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geocide, you say :rofl:

haha, the actual white colonists committed geocide lecturing others

then explain this

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 15.37.43.png
lol, why the same picture in all threads?

lol, a satellite image is your proof? :rofl:

any people go to work is 'forced labor' by white colonists

please lie better

Visit the so called "concentration camps" by western reporters, on the site investigation.

Inappropriate Language
Women's rights in China are among the best in the world
oh really?
lol, why the same picture in all threads?

lol, a satellite image is your proof? :rofl:

any people go to work is 'forced labor' by white colonists

please lie better
Dude - you have been reported for breaking this forums multiple rules.

I suggest you go and seek mental counseling. Clearing Xi Pooh's pooh smoking is injurious to your heath.
so much for freedom to say anything.
can we say anything against zionist jews the child murderers?
what did they make up?

China has killed people in Tibet, Xinjging and HK

China has persecuted its own people for merely speaking out

I mean do the words freedom and democracy not mean anything to you people

having the freedom to practice religion and say what you want is a basic human right

having the freedom to criticise your leaders is everyones right

meanwhile if you do any of the above you either disappear or end up in prison
cia has killed people in Pakistan Sudan Syria Afghanistan etc etc!

Cia is a killing machine do you hear NGOs shout against CIA>
lol, why the same picture in all threads?

lol, a satellite image is your proof? :rofl:

any people go to work is 'forced labor' by white colonists

please lie better
Dude - you have been reported for breaking this forums multiple rules.

I suggest you go and seek mental counseling. Clearing Xi Pooh's pooh smoking is injurious to your heath.
can we say anything against zionist jews the child murderers?
Please do...

Zionist murderers.
Chinese communist genocidal actitivities in Tibet/Turkestan/+genocide under Mao
Russians - Stalin
US / UK - murdering SOBs
Syrian/Iranian/KSA - state sponsored massacres.

Care to add more.
Dude - you have been reported for breaking this forums multiple rules.

I suggest you go and seek mental counseling. Clearing Xi Pooh's pooh smoking is injurious to your heath.

Please do...

Zionist murderers.
Chinese communist genocidal actitivities in Tibet/Turkestan/+genocide under Mao
Russians - Stalin
US / UK - murdering SOBs
Syrian/Iranian/KSA - state sponsored massacres.

Care to add more.
can we Muslims speak against Zionist Jew the child murderer openly in international "Free Media" SMQ was called anti pike when he spoke against the deep pockets!
can we Muslims speak against Zionist Jew the child murderer openly in international "Free Media" SMQ was called anti pike when he spoke against the deep pockets!

Please do, raise it at international forums. You must and it is the right.

That is what I have been saying all along and you have not followed a single post of mine. When you muslims give and do the bidding of these imperialists - China, Russia, Uk, France, US....

Stand up man... for heaven sake. As an Ummah ---- realise Iqbal's dream.
geocide, you say :rofl:

haha, the actual white colonists committed geocide lecturing others

you do a great job yourself at genocide; looking at a mirror it must feel great to reach white colonialists level?

you have violated every rule on this forum in this thread.
Please do, raise it at international forums. You must and it is the right.

That is what I have been saying all along and you have not followed a single post of mine. When you muslims give and do the bidding of these imperialists - China, Russia, Uk, France, US....

Stand up man... for heaven sake. As an Ummah ---- realise Iqbal's dream.
ahh i wish! but nationalism has destroyed Ummah!
Dude - you have been reported for breaking this forums multiple rules.

I suggest you go and seek mental counseling. Clearing Xi Pooh's pooh smoking is injurious to your heath.

Please do...

Zionist murderers.
Chinese communist genocidal actitivities in Tibet/Turkestan/+genocide under Mao
Russians - Stalin
US / UK - murdering SOBs
Syrian/Iranian/KSA - state sponsored massacres.

Care to add more.

what rules I violated? by speaking against white colonists made-up lies against china? clearly you are the one mentally sick and need urgent help before you kill yourself

suck whites dick too much is detrimental to your health
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