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i agree, free all tibel. south nort east west. free entire tibet.
曼尼普尔邦(Manipur Aunties)占领印度强奸犯军队.jpg
what did they make up?

China has killed people in Tibet, Xinjging and HK

China has persecuted its own people for merely speaking out

I mean do the words freedom and democracy not mean anything to you people

having the freedom to practice religion and say what you want is a basic human right

having the freedom to criticise your leaders is everyones right

meanwhile if you do any of the above you either disappear or end up in prison
You are brainwashed by American propagandas.
Your wish granted.

Tibet is now totally liberated and FREE.

They even celebrate SERF Emancipation Day annually.

Although the ticket for HSR to the event is NOT.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :cheers:
I can report him to HK national security department since his location in HK. But I give him one more chance if I see his Secession comment again, he is going to be visited by the police. (In case he is not a false flag, but if he is a false flag, then he should be banned by the Moderators here.)
what did they make up?

China has killed people in Tibet, Xinjging and HK

China has persecuted its own people for merely speaking out

I mean do the words freedom and democracy not mean anything to you people

having the freedom to practice religion and say what you want is a basic human right

having the freedom to criticise your leaders is everyones right

meanwhile if you do any of the above you either disappear or end up in prison
Israel never killed a single innocent palestine and same as Indian hindu never killed a single innocent muslim kashmir. While you only pick on China. What makes you have the right when British and western countries hands are filled with blood.

I will be happily applaud them if they are truly doing for the justice but fact is the western media is only interested to use such topic for political smearing with no interest in seeking justice for anybody in China. Supporting western clause in pursing China only deepen the innocent woes.
Free tibet
Free Kashmir Muslim and Manipur aboriginal. :enjoy:
Israel never killed a single innocent palestine and same as Indian hindu never killed a single innocent muslim kashmir. While you only pick on China. What makes you have the right when British and western countries hands are filled with blood.

I will be happily applaud them if they are truly doing for the justice but fact is the western media is only interested to use such topic for political smearing with no interest in seeking justice for anybody in China. Supporting western clause in pursing China only deepen the innocent woes.

Free Kashmir Muslim and Manipur aboriginal. :enjoy:

stop blaming bringing others into this

only explain why China is committing Genocide

that is the nature of the topic
stop blaming bringing others into this

only explain why China is committing Genocide

that is the nature of the topic
Why are you ashamed to talk about yourself when your British hands are filled with bloods of other races? Your British Museum now are still filled with loot treasures from many part of the world and yet to apologize and return the treasure to where they belong..

Do China museum acted like barbarian British Museum with loot treasure from other countries?
what did they make up?

China has killed people in Tibet, Xinjging and HK

China has persecuted its own people for merely speaking out

I mean do the words freedom and democracy not mean anything to you people

having the freedom to practice religion and say what you want is a basic human right

having the freedom to criticise your leaders is everyones right

meanwhile if you do any of the above you either disappear or end up in prison
Not a single of these CCP bots here - agenda is clear.... China is the solution to the world problem and Winnie Xi Pooh's pooh is the cure for all world issues.

Do you see any single one of these people say anything. Their news outlets are just posing a rosy picture that is pukeable -... hey ... just have a listen to Radio China - Chairman Mao's dairies they were reading out... taking about his gas and bowl movements... Do you know that he had sever constipation and went only once a week. Not made up... directly from Radio China.

Aziqbal - they are all here for one purpose to give a satinised version and push their keyboard agenda.

#1 - Say the truth... they like to point at others but cannot reflect themselves. That means, undergoing political corrected ness.

#2 - these are all part of their ministry who are sponsoring unemployed kids - better have them attack others to get rid of their frustrations vs point to wards glorious CCP.

Instead, entire thread is twisted about what aboutism. what about this .. what about that....

f... stick to the point. but no, they are so desperate to get bonuses they must say anything everything ... except criticise their paying master.
I can report him to HK national security department since his location in HK. But I give him one more chance if I see his Secession comment again, he is going to be visited by the police. (In case he is not a false flag, but if he is a false flag, then he should be banned by the Moderators here.)

So much for freedom..... So this forum has CCP surveillance police.

@aziqbal : case closed. Nothing more to argue. All these ccp bots are institutional agents.

These people should be banned outright for threatening others.
brother these regimes are run by camels

they have no understanding how to run a country

authoritarian dictatorships who cant handle any criticism

even a old man in his 100 year old is considered a threat against the CCP if he speaks against them

just shows how weak China is and how sensitive the leaders are

Winnie is an issue... this is how much a threat it is ....

Ask these bots to put out a wechat... ... wechat what a name.... we say to a kid go take a wee...

anyway, wechat ... these bots post a message 'why is Xi shaped like Winnie'..... they wont, they will get locked up. Let us use that as a test.

ccp bots --- put your claims of freedom by just this act;; .... publish your wechat ids so that we can check too.

Here.... our cartoonists have complete freedom to even paint our presidents naked... and these guys have no clue.

What about any chinese outside who says anythings.... their police gets in touch with their parents... typical commie blackmail to keep people quiet.

bottom line, they run a police state
Now they are going after their own women.

Chinese link is there too:

So much for their freedom drums b.s. Too much of Winnie Xi Pooh's pooh smoking is definitely injurious to health.


China's Chairman Mao Zedong once famously said that "women hold up half the sky" — a powerful manifesto for gender equality and a legacy for the Chinese Communist Party.

But decades later, his proclamation of women's equality is far from reality.

Today, women in China still face discrimination in the workplace, politics and at home, and feminist movements have been facing unprecedented crackdowns in recent years.

But there are more women who call themselves feminists now than ever before.

Social media a key channel for modern Chinese feminists
Jia Guo said she grew up in an "unconventional" family in northern China, where her father took up more domestic responsibilities while her mother was advancing her career.

"All the women in my family are strong and professional female characters," the 27-year-old, who is studying in Sydney, told the ABC's China Tonight.

"It feels like a natural thing for me that women participate in public life on an equal footing."

A Chinese propaganda painting in the 70s saying women hold up half the sky with several Chinese women smiling.

A Chinese propaganda poster from the 1970s reads: "Women hold up half the sky."(

Ms Guo said she first realised she was a feminist when a misogynistic comment appeared on the student forum at her university in China in 2014.

"A male student said some girls in the library dressed in a very revealing way, which affected his study," she said.
Ms Guo was working at the student newspaper at the time, and decided to write an opinion piece calling him out.

She said social media was an important way for women to express their views on family and relationships, and to advocate for their rights, especially as many social movements are still forbidden in the country.

"[Feminist activists] have organised a lot of offline activities, such as 'Occupy Men's Toilets' and 'Bloody Brides Against Domestic Violence', but they have also been greatly suppressed," she said.

"I personally think that the voice of feminists is getting louder and louder, and more and more people are paying attention — whether they agree or disagree, no matter what point of view they hold."

Feminist voices 'disappeared' from the internet
Under President Xi Jinping, there's been a crackdown on feminist activism.

Terms like "feminism" and "MeToo" are considered sensitive and are subject to online censorship.

Earlier this year, Beijing began ramping up its efforts to stamp out feminist voices in the country.

Dozens of feminist accounts have been abruptly shut down on popular social media sites like Weibo and Douban.

Li Maizi, 32, a prominent feminist living in Beijing, was among those targeted. Her Weibo account was suspended in late April.

A woman holds up a sign saying “protect feminism, happy International Women's Day.

Li Maizi says the feminist movement in China has become increasingly politically sensitive since 2015.(
Supplied: Li Maizi

"Not only were our comments deleted, but our accounts were disappeared on the internet — our followers can't see us anymore," she told the ABC.

"It made me extinct on Weibo, which is terrifying, and I was named by Weibo, saying that I was inciting hatred."
Weibo said Ms Li's account published "illegal and harmful information" — which she strongly denied.

Chinese authorities and tech companies sought to justify the crackdown by claiming that feminists and activists would disrupt the social order.

Ms Li is one of the "Feminist Five", a group of young Chinese women who were detained on the eve of International Women's Day in 2015 for planning a demonstration against sexual harassment on public transport.

They were released 37 days later due to global diplomatic and media pressure.

Ms Li said the term "feminism" has now been highly politicised in China, and because of that she was attacked online by nationalistic trolls.

"I became a 'Hong Kong separatist' in their eyes … only because I took a picture with someone who may have commented on Hong Kong's Occupy Central campaign in the past, which is quite ridiculous," she said.

"This kind of public discourse is using political rumours to stigmatise and delegitimise any feminist activity.
"Pretty much everyone is scared of organising any activities now."

Going backwards after 'remarkable' progress
Feminist movements in China have a long and complex history.

From the late 1800s, women were actively involved in overthrowing the crumbling Qing monarchy to establish a new republic, in order to win their right to vote and stand for election.

Thousands of women gathered in the front of a building, with banners in their hands.

Chinese women protest in Guangdong province in 1921 demanding suffrage. (

In the 1930s, women's suffrage was achieved under the government of the Nationalist Party, known as the Kuomintang (KMT), along with other legal reforms, such as the right for women to initiate divorce and to choose their marriage partners freely.

As part of the global socialist movement in the early 1900s, women were also instrumental in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and were central in its campaigns to win support among women in both urban and rural areas.

Women played important roles in the war against Japan, in both the KMT and the CCP parties, as soldiers, propagandists, relief workers and fundraisers.

In 1949, when the CCP won the Civil War against the KMT, the communist government upheld the gains made for women, and the newfound stability also enabled more women to make use of their legal rights in marriage, employment and property ownership.

Louise Edwards, Emeritus Professor at the University of New South Wales, has been researching Chinese history and the women's movement for four decades.

A woman wearing regalia is giving speech on the stage.

Professor Louise Edwards says many women's rights in China were established through bureaucratic structures, rather than popular grassroots activism. (

She told the ABC that China's progress in women's rights and gender equality had been "remarkable" in the past century.

Women moved from being subjected to footbinding and largely confined to the home, to being able to access education and financial independence, she said.

Other early achievements included securing quotas for women in politics, and access to improved maternal and child healthcare, contraception and abortion, as well as equal pay for equal work.

"It's one of the world's most dramatic social changes, impacting interpersonal relations within families as well as public structures," she said.

"[Chinese women] have gone from being closeted in the domestic space to being national and global leaders in myriad spheres of science, business and culture.

"If you were working in the state sector in China, as a woman in the 1950s, you had access to maternity leave, breastfeeding leave — these kinds of protections were way ahead of Australia at the time."
Professor Edwards said although the CCP promoted women's rights through maxims like "women hold up half the sky", the Party still operates within a patriarchal mindset.

"They still regard men as the being the 'real' power holders and women as the assistants or deputies," she said.

"After 1949, feminist gains were secured through working in the Party's bureaucratic structures, especially the All-China Women's Federation, rather than popular grassroots activism.

"So as long as feminism doesn't threaten, but rather supports the Party and its agendas, then it's considered a good thing."

But China's early gains for women have not been maintained since the country opened up its economy in the late 1970s.

Quotas for women in politics were abolished soon afterwards, and sexism in the workplace and in advertising is pervasive, Professor Edwards said.

China's top leadership body is still a boys' club — there are no women in the Politburo Standing Committee, and only a quarter of the national legislature are women.

And it has slowly slipped in global rankings for gender equality.

According to the Gender Gap Index by the World Economic Forum, in 2008, China placed 57th out of 153 countries. In just over a decade, it's fallen to 107th.

Why #MeToo in China is stagnating
In 2018, a Beijing university professor was accused of sexually harassing his former PhD student a decade earlier.

The high-profile case ignited China's #MeToo movement, with many university students, both male and female, petitioning against sexual harassment on campus.

A slew of #MeToo cases later in that year swept through various workplaces, and the movement has seen results, with the country's first successful prosecution for sexual harassment in July last year.

A man stands in a studio.

Altman Peng says the #MeToo movement in China is being suppressed due to state censorship.(
Supplied: Altman Peng

But it has quickly lost pace, according to Altman Peng, a researcher in feminism in China and media studies at Newcastle University in the UK.

"There was some momentum after the Feminist Five [incident], but then it was suppressed," he told the ABC.

"More recently, the #MeToo movement and anti-sexual harassment movements spreading through the internet caught public attention, but soon faded away because of the censorship system."
Lu Pin, 49, is a leading Chinese feminist activist based in the US who has been advocating women's rights for more than two decades.

A woman sits in front of a desk smiling.

Lu Pin is the founder of Feminist Voices, one of the most influential media outlets in China's feminist community, which was shut down in 2018.(
Supplied: Lu Pin

She said although the internet provided an alternative space for the feminist movement in China, where public spaces are constantly being restricted, it still has its limitations.

"I always believe that a very important part of a social movement is physical presence," she said.

"In online activities, the connection between people is weakened, and the necessary trust for social movements is insufficient.

"But we have to accept the reality that this alternative space in China has become our main battlefield."

Ms Lu said although feminist activism in China is facing unprecedented suppression, there's still a positive sign.

"Today, more young people than before agree that they are feminists. Today, the debate on feminism in Chinese society is unprecedentedly fierce," she said.
"There were many celebrities who were part of the US #MeToo movement to expand its influence, [but] #MeToo in China was led by countless unsung women."

For Ms Guo, finding the common ground in feminism in both China and the West is crucial.

"From the most fundamental point of view, our goals are the same — we are all trying to challenge an existing order that everyone believes is correct," she said.

"I hope that women and other marginalised groups in China will have the opportunity to gain visibility, to make their voices heard."

Read the story in Chinese: 阅读中文版本
So much for freedom..... So this forum has CCP surveillance police.
Try talk about commit a terrorism in US forum, and see if the FBI come to talk to you. Secession is now a crime in HK, no matter you like it or not. Moreover, If you were in colonial HK, you would be arrested and threw into jail just by handing flyers about communism, a whole new paper outlet got raided if your article show a sign of pro-red China. Yeah these were all happened under in your so called "democratic and free" United Kingdom.
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Try talk about commit a terrorism in US forum, and see if the FBI come to talk to you. Secession is now a crime in HK, no matter you like it or not. Moreover, If you were in colonial HK, you would be arrest and throw into jail just by just handing flyers about communism, a whole new paper outlet got raided if your article show a sign of pro-red China. Yeah these were all happened under in your so called "democratic and free" United Kingdom.
Dude... i dont reply to china based police agents on this forum. thank you for clearly identify yourself.

So, go back and fill your reports.

Reported as govt agent.
You are brainwashed by American propagandas.
and yourself and your entire entourage here.... cant say anything critical about your self-reflection

why? is there a seat waiting in XInjiang concentration camps for you too?
Try talk about commit a terrorism in US forum, and see if the FBI come to talk to you. Secession is now a crime in HK, no matter you like it or not. Moreover, If you were in colonial HK, you would be arrested and threw into jail just by handing flyers about communism, a whole new paper outlet got raided if your article show a sign of pro-red China. Yeah these were all happened under in your so called "democratic and free" United Kingdom.

yes and if I complain to Scotland Yard I am sure our nuclear submarine will show up in South China Sea

@denel I have reported this Chinese bot to the mods, just proves we have Chinese paid bots on this forum
Why didn't they report what he said? And by what law he violates.

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