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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

its not bollywood. Its the fate of ur J-10 against the MKI hard to digest but reality cant change.

LMAO...sound like you have crystall ball to read the future...you can be a good fortune teller...if you told us 10-15 years earlier..we could have stop sketching J-10 in drawing board...that's tooooo cruel.
its not bollywood. Its the fate of ur J-10 against the MKI hard to digest but reality cant change.

what is MKI? a foreign made junk. one shutdown is one less. do you expect your Russian vendor to work around the clock to build more for you when necessary?

also, it is so funny that you totally ignore J-11.

the last point you need to keep in mind is if you can buy some weapons from Russia, China can do the same. we can even offer 2-3 times the price and stop russian exporting to india.

business is business
military is not business, it is all about death and suffer.
^calm down son, we're not expecting russians to work round the clock for MKIs. They are fully made in India now.
^calm down son, we're not expecting russians to work round the clock for MKIs. They are fully made in India now.

in your wet dream.

how could you get the composite material?
for all those processors, chips, how could you make it in india?

the list goes much longer, but I don't want to waste my time on it.

the truth is india can't even maintain those MKIs on its own, Russian engineers need to be there to do the job.

what is MKI? a foreign made junk. one shutdown is one less. do you expect your Russian vendor to work around the clock to build more for you when necessary?

also, it is so funny that you totally ignore J-11.

the last point you need to keep in mind is if you can buy some weapons from Russia, China can do the same. we can even offer 2-3 times the price and stop russian exporting to india.

business is business
military is not business, it is all about death and suffer.

J10,11,15 I include all in same category.
it is just so funny to see indians claiming that they can build MKI's engine in india.

dude, it is not that simple. you won't be able to build it even if you have access to the blueprint. same for its radar, flight control computers, entire air frame, etc.

india is not even industralized and you expect it to build MKI? what a bloody joke.

J10,11,15 I include all in same category.

sure sir,

your LCA and J-20 are in the same category as well!
in your wet dream.

how could you get the composite material?
for all those processors, chips, how could you make it in india?

the list goes much longer, but I don't want to waste my time on it.

the truth is india can't even maintain those MKIs on its own, Russian engineers need to be there to do the job.


lol i'm sure PLA will create its doctrines based on your expert analysis :lol:
Didn't IAF and IA conduct military exercise in Arunachal couple of weeks back?

Chiniese drill is probably in response to that.

“The exercises are being conducted day and night with long range bombing missions simulating deep strikes in enemy territory,” a defence official said.

Air Force jets were engaged in bombing missions at air to ground ranges under dense air defence environment.

IAF’s Su 30 MKI, Mirage-2000, Mig-29, Jaguar, Bison, Mi-17, AN-32, C-130, AWACS, flight refueling aircraft and remotely piloted aircraft are being used in the exercise, the officials said.

“Advance technologies and changed pattern of operations necessitated the forces to go for this exercise. Lessons learnt from this exercise will be incorporated in future operational strategies,” the official said.
my father's generation plus my grandfather's generation spent their entire life to get China industrialized. it is not for fun.

yet, a nation without enough toilet, a nation that have to import bullets, a nation that need to import all its mobile phones suddenly claim that their Russians made MKI will be on par with J-10.

what a bloody joke.

your playing the same broken record again. like I said before, you are welcome to form your military tactics on the assumptions you made.
You're opinions are worth dirt as long as Arunachal is still ours.
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