@TaiShang , my friend, the religion, all of them, is the opium of the masses. It goes through three stages.
1. God for love
2. God for money
3. God for power
The particular religion in question became an instrument of geopolitics long before the AFG war against the USSR. We must understand the genesis to tackle the results.
Where, when, how and who drew this dark cricle?
ME arab absolute monarchies have invested 100+ bln $ in the spread of their extreme and repressive version of Islam. Just look at SE Asia. It was never so in my youth but now it is a different story. What the ME monarchies did and do is not for spirituality but to maintain their oppressive rule over their populations. Remember:
Capture their minds and their hands will follow.
Pak society of the 50s, 60s and 70s is totally different than the foreign social engineering that created a new arabified one.
Pak has paid an extreme price for this liason. Now they have taken a blod course correction for national interests. With joint Sino-Pak operations they have eliminated foreign sponsored Urghur and other foreign terrorists from the lawless areas in the Pak western regions.
We must also see that this foreign sponsor terror financed by the ME arabs is the tool of global empire to create immense chaos and suffering in the targeted states. ME is essentially a vassal space for this global empire...
Dont you think if the global empire didn't want the spread of dark idealogy it would have put its foot down and reigned in the sponsors and financiers? After all petro-dollar recycling makes it impossible for arabs to do anything against the wishes of the global empire.
But it is equally true that in order to fight the scrouge of this dark idealogy we must begin at securing the sovereign space first and from then on move to pull the roots out permanently. SA and other ME countries have to make choice soon. For their own survival.
What is extemely encouraging is the fact that Sino-Pak security mechanisms have rooted this evil out Pak territories to a great extent. AFG is the nest of snakes...too close to Xinjiang for comfort. It is not only the arabs who finance this dark sickness...in AFG there are actors who train, finance and plan terror in Sino-Pak space...
I fear we are in a long struggle. In order to pervail we need policy changes and development going hand in hand. Since the Chinese Gov is already executing this dual track policy...I am very hopeful for a peaceful future...though it will take some time it seems.
@PaklovesTurkiye @Kaptaan