult China?
Does it matter who started the thread and for what purpose? We usually respond to one particular post. So if your post accuses Modi of mass murder, which most Indian members believe to be a false accusation, of course they will get defensive about it. That's why I said, if you want to prove that India does not occupy a pedestal of morality, there are much better examples to put that across.

Another thing, I disagree that no nation has a claim to superior morality. In an absolute sense, that is true. But there are many countries that have a better claim than India or China or Pak. Taking freedom, social justice, equality, human rights etc, many countries have a better record than others. Australia or Norway can claim a moral high ground on those indicators than India or China. Hopefully that will change in future, but as of today that is true. It is better to admit that and try to better ourselves, than deny it and continue the same path.
Does it matter who started the thread and for what purpose? We usually respond to one particular post. So if your post accuses Modi of mass murder, which most Indian members believe to be a false accusation, of course they will get defensive about it. That's why I said, if you want to prove that India does not occupy a pedestal of morality, there are much better examples to put that across.

Another thing, I disagree that no nation has a claim to superior morality. In an absolute sense, that is true. But there are many countries that have a better claim than India or China or Pak. Taking freedom, social justice, equality, human rights etc, many countries have a better record than others. Australia or Norway can claim a moral high ground on those indicators than India or China. Hopefully that will change in future, but as of today that is true. It is better to admit that and try to better ourselves, than deny it and continue the same path.

Sure. Developed countries.

That's why we're trying to become a developed country, that's our number 1 goal, both officially and unofficially.
Sure. Developed countries.

That's why we're trying to become a developed country, that's our number 1 goal, both officially and unofficially.
Developed not just in the economic sense, but also in terms of individual freedom, human rights, etc. Even if India becomes ten times richer, if we still have all those social evils, I would consider those other countries to have a moral high ground over India.

BTW there are some countries that are extremely rich, but have a worse record of human rights and freedoms than India or China. I'd rather live in the poor India of today, than in those countries.

So yes, becoming a developed country economically as well as socially is the most important (in fact the only) collective goal for us. I think that that has been realized in both countries.
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