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China to be next north korea?

Why do you think HK was so much richer than China? Precisely because of its open economy and free enterprise.

BTW most countries that are doing well in every social indicator, are democracies. No question about that. Yes India has poverty and a lot of social evils, but that has nothing to do with democracy or totalitarianism. The reasons lie elsewhere.

I didn't specifically have democracy in mind when I wrote the post you replied to, but yes, political freedom is also important. Right now you might feel that your country is doing well economically, so the political system doesn't need to be changed. What happens when the political leadership takes a different turn, and tries to enact disastrous policies? You would really wish to have the freedom to vote them out. For instance, if you had the freedom to vote out the rulers in the 1960s, the so called "cultural revolution" would not have happened, and millions of your people would not have died, and millions of others impoverished.

What you are doing is to look at a period when your country is doing well, and drawing the erroneous conclusion that your political system is the right one, and not "western style democracy". If the shoe was on the other foot, if your rulers start ruling badly, you will want to fire them - that is only possible in a democracy. Look at how happy Indians are to have thrown out the previous govt, when they were not performing to our expectations.

All said and done, elections are just a choice. If you are happy with the current leadership, you can vote them back in. It keeps rulers on their toes, because they are accountable to the people. It's about political freedom - and yes, that is important for all humans, not just Europeans. You are being a bit condescending to your own people when you say that political freedom is not for them, as if they are not worthy of it, but "westerners" are. If Europeans are worthy of freedom, so are you and so are we and so is everybody else.
Hongkong is richer because several reasons:
1. it has support from the mainland(resource, food supply, water)
2. capitalism
3. open up at very early years(mailand city is catching up now)
Notice that UK never allow Hongkongers electing their own leader during the colony, you guys don't have any right to bash central goverment policy especially britains. We don't collect tax from Hongkong, means they live in Paradise. The basic rule of the conditions to be Hongkong leader is that he\she shall abide by the game rule set by the central goverment, or you out. You might not identify with CCp, but you can't alienate HongKong from CHina. We have adopted very soft hands against those protesters, see what happen in 1989 you will know how lucky they are now. Hongkong is a integral part of PRC, you should know that at first. I'm not saying democracy is evil, but not the way westerners force on us.

The biggest problem for China is not choose to be a democracy or not. Japanese will slaughter Chinese any time when we get dampen driven by the political turbulence or party breakdown. We can't afford to push over hashy democracy progress in the sacrifice of our stability and security. No matter China is democracy or not, USA will not allow us to surpass them. Do you think USA will give up contaning China if we become a democracy one day in the future? The awnser is hell no. You never expect others to make you a better life. You Indians shall get mature in thinking, you are in no place to teach Chinese a lesson.
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But the question remains, why the hell China related article being posted in Indian defence section? Mods care to move it to chineese defence section please.
we don't envy the social system India has cause it is a malfunctional democracy.
we don't envy the social system India has cause it is a malfunctional democracy.
This is not an official communication from India to China. This is a communication between an Indian and a Chinese. What is the need to compare with India? Did I say that China should follow India's "social system", whatever that is? Can't you discuss China without bringing India into it?
There will never be a war between the US and China. It would be suicidal. What there will be is another Cold War.
But the question remains, why the hell China related article being posted in Indian defence section? Mods care to move it to chineese defence section please.
Or better yet, delete it altogether. There is no article at all, just the OP's verbal diarrhea.
India is not the only democracy in the world. There are many others that are richer than India or China.
democracy doesn't make you rich, it's peoples' mind and hard working. you seems to twist the fact. then tell me why India has so many poors while you are democracy for so many years?
democracy doesn't make you rich, it's peoples' mind and hard working. you seems to twist the fact. then tell me why India has so many poors while you are democracy for so many years?
I already know that, and said so myself earlier. There are many reasons for India's poverty (which is rapidly reducing, BTW) but political freedom is not one of those. Democracy is not about being rich or poor. It is not an economic system. It is a political one. Democracy doesn't make anybody poor either. This is a silly strawman, to talk about toilets and poverty in response to a point about political freedom.
This is not an official communication from India to China. This is a communication between an Indian and a Chinese. What is the need to compare with India? Did I say that China should follow India's "social system", whatever that is? Can't you discuss China without bringing India into it?
OP brings such stupid question, what you expect me to do? both China and India has their very problem to be solved, neither of them will turn into North Korea as the tenure in China for chairman is only 10years.

I already know that, and said so myself earlier. There are many reasons for India's poverty (which is rapidly reducing, BTW) but political freedom is not one of those. Democracy is not about being rich or poor. It is not an economic system. It is a political one. Democracy doesn't make anybody poor either. This is a silly strawman, to talk about toilets and poverty in response to a point about political freedom.
people don't have freedom when they are poor, that's why those poors have to sell the votes. do you agree?
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