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China to ban religious profiteering

All religions, everywhere should be heavily regulated. It is high time to relegate the religion to inside of homes.

Personal spirituality cannot be regulated. What is unacceptable is organized, monied and politicized religions, regardless of their name or the region they came from.

Mostly, when state power/politics is taken from religions, they tend to disappear and evolve into individual spirituality, which we may call deism or soft atheism.
@TaiShang , my friend, the religion, all of them, is the opium of the masses. It goes through three stages.

1. God for love
2. God for money
3. God for power

The particular religion in question became an instrument of geopolitics long before the AFG war against the USSR. We must understand the genesis to tackle the results.

Where, when, how and who drew this dark cricle?

ME arab absolute monarchies have invested 100+ bln $ in the spread of their extreme and repressive version of Islam. Just look at SE Asia. It was never so in my youth but now it is a different story. What the ME monarchies did and do is not for spirituality but to maintain their oppressive rule over their populations. Remember: Capture their minds and their hands will follow.

Pak society of the 50s, 60s and 70s is totally different than the foreign social engineering that created a new arabified one.

Pak has paid an extreme price for this liason. Now they have taken a blod course correction for national interests. With joint Sino-Pak operations they have eliminated foreign sponsored Urghur and other foreign terrorists from the lawless areas in the Pak western regions.

We must also see that this foreign sponsor terror financed by the ME arabs is the tool of global empire to create immense chaos and suffering in the targeted states. ME is essentially a vassal space for this global empire...

Dont you think if the global empire didn't want the spread of dark idealogy it would have put its foot down and reigned in the sponsors and financiers? After all petro-dollar recycling makes it impossible for arabs to do anything against the wishes of the global empire.

But it is equally true that in order to fight the scrouge of this dark idealogy we must begin at securing the sovereign space first and from then on move to pull the roots out permanently. SA and other ME countries have to make choice soon. For their own survival.

What is extemely encouraging is the fact that Sino-Pak security mechanisms have rooted this evil out Pak territories to a great extent. AFG is the nest of snakes...too close to Xinjiang for comfort. It is not only the arabs who finance this dark sickness...in AFG there are actors who train, finance and plan terror in Sino-Pak space...

I fear we are in a long struggle. In order to pervail we need policy changes and development going hand in hand. Since the Chinese Gov is already executing this dual track policy...I am very hopeful for a peaceful future...though it will take some time it seems.

@PaklovesTurkiye @Kaptaan
Buddhist monks seek a lot of profits,Should stop those fake monk businessman
Personal spirituality cannot be regulated. What is unacceptable is organized, monied and politicized religions, regardless of their name or the region they came from.

Mostly, when state power/politics is taken from religions, they tend to disappear and evolve into individual spirituality, which we may call deism or soft atheism.
Agree, that's why I said - religion should be relegated to inside of homes. Make it personal again. One need not to publicly show his/her faith in god.
You don't sound like someone from "land of the free".
Am only advising what China should do within the context of what China is today.

Of course I believe that freedom of religion is a universal virtue, but if that belief collide with another, I must concede that each belief must remain within respective borders. So if China believe that religions must be subordinate to the state, the state must take every measures, including violence, to suppress any and all dissent.

Do you agree ?
Am only advising what China should do within the context of what China is today.

Of course I believe that freedom of religion is a universal virtue, but if that belief collide with another, I must concede that each belief must remain within respective borders. So if China believe that religions must be subordinate to the state, the state must take every measures, including violence, to suppress any and all dissent.

Do you agree ?

Agree. I wish Chinese government could do what you suggested. In reality, Chinese government is way too soft towards religions, and I believe its relevant agency has been badly infiltrated by foreign influence, so its policy regarding religion are not to the liking of many. In some cities in the west China, they even started giving every street an ME name.

By the way, are you the Vietnamese lives in my next door, who parts 5 cars in front of my house? :partay:
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Great policy! If a society wants to progress it needs to be materialist.

Historical materialist... :P

Materialism is often confused with an absolute love for material/wealth/power with no regard to spirituality.

Quite the contrary, materialism is having the acute understanding of how history operates, that is, how material relations move history.

I would even argue that materialism is the absolute criticism of what most people think it stands for.

Materialism also enables us to see what moves religious organizations -- as @Sinopakfriend said, money and political power. I would even argue that one would have to be historical materialist before one becomes spiritual. For we first have to understand what moves organized religions.

It is true that monied and politicized religiosity is anti-progressive, since, first and foremost, they are class-oriented. In some geographies, women's dis-empowerment contributes to the general lack of education and development because it holds back at least half of the population from joining productive processes.

Secularism ensures equal participation.

Agree. I wish Chinese government could do what you suggested. In reality, Chinese government is way too soft towards religions, and I believe its relevant agency has been badly infiltrated by foreign influence, so its policy regarding religion are not to the liking of many. In some cities in the west China, they even started giving every street an ME name.

I agree. Sometimes officials wake up to reality only after a disaster happens.

We need a more progressive and preemptive public policy making -- although China is one of the best in this area, that's not enough, in my opinion.

What are we if not material? All expression, advancement and inner/outer experience of human condition is anchored in Material.

Material Dialectics get confused due to linguistic overlap with senseless consumerism. Hence, a new terminology is required.

The word spirituality is again a limiting expression. Mostly, its coupled with dogmatic religious expression.

Yet human condition is bound by experiencing Spirituality thorough Materiality. After all human is an expression of material world.

In my view the correct terminology must be Meta-Material for the sake of clean discourse. Instead of spirituality.

Let me give you, my friend, an example:

One acquires a garden. One takes care of it through devotion, showing Virtue...

The flowers come...which is material expression of nature...with clear purpose of propagation...yet the effect on the gardener and visitor is meta-material...in the experience loop lies the growth of 'spiritual' / Meta-Material. This process is where human condition advances in perception, appreciation of abstract ect. Something untangible!

All form of morality is bounded in Material. All of it. Can we be immoral towards what is not in existence?

The Great Tao...is what?

Is it not showing the permanent interplay of Material and Meta-Material. Physical and Meta-Physical.

Our Material Dialectics indeed need to advance and bring in a new Theoretic Framework on which we can advance Human Condition...Create Wealth with Virture. Wealth in every aspect.

I know I am biased towards the Tao. Hence, I like to avoid spirituality business given its religious overdrive.

Yet it is beautiful and advances my human condition to see the Tao in Action and Non-Action.
Am only advising what China should do within the context of what China is today.

Of course I believe that freedom of religion is a universal virtue, but if that belief collide with another, I must concede that each belief must remain within respective borders. So if China believe that religions must be subordinate to the state, the state must take every measures, including violence, to suppress any and all dissent.

Do you agree ?
are you really coming from a land of 'free'``` it seems information is not quite available at your end
China is a great country with a great history and no one can deny that.
I hope this new regulation has no bad effect on Muslim minority in China.


Mixing Arabic/Chinese isn't harmful and many chinese (normally in the west) still use Arabic script because they have been using it for centuries and they will keep using it, even there is an Arabic calligraphy called (Alkhat Al Sini) the writing of Arabic with using chinese style of writing.


Anyway, I heard that China is going to turn the west part into another SEZs, that would be great news.

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