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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

People living in the Indian border cities need to be careful for anything falling off the sky..
What a way to sensationalize small news. China is just testing out the high-altitude capabilities of their forces. Where else should they do it?

India would probably use the same region to do similar high-altitude testing.
What a way to sensationalize small news. China is just testing out the high-altitude capabilities of their forces. Where else should they do it?

India would probably use the same region to do similar high-altitude testing.
yes, they will, but still waiting for the spare parts from foreign countries
yes, they will, but still waiting for the spare parts from foreign countries


sorry to upset you .. but LCA finished those trials many many years ago !!!

domain-b.com : LCA Tejas undergoes successful high-altitude trials at Leh

Good Luck with your tests on Junk-10 ... however, if it fails the tests, you can export the metal junk on those "hundreds" already manufactured. :laugh:

manufacture before you design ... induct before you test .... inflate the bubble before you go bust ... : All Chinese way of doing things. :laugh:

Congratulations to "indigenous" piece of junk.

you wasted money on hundreds of good AL-31 engines, when all you needed were far fewer on a few prototypes ...

poor Junk-10 ... :tdown:
Each MKI will eat for breakfast 10-15 J-10s alone.. :)
MKI is just a big corrupt scam between Russian arms makers and indian politicians. It's nothing more than 80's late Soviet technology yet indians still delude themselves with it :lol:

J-10 is more agile, has lower RCS and superior avionics. You guys thought your foreign imported weapons would save your ugly azzes in 1962 when you did your forward policy, but China wiped out your "elite" divisions pretty easily.

you were so tough that you guys attacked a relatively new independent country w/ a small military , in a surprise attack and ran back . Tell us why did you allow your women to be attacked in Nanking. Seriously answer please- where were the so called men of china ?
LOL at india still bitter at 1962 spanking. You guys were so terrified you never did another forward policy again. Japanese Empire was seriously powerful. india is a joke. In a war, it will be PLA massacring you in New Delhi!

more target practice for our Akash missile regiments present in the north east :smokin:
Keep deluding yourselves. Chinese helicopters already patrol your so-called "air space" to recon indian army positions!

MKI is just a big corrupt scam between Russian arms makers and indian politicians. It's nothing more than 80's late Soviet technology yet indians still delude themselves with it :lol:

J-10 is more agile, has lower RCS and superior avionics. You guys thought your foreign imported weapons would save your ugly azzes in 1962 when you did your forward policy, but China wiped out your "elite" divisions pretty easily.

LOL at india still bitter at 1962 spanking. You guys were so terrified you never did another forward policy again. Japanese Empire was seriously powerful. india is a joke. In a war, it will be PLA massacring you in New Delhi!

Keep deluding yourselves. Chinese helicopters already patrol your so-called "air space" to recon indian army positions!

Choppers from China violate Indian airspace - Hindustan Times

you have lot of wet dreams.... kid come back to forum after a decade then you will understand what you mean by war... it is not easy for either of us to wage a war.... War is a distant dream now.. if it had been as easy cake as you talk a war would have happened long time back... and AP would have become china by now.. Unless otherwise the policy makers of us dont screw the economy you can kiss good bye...
MKI is just a big corrupt scam between Russian arms makers and indian politicians. It's nothing more than 80's late Soviet technology yet indians still delude themselves with it :lol:

J-10 is more agile, has lower RCS and superior avionics. You guys thought your foreign imported weapons would save your ugly azzes in 1962 when you did your forward policy, but China wiped out your "elite" divisions pretty easily.

LOL at india still bitter at 1962 spanking. You guys were so terrified you never did another forward policy again. Japanese Empire was seriously powerful. india is a joke. In a war, it will be PLA massacring you in New Delhi!

Keep deluding yourselves. Chinese helicopters already patrol your so-called "air space" to recon indian army positions!

Choppers from China violate Indian airspace - Hindustan Times

SU =30 MKI, has 360 degree radar coverage and fire missile backwards without even turning back.... can your Plane has this capability???? No Tell , i think know NO chinese friends an answer this simple question, they knowledge goes till where they can see..... Mate world is more advance then you think or dream off...

Its look like our 80's Tech is more advance then your 2010's tech ... some stop making me laugh from chines epoor knowledge....:no::woot::woot::woot::woot:

100 Fox can also kill lion when sleeping this what happened in 1962 , read again what happened after that when lion was ready , foxes moves to their hideouts.......

Didn't your govt tell you that you tried to attack in 80's also but when you see Indian are ready this time and instead to get your self killed and humiliated you gone back to home.......

You can't taken Taiwan back despite keep on saying we will attack , attack etc etc from last 40 years.........
SU =30 MKI, has 360 degree radar coverage and fire missile backwards without even turning back.... can your Plane has this capability???? No Tell , i think know NO chinese friends an answer this simple question, they knowledge goes till where they can see..... Mate world is more advance then you think or dream off...

Its look like our 80's Tech is more advance then your 2010's tech ... some stop making me laugh from chines epoor knowledge....:no::woot::woot::woot::woot:

100 Fox can also kill lion when sleeping this what happened in 1962 , read again what happened after that when lion was ready , foxes moves to their hideouts.......

Didn't your govt tell you that you tried to attack in 80's also but when you see Indian are ready this time and instead to get your self killed and humiliated you gone back to home.......

You can't taken Taiwan back despite keep on saying we will attack , attack etc etc from last 40 years.........
LOL at indian inferiority and self-delusion! What happened to your "forward policy" with your "elite" indian army soldiers? Why are you unable to stop PLA from coming to Tawang and destroying you army fortifications?
LOL at indian inferiority and self-delusion! What happened to your "forward policy" with your "elite" indian army soldiers? Why are you unable to stop PLA from coming to Tawang and destroying you army fortifications?

The only advantage you had that time was "Number" and the ongoing Cuba crisis between Russia and US + an Innefective Nehru. Else check for records we had better kill rate.

Not so much to boast about...I would rather say, Thank you China for the wake up call.
compared to indians died on the road, water and air, its nothing

We don't hide facts or suppress news,

If in china 100 people died in road accident world or chinese people only came to know about one though official channels .

Point is you people suppress news for propaganda and fudge facts ..... got it.....

LOL at indian inferiority and self-delusion! What happened to your "forward policy" with your "elite" indian army soldiers? Why are you unable to stop PLA from coming to Tawang and destroying you army fortifications?

Well made .... you didn't answer one simple question , Can you plane fire missile backwards? and have 360 degree radar coverage????? can't answer ? lol

Well those front non elite 100 reguler solders killed /wonded 500 chinese solders and china came with 1:10 ratio ....you called this valor? Well then you did ceasefire? only to judge that INdian elite solders now will come and kick chinese butt, thats why you declared ceasefire and return to pre-war positions?

What happened in 80's IA chilled China? your stories moved back again.......so this give self -theory to your people only worlds knows truth....they are not bound by chinese media.

The fact that you can't face facts and turn other things?

You can't answer simp question 360Degree radar coverage? oh poor chines knowledge when talk with facts they don't stand anywhere ...
Lion is quick and dexterous, not retard as your army in 1962.

The only advantage you had that time was "Number" and the ongoing Cuba crisis between Russia and US + an Innefective Nehru. Else check for records we had better kill rate.

Not so much to boast about...I would rather say, Thank you China for the wake up call.
We never wake you up ,you head up onto a wall called china by yourself in1962,
Lion also sleeps.. and India was sleeping. come now? afraid. lol

Chinese cant do anything. period. it is better for them to beg peace with India or else India gonna give a very very bad crushing defeat to them next time. So chinese better avoid doing anything to piss off India that much so as to result in a war.

:lol: ok. request under consideration.
don't worry we will arrange cage for that ANIMAL. By the who let the animal out from zoooooo....i guess you won't watch animal planet.....even lion can't do anything except leaving that area, if hyna pack attacked..
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