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China threatens Delhi

@aryan_B: 3657 posts!!! and still u have remained an ignorant troll!!! I feel pity for u....

when i spoke, I was being genuine and speaking what is the reality.. and u got Incredible India into that.. and very soon some Indian member will start speaking about some new bombing or suicide attack in lahore... and the topic will get derailed...

on second thoughts, may be u want that only... but sorry buddy, I might be a little harsh at times, but I can't be a troll....

resorting to personal attacks eh? lol back to post india should learn from 1962 and listen to chinese warnings

---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

@aryan_B: 3657 posts!!! and still u have remained an ignorant troll!!! I feel pity for u....

when i spoke, I was being genuine and speaking what is the reality.. and u got Incredible India into that.. and very soon some Indian member will start speaking about some new bombing or suicide attack in lahore... and the topic will get derailed...

on second thoughts, may be u want that only... but sorry buddy, I might be a little harsh at times, but I can't be a troll....

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 AM ----------

I totally agree with u... But what I was saying is that, with all due regards, Pakistan can't think of having anything to survive AGAINST USA as on date... after all, who will give them weapons to fight USA??? USA !!!!:undecided:

Many empires fall. On that basis im sure that there was a time that every empire thinks its invincible. They simply never are.

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ----------

It doesn't matter, even US is far technologically superior to Russia, but Russia remains a large number in its nuclear stockpiles basically to guarantee to prevent from any attempt of attack from US.

The nuke isn't about the technological competition with the US, but it is about the basic survival requirement against the US.

to some the white man has a magic
resorting to personal attacks eh? lol back to post india should learn from 1962 and listen to chinese warnings.

believe me Aryan_B, i'm never one to attack someone personally or humiliate him.. coz no one can be a winner on internet.. we will keep fighting and then get tired and go to sleep... Plz re-read ur post over which I gave the statement...am putting it again here...
even incredible india you mean lol oh and if incredibles cant do something it must be impossible

and just to be very clear why I felt that u were trolling, this is what I had said over which u got incredible india in the story:
pakistan having ICBMs... as a deterrence against US of A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

buddy, u couldn't be any more wrong... even 5000 ICBMs and 5000 Nuclear weapons won't be able to work as a deterrence against USA, in today's world!!!! (and it holds true not only for Pakistan, but even India!!!!)

Lets face the truth, whether we like it or not.....

btw yet again, u have taken the example of 1962!!! what do u expect me to do??? use the topic like "Japanese occupation of China" against the Chinese members or 1971 (the favourite of all Indian posters here!!!) against you?????

I won't do either.. I'll simply say, work hard and get ur country back to peace and tranquility... get the millions out of poverty.. and automatically u'll start getting respect from the world... India is facing the exact same issues, some to lesser extent, and sum much worse... But we need to work... and work real hard, with urgency....
sorry ashokbhai didnt mean to upset you. but I feel that indian govt should be making more effort with china and pakistan to make our neighbourhood a safe place. look at how many border disputes china has settled compare that to india. If you want to be a true leader you have to give and take I think the true potential of india and our entire region will not come to flower until these three countries sort out their differences
Once Gandhi said, "Be the change that you wish to see around you"
I am following him to see that peace prevails. I have never said that India sould counter any other nation. I have promoted the goods that are done in every country and demoted the bads that every country has done including India.
But you my brother loose temper very easily. The Indian members of this forum might be little or some times more harsh, the same as some Paksitani members but I want to be a beacon of hope to show the members of this forum that more people like me who wish to see a united front in Asia depite all odds exist in India, Pakistan and China. and that is the reason that I do not feed troll posts.

But any way it seems most of the members he feel happy when they bash some one or some country as they think its cool.

God bless you all.
Once Gandhi said, "Be the change that you wish to see around you"
I am following him to see that peace prevails. I have never said that India sould counter any other nation. I have promoted the goods that are done in every country and demoted the bads that every country has done including India.
But you my brother loose temper very easily. The Indian members of this forum might be little or some times more harsh, the same as some Paksitani members but I want to be a beacon of hope to show the members of this forum that more people like me who wish to see a united front in Asia depite all odds exist in India, Pakistan and China. and that is the reason that I do not feed troll posts.

But any way it seems most of the members he feel happy when they bash some one or some country as they think its cool.

God bless you all.

amazing to find someone who thinks on the similar lines as me....I totally support u ashok bhai, we should request all other Indian members atleast not to troll, or reply to trolls as a troll... to be frank, I feel myself to be a little harsh at times, but then being harsh is ok, being a troll and trying to undermine others' nationality or religion or ethnicity is totally wrong....
It is for the self-defensive purpose, if you don't have the ability to bomb USA, then they are going to bomb you for sure.

Libya was just practically a perfect example.
you don't need a missile to threaten the US. every thing and every one is interconnected one way or the other. Cases like Libiya, Siriya, Yemen and all other arab nations are a well concieved plan by the most inteligent people to loot the Arab of its minerals and its people are not thinking about the wests influence that is going to bring in wrath.
Despite being the super power, I dont think that US has the guts to take on India, or China for reaching thier ulterior motives.
Once Gandhi said, "Be the change that you wish to see around you"
I am following him to see that peace prevails. I have never said that India sould counter any other nation. I have promoted the goods that are done in every country and demoted the bads that every country has done including India.
But you my brother loose temper very easily. The Indian members of this forum might be little or some times more harsh, the same as some Paksitani members but I want to be a beacon of hope to show the members of this forum that more people like me who wish to see a united front in Asia depite all odds exist in India, Pakistan and China. and that is the reason that I do not feed troll posts.

But any way it seems most of the members he feel happy when they bash some one or some country as they think its cool.

God bless you all.

honestly ashokbhai i honestly believe the key lies with indian govt to transform our entire region by sorting out its relationship with pakistan and china and I sometimes think teh govt does not do enough
you don't need a missile to threaten the US. every thing and every one is interconnected one way or the other. Cases like Libiya, Siriya, Yemen and all other arab nations are a well concieved plan by the most inteligent people to loot the Arab of its minerals and its people are not thinking about the wests influence that is going to bring in wrath.
Despite being the super power, I dont think that US has the guts to take on India, or China for reaching thier ulterior motives.

The only way to restrict US is having the ability to threaten their existence, since they believe more about the notation of the one getting the bigger fist should dominate as their typical western philosophy.
amazing to find someone who thinks on the similar lines as me....I totally support u ashok bhai, we should request all other Indian members atleast not to troll, or reply to trolls as a troll... to be frank, I feel myself to be a little harsh at times, but then being harsh is ok, being a troll and trying to undermine others' nationality or religion or ethnicity is totally wrong....

Well tell your indian mates to behave cos I am the most placid guy in the world and want what you two say you want but when you go on some other threads its easy to get baited by your countrymen who come here to make fun of pakistanis

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

The only way to restrict US is having the ability to threaten their existence, since they believe more about the notation of the one getting the bigger fist should dominate as their typical western philosophy.

absolutly no country with nukes has been invaded. Do you think if iraq or libya had nukes the west would have behaved in the manner they have?
honestly ashokbhai i honestly believe the key lies with indian govt to transform our entire region by sorting out its relationship with pakistan and china and I sometimes think teh govt does not do enough
I have always been a solution seeker, if you see that the Indian Government has the key, kindly speek out the steps that you want the Indian Government to do in order to normalize relationship with China and Pakistan.
Even if the Government of India might not be interested in your views, but I am surely intereted in hearing your views on what can be done at our end to improve stability to the region.
Kindly put your points in steps
Well tell your indian mates to behave cos I am the most placid guy in the world and want what you two say you want but when you go on some other threads its easy to get baited by your countrymen who come here to make fun of pakistanis

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

absolutly no country with nukes has been invaded. Do you think if iraq or libya had nukes the west would have behaved in the manner they have?

The West without crisis would not venture to invade any nation with nukes.

But when the West is at bay with the severe economic crisis, then their opportunist gene may push them to some unpredicatble consequence.

Even China and Russia are in their list of targets since US is pushing their NMD so hard in order to annihilate the nuclear ability of their strongest opponents.

But thanks to God that US does have so much bad luck with their NMD right now.
Well tell your indian mates to behave cos I am the most placid guy in the world and want what you two say you want but when you go on some other threads its easy to get baited by your countrymen who come here to make fun of pakistanis
Brother, I hope you have been following my posts now and then when ever you come across my name in the live post section. if you have you might have seen me asking the Indian members to be cool and not invite flame baiting.
Have you done the same with the Pakistani members? SK and You are the too members I respect the most in this forum. I wanted you two to be cool if some one is hard on you are Pakistan and ask them to join with you in the quest for peace rather than doing the same what some irate Indian members or Pakistani members do in this forum
I have always been a solution seeker, if you see that the Indian Government has the key, kindly out the steps that you want the Indian Government to do in order to normalize relationship with China and Pakistan.
Even if the Government of India might not be interested in your views, but I am surely intereted in hearing your views on what can be done at our end to improve stability to the region.
Kindly put your points in steps

I think we need a 3 way meeting with china india pakistan with the framework that all parties be flexible and realistic. Maybe india give part of kashmir it holds to pakistan and pakistan gives up any further claim, china takes land in west and gives up its claims in the east etc. Basically barter, deal, it cant be impossible. Any position for all three is better than status quo. Can you imagine if india pakistan china and neighbours like iran afghans bangladesh srilanka etc could form a similar organistaion to eec working for the benefit of the people in the neigbourhood thats my dream. Can you imagine americans even daring to look at our region
Well tell your indian mates to behave cos I am the most placid guy in the world and want what you two say you want but when you go on some other threads its easy to get baited by your countrymen who come here to make fun of pakistanis

How do I tell them?? am i the president of ICPDF (Indian Community at the PDF!!!):smitten:
I can just request everyone, including you, not to berate the other's country in order to prove a point..we all have a lot of skeletons in our respective closets...

absolutly no country with nukes has been invaded. Do you think if iraq or libya had nukes the west would have behaved in the manner they have?

i actually agree with u here ... except that the biggest danger of Nukes being in wrong hands is loss of millions of lives, and may be a 3rd world war, which will be catastrophic!!! just imagine a crack-head like saddam having nukes, and using them in desperation against his own population(no way still of attacking USA!).. it would have been real sad.. what India and Pakistan have done is actually wrong..we have got Nukes... but then India wanted to have a solid back-up against China (who was already a nuclear power..), and so did Pakistan against india... But wrong done by us doesn't mean we let everyone else have it!! in order to save the world, its important that unstable and crack-pot nations like North Korea are prevented from having a nuclear weapon.. for the world's sake... and in that context, i find Pakistan responsible for helping a wrong nation in doing a very very wrong thing....

hopefully u'll understand what I want to say... to be frank, in spite of being an indian, I'd say, pakistan having a nuke is still okay, from the world perview... But N korea!!! no way!!!!
I think we need a 3 way meeting with china india pakistan with the framework that all parties be flexible and realistic. Maybe india give part of kashmir it holds to pakistan and pakistan gives up any further claim, china takes land in west and gives up its claims in the east etc. Basically barter, deal, it cant be impossible. Any position for all three is better than status quo. Can you imagine if india pakistan china and neighbours like iran afghans bangladesh srilanka etc could form a similar organistaion to eec working for the benefit of the people in the neigbourhood thats my dream. Can you imagine americans even daring to look at our region

my friend, u seriously don't understand... In 1947, giving whole kashmir to Pakistan wouldn't have been impossible.. But today, the word is IMPOSSIBLE!!! the reaction of Indian people will be extreme... and kashmir is the GLUE which holds India together, frankly!!! if kashmir goes, India will break (and Pakistani think-tank knows that, and thats why they have been trying it for ages.... and Indian think-tank also knows that, so in foreseeable future... no chance!!!)...the normal citizen feels that thousands of our brave soldiers have died defending kashmir starting from Major Somnath Sharma, PVC who saved Srinagar and thus paved the way for india to manage a foothold.... I know that an average pakistani feels that his "Kashmiri-brethren" are being maimed-killed-tortured by Indian security forces day-in and day-out!!! and any proof given by the whole world that its not happening will not satisfy the pakistani Awaam...

so the politicians on both sides will never do this harakiri!!! and this fire is gonna continue burning in the foreseeable future....

Maybe india give part of kashmir it holds to pakistan and pakistan gives up any further claim, china takes land in west and gives up its claims in the east etc.

i just realised!!! what kind of barter is that in which India loses kashmir to Pakistan and Western areas to china!!! and what does it get in return??? Peace!!!! HUH!!!!!

its like heads you win, tails I lose!!!!
I think we need a 3 way meeting with china india pakistan with the framework that all parties be flexible and realistic. Maybe india give part of kashmir it holds to pakistan and pakistan gives up any further claim, china takes land in west and gives up its claims in the east etc. Basically barter, deal, it cant be impossible. Any position for all three is better than status quo. Can you imagine if india pakistan china and neighbours like iran afghans bangladesh srilanka etc could form a similar organistaion to eec working for the benefit of the people in the neigbourhood thats my dream. Can you imagine americans even daring to look at our region
As you have put forth your views, Let me put mine. Pakistan already has a chunk of Kashmiri Land, China has a piece of Kashmiri Land, India has a piece of Kashmiri Land. The world knows that no Indian from other state can buy land in Kashmir and Pakistan can feel safe that the Muslim population in Kashmir is not going to lose its states as "Sons of the Land by new settlers from the rest of the Indian states"
I am not asking you to agree on my solution, but you can hear mine. Lets not move one more inch against the LOC and make it the IB in the future and start establishing routes from Pakistan via P-O-K, via I-O-K via C-O-K to China and start trading via those routes. and importantly dismantle any non governmental entity that has arms to fight the regular forces or civilian population in our respective Lands.
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