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China Taiwan Province (ROC): News, Discussions & Images

You know the Republic of China (Taiwan) still claims to be the rightful ruler of ALL China right?

Check their maps, they even include Mongolia in their territory, not to mention the entire Mainland, and even my city.

Their current President Ma Ying-jeou said that China and Taiwan are "一國兩區" (one country two regions). His party the KMT still claims the entirety of China.

Of course, not one single major country in the world recognizes that, they have recognized the PRC as the representative of China. Which makes sense, since we are actually the ones that have China.

They still dream of reclaiming all of China, and they consider Chinese nationals such as myself under their authority. Of course I do not recognize that, like everyone else I know the PRC won the Chinese Civil War over half a century ago.

You know, isn't that a good news for you? If Taiwan still claim that the whole China as their territory, then it means they're still consider themselves as China, and unification will become easier for both of you.

Peaceful unification can only be happen if both parties (PRC and ROC) can understand each others, put down their own ego and ready to accept the others. Even PRC was the winner of the China Civil War prior 1949, but they still have to sacrifice some of their ego and accept the ROC 's right. By then both parties will achieve their long term dream. ROC will achieve their dream of return to their motherland, PRC will achieve their own dream to unify the whole China.

As long as PRC can't put their ego aside, peaceful unification can only be happen in your dream. Remember, unification is different than absorbing. The way Chinese members here thinks is that they want PRC absorb Taiwan, and to be honest, that is almost impossible. Unless you attack Taiwan and take over their territory by force. Well, good luck for that if you think that you can do that without make yourself suffer.
You know, isn't that a good news for you? If Taiwan still claim that the whole China as their territory, then it means they're still consider themselves as China, and unification will become easier for both of you.

Peaceful unification can only be happen if both parties (PRC and ROC) can understand each others, put down their own ego and ready to accept the others. Even PRC was the winner of the China Civil War prior 1949, but they still have to sacrifice some of their ego and accept the ROC 's right. By then both parties will achieve their long term dream. ROC will achieve their dream of return to their motherland, PRC will achieve their own dream to unify the whole China.

As long as PRC can't put their ego aside, peaceful unification can only be happen in your dream. Remember, unification is different than absorbing. The way Chinese members here thinks is that they want PRC absorb Taiwan, and to be honest, that is almost impossible. Unless you attack Taiwan and take over their territory by force. Well, good luck for that if you think that you can do that without make yourself suffer.

We won the Civil War over half a century ago.

It was only our weakness, and the interference of foreign powers that stopped us from reclaiming it after that.

Now of course we have our "China's peaceful rise" policy.

Their claim to be the "real China" despite them knowing they have no chance of ever taking back the Mainland, is just petty. And it hurts the interests of the Chinese civilization that they claim to love. Their actions in keeping China divided are only serving Western interests, against their own motherland.
You know, isn't that a good news for you? If Taiwan still claim that the whole China as their territory, then it means they're still consider themselves as China, and unification will become easier for both of you.

Peaceful unification can only be happen if both parties (PRC and ROC) can understand each others, put down their own ego and ready to accept the others. Even PRC was the winner of the China Civil War prior 1949, but they still have to sacrifice some of their ego and accept the ROC 's right. By then both parties will achieve their long term dream. ROC will achieve their dream of return to their motherland, PRC will achieve their own dream to unify the whole China.

As long as PRC can't put their ego aside, peaceful unification can only be happen in your dream. Remember, unification is different than absorbing. The way Chinese members here thinks is that they want PRC absorb Taiwan, and to be honest, that is almost impossible. Unless you attack Taiwan and take over their territory by force. Well, good luck for that if you think that you can do that without make yourself suffer.

It means Communism and Democracy should OUT of China!
For China's sake, I would not really let Mongolia become an independent nation state for too long. There should be a COMPLETE Russia-China border, no countries in between.
Maybe we donot like a very long border between Russia and China. The most unfortunate fact is we and Russia are neighbourhood, otherwise we can reduce the army to save some military expenditures.

Anywhere Mongolia is not the traditional Chinese culture area.
China releases final rules of Shanghai-HK stock link

China's Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) released the final set of detailed rules for the long awaited stock trading link between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong on Friday.

Most of the items in the set of draft rules for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect remained, but authorities deleted one that bans securities margin trading.

The SSE said the rules have fully taken into consideration factors of the market and international orientation, as well as strengthening supervision to prevent cross-border risks.

While the rules are set, preparation is still under way, said a source close to the matter from the SSE.

On April 10, securities watchdogs of both sides announced approval of the program operated by two bourses in Shanghai and Hong Kong. The SSE then sought public opinions on the rules from April 29 to May 16.

The program allows investors of the two sides to trade shares on each other's exchanges, which will promote internationalization of the yuan and development of Hong Kong as an offshore yuan business center.

The SSE did not unveil when the scheme would be officially launched, leaving market estimates, most of which favor the end of October, unconfirmed.

However, the authorities once said it will take approximately six months to prepare for the formal launch, accounting from April.

Good move by banning margin trading. People with no money should not be gambling. Is there a rule in HK stock market or China's stock market that ban short selling? Anyone?
This is not Free Press.

Stick to the DPP and US, people!

That is democracy and real Free Press!

DPP said, One Country Two Systems already fail.

Just look at HK!

To be honest, it's DEMOCRACY who decided the fate of Taiwan!

I think US need to go all out for 2016 Presidential Election.

Like sending US aircraft carrier too!

For democracy!

U.S. dominate the election of Tawai, not Taiwan people.

Without U.s., DPP already won in 2012.
U.S. dominate the election of Tawai, not Taiwan people.

Without U.s., DPP already won in 2012.

Of course US is going to dominate Taiwan politics, just like HK today, as well as Taiwan next election. Democracy will win.

Us? You mean you? Those in mainland?

What did you do, to make DPP lose?

I'm against one country two systems,

Should One country, one system:-)

One system of what to be exactly? :-)
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Of course US is going to dominate Taiwan politics, just like HK today, as well as Taiwan next election. Democracy will win.

Us? You mean you? Those in mainland?

What did you do, to make DPP lose?

One system of what to be exactly? :-)
good performance, BoQ77
Why you try to argue with this ridiculous guy?
He is absolutely either brainwashed or just making fun...
He is not here to talk about normal politics...

U.S. dominate the election of Tawai, not Taiwan people.

Without U.s., DPP already won in 2012.
Taiwan has edge in developing offshore RMB center: mainland banker

Taiwan is in a good position to establish an offshore Renminbi (RMB) center, given its close economic ties with the mainland and ballooning yuan deposits, a mainland banker said Tuesday.

Annual trade volumes between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have been stable at around 170 billion U.S. dollars, with a huge

surplus on Taiwan's side, Li Guofu, chief of China Construction Bank's (CBC) Taipei branch, told Xinhua.

"Industry insiders and regulators across the Taiwan Strait have expected trade transactions to gradually be settled in RMB instead of the U.S. dollar, which will also help to promote the RMB's internationalization," Li noted.

Taiwanese people are also endorsing establishment of an RMB offshore market due to the large amount of RMB they hold, he said, adding that mainland banks could contribute to the market's founding by helping to develop more financial products.

Since Taiwan started to allow RMB deposits in 2013, the island has witnessed its offshore yuan pool surge to more than 300 billion yuan (49 billion U.S. dollars), now second only to Hong Kong, according to Li.

"Investors could benefit most if they use the yuan to buy high-yield assets in the mainland, but now there are simply not enough channels in Taiwan for the RMB to flow back to the mainland markets," the bank chief said.

Currently, Taiwanese investors can only use the yuan in making deposits, transfers and buying yuan-denominated bonds, Li said.

Once Taiwan's legislature passes the cross-Strait service trade pact, which gives the island a 100-billion-yuan quota for Taiwanese investors to buy securities in the mainland under the RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (RQFII) program, a crucial new channel will be opened for yuan to flow back, he said.

At that time, mainland banks can play a more significant role in introducing Taiwan banks into the mainland market, Li said.

So far, the CBC, Bank of China and Bank of Communications have been the only three mainland-based banks in Taiwan.
Mainland sends community workers to learn from Taiwan's experience

Two community workers in Xiamen City on the Chinese mainland left for Taiwan on Tuesday to study community management.

The two community workers will stay in Taipei and Taichung for half a month, a Xiamen official said.

Huang Wei, deputy Party secretary of Xiamen's Huli District, said the two community workers from the city's Xinglong Neighborhood will learn to improve unity and affinity in their neighborhood.

Many Taiwanese live in the Xinglong Neighborhood.

Huang said the learning experience will renew community management ideas and improve community management abilities so that problems can be addressed through specific solutions.

Sending community workers to learn in Taiwan can help improve the integration of compatriots and explore innovation in community management, said Lin Jinchun, an official administrating community affairs of the Xinglong Neighborhood.
China still has many things like the community and public serivces to learn from Taiwan and Singapore.

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