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Stronger mainland will exert more pull on HK, Taiwan

While Hong Kong is still tormented by the Occupy Central movement, a power reversal between Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang party and the Democratic Progressive Party took place after the island's recent "nine-in-one elections." Young voters are believed to be the reason for the turnaround. People then began to analyze the connections between Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to them, the Occupy Central movement, with Hong Kong students as the main force, has learnt from the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan. In turn, the results of Taiwan's local elections were affected by the Occupy movement.

Such analyses are not yet proven. But it will be no surprise if the Taiwan question and the Hong Kong issue in the future become more connected.

The nature of the Hong Kong issue lies in how to promote democracy under the framework of "one country, two systems," while the Taiwan question is about anti-Taiwan independence and promoting the country's reunification. Although the two are different in nature, it's not difficult to make use of them.

The long-term separation of Hong Kong and Taiwan from the mainland has jeopardized the formation of a united ethnic and cultural identity among the three. Local interests have been to varying degrees placed above national interests. Both Hong Kong and Taiwan are pursuing the maximization of their local interests. Some Taiwanese even view the cross-Straits relationship as a zero-sum relationship.

Hong Kong is politically closer to the Chinese mainland than Taiwan currently, and the two will constantly compare the pros and cons that will be brought by political ties with the mainland.

If Taiwan feels jealous of Hong Kong, this will be conducive to the reunification of the country. Otherwise, the mainland will face more difficulties in implementing its strategy.

Beijing could affect the attitudes of the two regions toward the mainland through issuing preferential policies. But one problem is that in view of uncertainties caused by the rotation of ruling parties in Taiwan, preferential policies toward Taiwan will hardly yield effective results. Therefore, Beijing should devote more resources and energy to Hong Kong.

Noticeably, the loyalty of Hong Kong to the country cannot be maintained by preferential policies alone. The mainland needs to further develop itself so that not only can Hong Kong and Taiwan benefit from the country's development, but they will also admire the political and cultural achievements the mainland has made. The stronger the mainland becomes, the more influence it will have on the interaction between the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Stronger mainland will exert more pull on HK, Taiwan

Not only Taiwan and Hong Kong, but also Macao, North/South Korea, Japan, Central Asian republics, Asean countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Most likely India and Russia too.

Whether we like it or not, that's the reality.
A small amount of Hong Kong trouble maker do not represent the voice of whole Hong Kong. Most hong konger are still proud of China achievement and status with being a Chinese.

In Taiwan too!

Most of Taiwanese are proud with China achievement and being Chinese too.

Only US controlled Taiwan media and politicians who try to hide the fact.
In Taiwan too!

Most of Taiwanese are proud with China achievement and being Chinese too.

Only US controlled Taiwan media and politicians who try to hide the fact.

I think CCP shall invite ROC to join their CNSA astronaut program. Taiwanese will be proud to have an astronaut in space.
KMT and DPP are the problems for Taiwan.
KMT is consider the better but days are gone where war are possible for both side. Taiwan never dare to proclaim independence. PRC sanction is enough to crash the whole Taiwan without a fight.
Interview: Macao achieves "leapfrog development" with full central gov't support

MACAO, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- China's central government has always been a strong support behind Macao's notable economic and social progress over the past 15 years, and will continue to back up Macao' s development, said Li Gang, director of the Liaison Office of the central government in Macao.

It was Macao people's adherence to the "One country, Two systems" policy, the efforts of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government and the central government's support that jointly facilitated the region's leapfrog development, said Li.

"Earth-shaking changes have taken place here over the past 15 years," said Li, recalling the scenes he witnessed when Macao celebrated its return to the motherland in December 1999.

The central government has paid much attention to Macao's development. While drafting the national socio-economic development program, the central government gave firm support for Macao to build a world tourism and leisure center and a platform for economic and trade cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries, which Li said is a major move to help Macao readjust its economic structure and lessen its heavy dependence on the casino gaming.

"Only by diversifying the economy could Macao prevent from economic crisis," he said.

Guided by China's 12th five-year plan for socio-economic development in 2011-2015, the SAR government strengthened urban planning and protection of historic sites, and launched the Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

Boosted by the triennial event, among others, trade between China and Portuguese-speaking countries surged to 130 billion U.S. dollars in 2013 from 10 billion U.S. dollars about a dozen years ago.

"Macao has played an irreplaceable role in China's cooperation with these countries," he said.

To further boost development in Macao, the central government signed the Mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) in October 2003, which has greatly promoted trade facilitation and boosted investment.

Under the CEPA, the value of Macao's zero-tariff exports to the mainland reached 530 million patacas (about 66.4 million U.S. dollars) by June this year.

"The 15 years of development in Macao also proved a great success for the 'One country, Two systems' policy," Li added.

The full implementation of the policy and Macao people's support for the Basic Law has guaranteed that Macao people govern Macao and the SAR enjoys a high degree of autonomy, he said.

In the future, the central government will continue to improve the systems and mechanisms related to the implementation of the Basic Law, ensure the region's high degree of autonomy and support the SAR chief executive and government in administration according to law, said Li.

"I believe that with the joint efforts of the central government and the SAR government, Macao will enjoy sustained prosperity and social harmony," said Li.


Friends in Taiwan should realize that a solution to the political gridlock will only benefit Taiwan. They should look at Macau.
KMT is consider the better but days are gone where war are possible for both side. Taiwan never dare to proclaim independence. PRC sanction is enough to crash the whole Taiwan without a fight.

Nope, KMT is even worse, they are always trying everything to destroy CPC.

Don't get fooled by these blue bastards just because they look weak and pitiful today.

CPC should avenge for million of martyrs and innocents who got slaughtered mercilessly during KMT's tyrannical regime.
It will be a very bad idea, since ROC has helped USA to spy on PRC for many decades.

You cannot trust them for every inch.
Actually, it's the other way round. I think there are more spy for PRC from Taiwan than for US. That is why US are very reluctant to sell any arms to ROC anymore. Remember the high ranking intelligence Taiwanese general leak many crucial data to us including E-2C Hawkeyes. :D
Actually, it's the other way round. I think there are more spy for PRC from Taiwan than for US. That is why US are very reluctant to sell any arms to ROC anymore. Remember the high ranking intelligence Taiwanese general leak many crucial data to us including E-2C Hawkeyes. :D

As long as Taiwan has not returned to China, this will be out of question.
KMT is consider the better but days are gone where war are possible for both side. Taiwan never dare to proclaim independence. PRC sanction is enough to crash the whole Taiwan without a fight.

BTW, those KMT members who refuse to surrender to PRC shall all get destroyed without any mercy.

They are helping the enemy to harm China's national interests.
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