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China takes rights activists into custody

"Why do care about China?" :D

Hong Kong is a part of China.

Indians like to insult Chinese people, but they forget that people from Hong Kong and Taiwan are also ethnically Chinese.

You really should take advice better, little dragon. You must have a lot of time on your hands. Here is a little someone who is "burning", or rather "seething" because he felt that he was unjustly "burned" by those "burnz" with the CCP ... can't you just allow him some quiet dignity of "burning" to himself?

I was actually going to discuss the topic ... but what good would come of it if you can't control yourself?

I give up. You go soothe every behind that "burnz". It's your time.
let's enjoy a pic of this human right activist.

Look at the North Korea.

It was who China went crying to beg to the USA's feet in 1969 when Soviet said they will nuke China.:lol:

China got it's a*s smacked in Vietnam:lol:

China lost the border clashes with India.:lol:

Pakistani tribal terrorists were a*s kicked out of Kashmir. India has control of 2/3rd of Kashmir.

Update yourself with something out of CPC textbooks.

Stop reading Indian Nazi propaganda, stop being incredible, and start being credible.
China Denies Knowledge of Missing Dissidents

China denies knowledge of several cases of dissidents who have recently disappeared. These include an ethnic Chinese-Australian man who was an outspoken critic of the Chinese government, online, and a lawyer who was the focus of a report by a United Nations human rights group.

Reporters asked about two specific cases at Tuesday’s Foreign Ministry briefing.

One involved Chinese-Australian writer Yang Hengjun, who disappeared in China a few days ago. The other case is that of Gao Zhisheng, a human rights lawyer who disappeared into police custody, nearly a year ago.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu says she has not heard of Yang Hengjun. She also says she does not know about Gao Zhisheng’s specific case, but notes a report issued by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention calling for Gao’s release.

More at:

China Denies Knowledge of Missing Dissidents | Asia | English
It is totally related to the topic my friend.

WeiWei is a political prisoner of China and got delt with the same way India deals with its political own prisoners. My emphasis was our prisoners should have taken a leaf out of the 'Maoist Prison Survival Guilde'.

Excellent logic.

Profound indeed and so very Chinese in style of missing the woods for the trees out of sheer embarrassment of the ridiculous actions to muzzle opinion.

Weiwei is a political prisoner and the comparison of convicts escaping from Jail in India!!

And what a lame childish connection that Weiwei should have had a look at 'Maoist Prison survival Guide'.

To be frank, in India, such a guide is not known, but the Chinese maybe aware of it since could it be that they are financing the Maoists?
You Indians are hilarious. :lol:

When China was fighting against both the superpowers (USA and the Soviet Union)... India was getting beaten up, and ran away crying to the West for help.

India as a nation never had any self-confidence.

That is news indeed!

I am waiting when this courage will be gained by Pakistani government?

Well done China, good move. There must strict control over these anti-state organizations in mask of human rights or activists.
Arrest them all and keep them long as it possible,
Or send them all to US who defiantly needs their lessons.

You are correct.

Pakistan has a whole lot of organisations, factions, sectarian armies, terrorists, you say it and it is there, before stability returns!

However, if the Govt tries the high handed beyond the law actions as it is feasible in China since they are not responsible to their people unlike Pakistan, there will be immense upheaval amongst the people and the Govt, nor the Army will be able to control without great bloodshed.

In China bloodshed can be covered up as it was done in Xinjiang and Tibet, but not so in a democracy like Pakistan.

But then, the choice is yours.

I live in Hong Kong, I've never even seen a CPC textbook. :rofl:

It is like who is now roft.

Conveniently, you claim to be from HK, while during the other times, you flaunt Mao's Little Red Book and all the Maoist Slogans!!

One can only say = Wah Guru de Khalsa, Wah Guru de Fateh!
Excellent logic.

Profound indeed and so very Chinese in style of missing the woods for the trees out of sheer embarrassment of the ridiculous actions to muzzle opinion.

Weiwei is a political prisoner and the comparison of convicts escaping from Jail in India!!

And what a lame childish connection that Weiwei should have had a look at 'Maoist Prison survival Guide'.

To be frank, in India, such a guide is not known, but the Chinese maybe aware of it since could it be that they are financing the Maoists?

More of Tik Tam Tam's 'Anti-China' rhetoric of missing the woods for the trees out of sheer embarrassment of the ridiculous actions to muzzle opinion you mean?

The 'Maoist Prison Surivial Guide' was a tongue in the cheek for you. In regards to your claim that Chinese fund the Maoist. That is just as good of a story to tell as the Indian funding to 'Tibetan Seperatist'.

If you don't like the comparison made of WeiWei to those Indian 'Political Prisoners', then I shall cut it down to just a 'political prisoner' - Dr. Binayak Sen (Awarded the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights 2008).

Renowned Indian physician and human rights activist Dr. Binayak Sen has been sentenced to life in prison. On Friday, Dr. Sen and two others were convicted in India on charges of sedition and conspiracy.

Described as Indian’s most famous political prisoner, Dr. Binayak Sen is known as the "physician of the poor." He spent many years working as a doctor in the rural-tribal areas of Chhattisgarh in central India and reported on unlawful killings of indigenous people by the police and private militias.


Throwing stones in the glass house will not make your stories anymore convincing my dear friend.
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Planet to Earth: Hello? Are there any real Chinese out there who are able to see the pros and cons of this? Are they able to write on PDF? One sided support to the Chinese government here leads to useless debating. Lets hear from people who are not fearful of the CPC's Internet censorship board. I wish someone who risks arrest could write on this forum. That is the only way to hear the truth about China.
Planet to Earth: Hello? Are there any real Chinese out there who are able to see the pros and cons of this? Are they able to write on PDF? One sided support to the Chinese government here leads to useless debating. Lets hear from people who are not fearful of the CPC's Internet censorship board. I wish someone who risks arrest could write on this forum. That is the only way to hear the truth about China.

Hong Kong ranks higher on the media freedom index than countries like France and Spain.

We have freedom of speech and freedom of the press under the Hong Kong constitution.

But you only see what you want to see. :lol:

When Chinese members living in the USA/Canada support the Chinese government, you say they are brainwashed and incapable of independent thinking. :rofl:

It seems you will only believe that someone is capable of thinking if they agree with you.
Planet to Earth: Hello? Are there any real Chinese out there who are able to see the pros and cons of this? Are they able to write on PDF? One sided support to the Chinese government here leads to useless debating. Lets hear from people who are not fearful of the CPC's Internet censorship board. I wish someone who risks arrest could write on this forum. That is the only way to hear the truth about China.

You can not hear truth about China here, not because people are not telling it, but because you refuse to listen.
More of Tik Tam Tam's 'Anti-China' rhetoric of missing the woods for the trees out of sheer embarrassment of the ridiculous actions to muzzle opinion you mean?

The 'Maoist Prison Surivial Guide' was a tongue in the cheek for you. In regards to your claim that Chinese fund the Maoist. That is just as good of a story to tell as the Indian funding to 'Tibetan Seperatist'.

If you don't like the comparison made of WeiWei to those Indian 'Political Prisoners', then I shall cut it down to just a 'political prisoner' - Dr. Binayak Sen (Awarded the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights 2008).


Throwing stones in the glass house will not make your stories anymore convincing my dear friend.

The sad part of the Chinese, is that they prove Mao is right about the Chinese, when he called them 'frogs in the well'.

Where has anyone denied that Maoists are locked up in Jail. And it does not require the international media to bring it to the notice. The Indian media is active to bring such issues up. In China, the media is state controlled and so everything is under the carpet, till the international media unearths it!!

The other difference between China and India is that in India, the Maoists are brought to the court and international people are allowed to attend the proceedings as also the local people and even the Maoist.

And what is more, it is only when the court sentence is heard would a person be taken to be guilty.

Further, the Indian media runs articles, some favouring these Maoists and none can stop them. In China is zero.

In India, politicians like Swami Agnivesh and others carry out agitation on behalf of the Maoist. In China, none dare to speak up for dissidents.

In short, in India, there are avenues for justice.

In China, you are dead meat without any proper trial.
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Hong Kong ranks higher on the media freedom index than countries like France and Spain.

We have freedom of speech and freedom of the press under the Hong Kong constitution.

But you only see what you want to see. :lol:

When Chinese members living in the USA/Canada support the Chinese government, you say they are brainwashed and incapable of independent thinking. :rofl:

It seems you will only believe that someone is capable of thinking if they agree with you.

The Hong Kong Lawyer Controversy and Self- Censorship in Hong Kong

By Thomas E. Kellogg

Longtime Hong Kong barrister and human rights activist Paul Harris is used to the give-and-take of public life. He has written countless articles criticizing not just the local government in Hong Kong, but also the actions of senior officials in Beijing, London, and Washington. One of the founders of the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and a regular litigator on behalf of Hong Kong citizens who have had their rights infringed by the SAR
government, Harris is no stranger to controversy. He has regularly spoken out on issues considered by some too sensitive to touch.

Sadly, then, perhaps Harris was not surprised when he received an email from Brendan Clift, editor of the magazine Hong Kong Lawyer, just days before his article on Tibet was scheduled to go to press. In the email, Clift asked Harris to ring him, which Harris promptly did. Over the phone, an embarrassed Clift explained that, after an extraordinary editorial board meeting called specifically to discuss his article, the magazine had decided not to publish. Harris’ piece, which had already made it to page proofs after minimal editing by Clift, was dead.

What happened? Given the refusal of anyone on the board to offer a full explanation, a full accounting is impossible, but it seems clear that Harris fell victim to self-censorship. Although the editorial board of Hong
Kong Lawyer has refused to explain its reasons for killing the piece, the circumstantial evidence is too strong to avoid the conclusion that political factors played a significant – if not exclusive – role in the board’s decision.

It started with a short opinion piece written by Harris for the South China Morning Post, published April 1.2 In that piece, written in response to the rioting that took place in Tibet starting from mid-March, Harris argued that real autonomy of the sort enjoyed by Hong Kong might be the answer for Tibet.3 Under a Hong Kong-style autonomy agreement, Harris suggested,Tibet might well be “transformed,” its political dynamics a far cry from the very tense situation of today.


So much for the much touted Independence of the Hong Kong media!!!

What a blast!!

Self Censorship?

What does it mean?

It means no news that is sensitive for the PRC and the Communist party of China.

The issue is not what wants to see.

The issue is how much they are allowed to see!

That much for all the loud touting that HK is a Paradise of Freedom and such things!!
So much for the much touted Independence of the Hong Kong media!!!

What a blast!!

Self Censorship?

What does it mean?

It means no news that is sensitive for the PRC and the Communist party of China.

The issue is not what wants to see.

The issue is how much they are allowed to see!

That much for all the loud touting that HK is a Paradise of Freedom and such things!!

You can dig up whatever anecdotal evidence you want, but that won't change the fact Hong Kong ranked 34 out of 178 on Reporters Sans Frontières' Press Freedom Index. For comparison, a certain democracy in South Asia ranked 122.
So much for the much touted Independence of the Hong Kong media!!!

What a blast!!

Self Censorship?

What does it mean?

It means no news that is sensitive for the PRC and the Communist party of China.

The issue is not what wants to see.

The issue is how much they are allowed to see!

That much for all the loud touting that HK is a Paradise of Freedom and such things!!

In the Press freedom index, Hong Kong is the number 2 is Asia, just behind Japan.

India on the other hand, is not even in the top 100.

What a joke. :lol: An Indian criticising media freedom in HK, when we rank above nations like France and Spain.
I am digging nothing out.

I know about it and so it came to mind.

What is Self Censorship?

Having Self Censorship means news that are sensitive are out of the realm.

What does RSF have to say about that?

And what has the RSF to say about censorship of the nation ranked 122?

Any form of CENSOIRSHIP is indicative that there is no total freedom, notwithstanding what RSF has to say.
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