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China threatens US with retaliation

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China threatens US with retaliation

A Chinese General on Friday termed as "flagrant provocation" US plans to send a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the Yellow Sea and said the country would retaliate if "offended".

"A country needs respect, so does a military. We will retaliate if we are offended," Major General Luo Yuan, Deputy Secretary-General of the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Academy of Military Sciences, wrote in an editorial in the PLA Daily.

The US is "pushing its security boundary to the doorstep of others - the Yellow Sea, South China Sea and so on," Luo said.

China had in the recent weeks voice its firm opposition to activities of foreign military vessels or planes in the Yellow Sea and China's coastal waters, saying they undermine it security interests.

Despite China's warning, the US insists on sending the carrier US George Washington, he said.

The General was reacting to reports quoting Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying that the carrier will always go into international waters"

Luo's comments also came in the backdrop of reports that China was developing a new missile called Dong Feng 21D.

The anti-carrier missile, regarded as a game changer, could be launched from land with enough accuracy to penetrate the defenses of even the most advanced moving aircraft carrier at a distance of more than 1,500 km.

Another official newspaper China Daily today carried a report on the new missile saying that the Ministry of National Defence did not confirm it.

Yellow sea, that separates China and South Korea, was rising temperatures in the region on the sidelines of the crisis over the sinking of a South Korean naval ship allegedly by North Korea.

China, while advocating restraint steadfastly opposed to the US-South Korean naval exercises in the Yellow Sea, even while it conducted its own naval war games off Shanghai coast.

China hardened its stance further after US Secretary Hillary Clinton's recent comments at ASEAN meeting calling for an international mechanism to solve disputes in South China Sea, which is an extension of Yellow Sea in the international waters.

Commenting on the US plans to send its aircraft carrier to South China Sea Rear Admiral Yin Zhuo, senior researcher at the Chinese navy's Equipment Research Center, said there is hardly any operational intent from the US side, sending aircraft carrier except to put pressure on China, diplomatically and politically.

Meanwhile, China appeared upset over reports that US was holding "advanced negotiations" to share nuclear fuel and technology with Vietnam to expand the strategic alliance to checkmate China.

China threatens US with retaliation
indian army is very powerful and we read daily news obout how thier guns are old, equipment not working, no fighters plans etc etc


yeah..we kil those terorists daily with those old guns.

no fighters plans etc etc

you mean planes ?? yeah ryt..we dont have any planes. good joke.

BTW : aapko mirchi kyun lagi ?? woh toh China ke bare mein tha.:confused:

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

:pop: ................

Retaliation for feeling offended seems a bit disproportionate, also what kind of retaliation? Naval exercises with North Korea,Cuba, Venezuela,Iran?or can it be what i think it is?:sniper:
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There toys are dangerous remem 1962? Even two days is enough to damage anyone. And I would not underestimate China.

this is 2010..and use those toys now and see how last they long.

no one is under estimating China..but these comments from Chinese officials is what the context was behind my statement which half of the members fail to comprehend...these comments about retaliation against US is just temporary...tell me when they actually attack.:rolleyes:
yeah..we kil those terorists daily with those old guns.

you mean planes ?? yeah ryt..we dont have any planes. good joke.

BTW : aapko mirchi kyun lagi ?? woh toh China ke bare mein tha.:confused:

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------


:yahoo: mujhai mirchinahi lagi, mirchi to app logo ko lagi hai
China threatens US and INDIANs are saying toys :yahoo::yahoo:

I think you people are underestimating China and forgot 1962...... :sniper: even in 2010 india cannot come close to china toys .............. :sniper:

:yahoo: mujhai mirchinahi lagi, mirchi to app logo ko lagi hai
China threatens US and INDIANs are saying toys :yahoo::yahoo:

I think you people are underestimating China and forgot 1962...... :sniper: even in 2010 india cannot come close to china toys .............. :sniper:


:cheers: be happy ! :)

not worth my reply.
Chinese people won't stand for US naval provocation
Chinese people won't stand for US naval provocation - GlobalTimes

A US Defence Department spokesman confirmed to the Xinhua News Agency on Friday that the US would send the aircraft carrier George Washington to participate in the US-South Korean joint military exercise in the Yellow sea.

When the Chinese government had not yet taken a strong stand against the US action, maybe the US could pretend to not know the likely reaction, saying that its military exercise with South Korea was just over the Cheonan issue. Yet now, as the Chinese government has clearly shown grave concern over the US action, the US remains hard set on going its own way. This is a deliberate provocation.

The US should not believe that with its numerous aircraft carriers it can easily handle everything. There is something more powerful than aircraft carriers, and that is popular support. No one can go against public opinion.

With popular support, China, although it currently has no aircraft carriers, will certainly have them one day. Without aircraft carriers but with popular support, Chinese people are not scared of aircraft carriers. Once one loses popular support, no amount of powerful weapons will help a country be able to have its way forever.

Just imagine whether the Chinese people will believe US President Barack Obama's statement that "the US does not seek to contain China" or US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's claim "we are in the same boat" if a US aircraft carrier bursts into the Yellow Sea.

Imagine how the US could expect China to give a hand when it needs to cooperate with China if it obstructs China like this.

Imagine what the consequence will be if China's biggest debtor nation challenges its creditor nation.

Imagine how the US would feel if China showed the same ignorance of US interests and security as the US is doing now, and operated military exercises with the US neighbors or competitors in its neighboring or sensitive regions. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. The US should think twice about this maneuver. Once US aircraft carrier sails into the Yellow Sea, Sino-US relations will be damaged mainly in the aspect of popular support, which is the basis of international relations.

Maybe some Americans do not care about Chinese public opinion at all, as they are accustomed to go their own way without concern for others. If so, it's not a big deal, and the Chinese people will stand up against all comers.

To raise its combat effectiveness, in wartime the PLA learns war from war, and in peacetime it learns war from practice. The PLA needs a reference. The US will provide China with an opportunity of troop training if the US aircraft carrier comes to the Yellow Sea uninvited to be a real "blue force."

Some Americans, still stuck in a Cold War mentality, tried everything to contain China's rise. They try to threaten the Chinese people and test China's bottom line with this maneuver.

They should know that China's rise is the general trend, and no weapons could resist it. China is the world's largest market, so offending China means losing, or at least decreasing, market share.

Will ordinary Americans allow that sort of thing to happen? Without Americans' support, how could Obama be elected to a second term?

China never bowed to the powerful even in difficult times. What's more, now China is becoming the world's second largest economy, so it's certain that China will not compromise on this issue.

The US aircraft carrier entering the Yellow Sea will only reveal its technologies and tactics and create a good opportunity for China to research aircraft carriers at close hand.

The Chinese people cherish peace, and are not willing to be hostile to any country. However, the Chinese people do not allow any country to be hostile to China or turn a deaf ear to China's opposition. A country should be dignified, and so should an army.

The US always advertises itself as the most democratic country. Now China should help the US learn a lesson in democracy.

It's time to learn how to respect others, listen to other country's public opinion and resolve problems with debate, not with military measures.

Americans love to provoke people.
A Chinese General on Friday termed as "flagrant provocation" US plans to send a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the Yellow Sea and said the country would retaliate if "offended".

What does the General mean by "if offended"? Is he implying the act of sending a carrier to the Yellow Sea isn't offensive but further actions may cause offense?
Its difficult for me to take Chinese generals seriously anymore when they talk to the media.

Has been since 2005 when a general threatened to nuke Los Angelas if the US intervened in the Taiwan issue.
My personal advise to China...
China should stop being an overexcited state.
It isn't strong enough yet to "Warn" US.
China has a long way to go to reach that stage and they should work to reach there ,rather than pushing themselves into clashes which would lead to there own devastation.
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