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China - the largest army in the world

Because the US shouldn't waste money and a soldier's time parading in front of the camera for people to know it is powerful:P

rhetoric aside

Large parades are a hassle to set up, costly, and a general waste of time that could be better spent actually training.

local 'marches' do exist, probably not up to the rigorous and wowing standards of China or Russia's large military marches, but they get the job done.

These are not my words, but they are a good reasoning of why parades are small and not flashy

"American drill is very simple. Purposefully so. During the revolution against England we had few professional soldiers. We trained drill enough to effectively fight the British, but not for the parade ground. This philosophy holds true today. There are few if any unnecessary or showy moves. The moves that are required, though, are required to be done correctly."
when you say that they get the job done, I really get annoyed, what have they done beside causing a economic depression in their country. lot of dead civilians in Iraq, Afgan, and in thier own army, marines.
when it comes to effectiveness in getting the job done, no one is as good as the Isralis IDF, look at Operation Entebbe alias Operation Jonathan
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The biggest funny thread ever. China has largest army. So what?.... Small nations kicking your country. China copied military parade from NORTH KOREA. The best military parade is from NORTH KOREA .

Chinese marching style is way different from North Korean's,maybe their style fits your personal taste better



North Koreans follow Russians marching style,lifting up their chins and kicking up their feet very high but arm never move.it's totally different from Chinese style,no lifting chins ,no kicking up feet,but moving arms.
what is the purpose of this thread guys? the world knows that when it comes to military might, no one comes close to the Chinese.
Except for some flame baiters here.

For you US guys who talk about experiance, with the idea of having army base in every nook and corner of the world you have brought more missery than happiness to the people of the place where you set foot.
The Chinese do not do what you do to the rest of the world.

Even if you do not admire their military might do not make fun with your cheap words.

And for the Indian members, do not suspect my flag, there is nothing wrong in telling that Rank number 1 guy is better than us.
We are better, but we are working hard to keep phase with the Chinese.

Hidden dragon, thank god we got good companion for Arundhati roy.
when you say that they get the job done, I really get annoyed, what have they done beside causing a economic depression in their country. lot of dead civilians in Iraq, Afgan, and in thier own army, marines.
when it comes to effectiveness in getting the job done, no one is as good as the Isralis IDF, look at Operation Entebbe alias Operation Jonathan
So you are saying that the US military actually and directly CAUSED economic depressions? Talk about straining logic just to jab at US.
North Koreans follow Russians marching style,lifting up their chins and kick up their feet very high but arm never move.it's totally different from Chinese style,no lifting chins ,no kick up feet,but moving arms.
I second this. North Korean political regime has its roots in Soviet Union, not Mao's China. Kim Il Sung was a Soviet army commander(This is why Stalin put Kim Il Sung in charge of NK) and Kim Jong Il was born and raised in Russia until Kim Il Sung's return to North Korea. North Korean military was modeled after the Soviet military, not Chinese military. The large number of former ethnic-Korean PLA officers of the famous 8th Army(八路军) who returned to North Korea after 1946 were persecuted after the Korean war.

Contrary to Pakistani belief, North Korea is not China's ally. The relationship they have is that of a convenience, one that between a robber(North Korea), and the robbery victim(China).
when you say that they get the job done, I really get annoyed, what have they done beside causing a economic depression in their country. lot of dead civilians in Iraq, Afgan, and in thier own army, marines.
when it comes to effectiveness in getting the job done, no one is as good as the Isralis IDF, look at Operation Entebbe alias Operation Jonathan
Israelis are good because they defend their country

---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

So you are saying that the US military actually and directly CAUSED economic depressions? Talk about straining logic just to jab at US.
i guess he means the wars caused it not the army :oops:
I agree that you cant judge an army's strength by a parade,but at least people can see that those soldiers are highly disciplined and well trained at least in marching to the point of that no one can beat them in this.it suggests that they receive very harsh trainging everyday.
Here is what you do not understand, and that is because you have never served: The purpose of parade ground drill is to instill a minimum sense of mental and physical discipline to follow orders, even when the order may not make obvious sense.

But discipline is not a skill and such drill, no matter how rehearsed and perfected, DO NOT teach war fighting skills. A poorly trained and performed soldier at the rifle range can be superior than his peers at marching in step, but is that what you really want? We should be suspicious of warfighting skills by the amount of time and effort spent by any military to achieve parade ground perfection.
So you are saying that the US military actually and directly CAUSED economic depressions? Talk about straining logic just to jab at US.
you want to kill OBL, you should have not gone into a war with the CIA, NSA and over 300 military satilites that you have. you should have just bombed the a$$ hole with one tom hawke missile. rather you landed in a hostile territory. Killed more civilians than the terrorist that you killed, by going into a war increased the crude price from 76$ a barrel to 152$ a barrel.
Don't you guys know that crude decides the economy.
your policy makers are the worst and BUSH and his team needs to be traied for genocide, causing economic downfall ect in a seperate tribunale.
Hidden dragon, thank god we got good companion for Arundhati roy.

yaa..unfortunately India still has few communist mentals...
when you say that they get the job done, I really get annoyed, what have they done beside causing a economic depression in their country. lot of dead civilians in Iraq, Afgan, and in thier own army, marines.
when it comes to effectiveness in getting the job done, no one is as good as the Isralis IDF, look at Operation Entebbe alias Operation Jonathan

What in the blue blazes are you talking about?

Please read what I typed a second time before going off on some rant next time. I assure you that whatever point you were trying to make, it's not related to what I typed.
read my other posts in the thread you fool.
Just don't go by emotions. There is nothing wrong in appriciating a guy who comes rank 1.

Emotions??? then why you used FOOL. You always considering -ve points of India and + ve points of others. I don't mind if u just appreciate China, here every one will agree with china progress. But you are trying to degrade India maximum. :cool:
you want to kill OBL, you should have not gone into a war with the CIA, NSA and over 300 military satilites that you have. you should have just bombed the a$$ hole with one tom hawke missile. rather you landed in a hostile territory. Killed more civilians than the terrorist that you killed, by going into a war increased the crude price from 76$ a barrel to 152$ a barrel.
Don't you guys know that crude decides the economy.
your policy makers are the worst and BUSH and his team needs to be traied for genocide, causing economic downfall ect in a seperate tribunale.
And how do you propose we find bin Laden without those assets? Do not bother to answer. That was a rhetorical question. You obviously are not interested in having any common sense about that aspect of warfare.
i like to see the difference between armies and somewhat culture / history

hey we are a nation of arts ;)

i like this part of the French army 14 july parade...every year is different and they explain the history of all regiments who participated to the parade. French parade is important for them since it shows the popularity of the army, means the army is owned by the people.
here French legionnaires who are the only ones accepted to have special march:

any Indian video?
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Here is what you do not understand, and that is because you have never served: The purpose of parade ground drill is to instill a minimum sense of mental and physical discipline to follow orders, even when the order may not make obvious sense.

But discipline is not a skill and such drill, no matter how rehearsed and perfected, DO NOT teach war fighting skills. A poorly trained and performed soldier at the rifle range can be superior than his peers at marching in step, but is that what you really want? We should be suspicious of warfighting skills by the amount of time and effort spent by any military to achieve parade ground perfection.

I agree,a lot of Americans grow up with guns and they're very familiar with weapons sometime they launch shoot out on the streets and school campuses.in China guns of any kind are banned ,so most people in our life time never touched a single gun,so American may have an edge here,you not only practice shooting in other countries,but also in US and target randomly anyone on the street.
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