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China to be next north korea?

Now there was no use of name calling really...
and the discsussion is about communist contries Like USSR, PRC.
and India is a democracy.
At least you should not talk about a democracy.
nobody need a democracy where a terrorist would be the PM of the country ur logic is well like any other indian
Like i told you name calling and bashing doesn't help hiding your frustation. He is an elected representative. Unlike some army generals in your country.
nawaz is a army general wow u did it again indian mindset isnt it and when did i point finger towards that hindu extremist u call PM
Well i was referring to Musharraf, Yahya, Yaqub and sort of that.
we have had our reasons ok not something to pick upon dear dont say yes to everything ur govt wants u to think
OUR government teaches too little about history of Pakistan polotics, now they don't want bad impression of so called democracy on students
on the other hand history is available of WIKIpedia and web
makes sense now wt a genius u are pakistan is a democratic country period
@isro2222 Nice Zionist logic. China's influence is only growing, people see them as a partner in development and are more willing to do business with Chinese than lease out oilfields or mines to Western Nations for security. The Hong Kong protest is funded by Western nations just like it was at Ukraine, Syria, Libya and ISIS.
Tell me, what % of this countries history is actually ruled by democracy?
How many coup?
One doesn't call his country democratic just because he is taught so. Read history.
oh plz dont get me started i know the flaws in my country and no one in pakistan is worried about dictator except politicians

Nice Zionist logic. China's influence is only growing, people see them as a partner in development and are more willing to do business with Chinese than lease out oilfields or mines to Western Nations for security. The Hong Kong protest is funded by Western nations just like it was at Ukraine, Syria, Libya and ISIS.
hmm something to think about
What a prick u are.Guys of various countries don't form stereotypes because of trolls like him.
close this thread mods...about the thread starter, what an idiot.
China will not fall, it will compete with usa & survive. As an Indian, instead of envying china, we should salute them & follow their footsteps. As a responsible neighbour, we should praise their progress & show them their shortfalls.
Thank you.
The OP has been on the forum for a long time, and should know better.

I really wish the mods would enforce the existing rule of not starting comparison threads.
OP is a nutcase i was talking about these newbies flying around in every thread they dont post anything productive they just attack each other based on nationalities
USA dislikes China,but we are doing business even though we are caged.
Frankly since long before,many many coutries disliked communist so far as well.But China is still developing.
You are laughing at Chinese material,but you are still purchasing..Are you laughable?It is kind of sarcasm?
Your IPHONE is still Made-In-China and please throw it away..
Unfortunately tell you,you are still purchasing Chinese goods.Japanese goods and Chinese goods are displayed in the market at the same time and you could choose by yourself.Why you still choose Chinese goods?Are you real fool?Next time when you purchase expensive goods and please put your finger into your shallow pocket.
American finds you to produce weapons??What kind of important weapon!!!
Everybody knows that China is doing well, and probably will do better in future (provided they don't get into unnecessary wars). Ignore useless threads like this.

Besides, most Indians would agree that the rise of China as an economic power is a good thing for India, and the world. It is better to have rich neighbours than poor ones, purely from an economic POV.

As long as there are no enemities between India and China, and no prospect of a military conflict, we wish China the best in peaceful progress.
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