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China swimmer Ye Shiwen 'clean', says British Olympic Association

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They were all because of internal fighting, idiot.

For Johnson - Because US wanted that Gold Medal for Carl Lewis - another doper.
For Jones - Because of her husband.

Anyway, US is the doping king.
Then why is suspicion for Ye based upon racism when doping is a problem worldwide, in professional as well as amateur sports, idiot?
Sorry, guys, but the report says this swimmer beat her previous personal best by five seconds.

If the reporting is accurate then that is very suspicious. Perhaps she made the mistake at home of clocking her time with a Chinese-made watch? :cheesy:

Oh, come on, I always thought you are a serious poster. This is a cheap shot. This happened before, in 2008 an Ausie female swimmer beat her PB by 6 seconds, Phelps improved this much in 14 months as well.

Let's have the expert have the final say ok?
Idiot. Johnson and Johns were not good examples in your post 59. Just admit it.
Why are they not good examples, moron? Just admit, you have no critical thinking skills, dimwit.
It is a clear sign that Western powers are going down. When I first came to United States, I trully appreicate the country's spirit of trying to be the best no matter what. There were no whiners. I actually talked to my parents that if Chinese could just stop complaining about being bullied by Foreigners in the last century and focus on making the future better like Americans, we would've done a lot better. Along these years something has definitely changed, now more and more Americans are complaining about pretty much everything - Chinese stole our manufacuring job, India stole our office job, etc. And now this, which I am certain that it would've not happened 10-15 years ago. Together with the sense of entitlement from young generations, this country will slip even further.

Last night, I watched Chinese Gymnastics Team match & Became there Fan & I would be following you people in other events too. Hats of to you people :tup: Wish you best of luck in other events too....

One of the members of US 2008 gymnastic team was an Indian American whose brother works in my company. So you guys can do it too if the government is serious about it. For developing countries athelets may need some government support.
Oh, come on, I always thought you are a serious poster. This is a cheap shot. This happened before, in 2008 an Ausie female swimmer beat her PB by 6 seconds, Phelps improved this much in 14 months as well. Let's have the expert have the final say ok?
I apologize for this joke. It didn't go over well. Readers were supposed to realize: (1) that I was ostensibly agreeing with the criticism, but (2) the problem was Chinese watches, not the Chinese swimmer, leading to (3) the realization that criticizing watches was absurd, hence so was the entire line of criticism.

Hey, it didn't work. :hitwall: Happens sometimes, O.K.?
I apologize for this joke. It didn't go over well. Readers were supposed to realize: (1) that I was ostensibly agreeing with the criticism, but (2) the problem was Chinese watches, not the Chinese swimmer, leading to (3) the realization that criticizing watches was absurd, hence so was the entire line of criticism.

Hey, it didn't work. :hitwall: Happens sometimes, O.K.?
I got it. Thought it was good.
China has a new sports hero in Ye Shiwen, who blew past world and Olympic records in recent days in a trio of stunning performances that her supporters attribute to her determination, powerful build and oversize feet.

So when a few figures in the swimming world questioned her accomplishments—capped Tuesday by an Olympic record-setting gold in the 200m individual medley—a nation swelling with pride over its growing tally of medals leapt to her defense.

“Speechless! Envy should not taint the innocence of China’s national talent,” wrote one Chinese citizen on Sina Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblogging service. Ye’s own Weibo account had about 200,000 followers as of Tuesday, and her account was filled with messages of support.

Eyebrows arched in the swimming world when Ye set a world record Saturday with 4:29.43 in the 400-meter race and followed it with an Olympic record Monday with a time of 2:08.39 in the 200m medley. On Saturday her speed during the last 50 meters even exceeded that of male U.S. medal winner Ryan Lochte.

Skeptics noted that Chinese swimmers have been caught in the past using performance-enhancing substances. World Swimming Coaches Association executive director John Leonard set off a firestorm Monday when he said publicly that he found Ye’s win “disturbing.”

Ye’s 400-medley performance was either “the greatest swim in history,” Leonard said Tuesday, or “something that is not correct.” He added that he had received several emails accusing him of racism after his comments were published.

Ye’s father and coaches defended the 16-year-oldl, who they say is strong-spirited but sometimes timid and self-doubting, and who reads and cross-stitches on the weekends.

“Some suspicion is expected from the West, which typically questions Chinese athletes and tends to be a little arrogant,” said her father, Ye Qingsong, in an interview. He added, “Chinese athletes have been tested and the results will prove [the truth].”

At a press conference after Tuesday’s race, reporters peppered Ye with questions about doping, including an outright inquiry as to whether she engaged in it. Through a translator, she said, “Absolutely not.”

Standing next to Ye in the press conference was American Caitlin Leverenz, who won bronze in the race. When a reporter asked Leverenz if she believed a female swimmer could beat a man’s time in the final 50 meters of a medley—as Ye did Saturday night—Leverenz nodded at Ye and said, “She proved it is possible,” a response that prompted loud applause from some Chinese journalists.

Ye won further backing earlier Tuesday when Colin Moynihan, chairman of the British Olympic Association, said “she’s clean. That’s the end of the story.” Citing the World Anti-Doping Agency, he said it is “unwise for any coach, any administrator, indeed anybody, to come out with suspicious comments, verging on allegations, about an athlete who has proved to be clean and followed the WADA code.”

Asked about the results of Ye’s doping test, International Olympic Committee spokesman Mark Adams said the process was confidential. “We would only start to comment if we had any adverse findings,” he said. “You can draw your own conclusions.”

Statistics suggest Ye’s performance in the 400m medley, which first prompted these questions, wasn’t unprecedented. Her time of 4:28.43 was an improvement of about 2.44% on her time from the 2011 world championships, the last major international event she swam in. But in the same pool on Sunday in a different race—the semifinals of the 100-meter breaststroke—Ruta Meilutyte, a 15-year-old Lithuanian, shaved two seconds off of her pre-Olympic personal best. That performance represented a 3.1% improvement.

The raw speed of Ye’s final 50-meter freestyle isn’t unprecedented, either. In last year’s World Championships in Shanghai, Great Britain’s Rebecca Adlington swam the final 50 meters of the 800m freestyle final in 28.91 seconds, .02 second faster than Ye and 19 hundredths faster than Lochte’s time from the 400m medley.

Australian coach Ken Wood, who trained the Australian Olympic team in the 1980s and has worked with the Chinese Swimming Association since 2008, has been training Ye for the past two years: cultivating her breathing technique, improving her stroke and speeding her turns. Ye, along with her other teammates, has been tested regularly, though at random, for performance enhancers, Wood said, noting that nearly every two to three weeks an international tester has been in his pool in Australia and China.

Ye’s proportions give her an edge, Wood says. At 5 feet 8 and 141 pounds, Ye has better power-to-weight ratio than counterparts in other countries, he said. There are also her hands—which the 6-foot-2 Wood says are as big as his—and her size 10.5 feet, which turbocharge her strokes.

Ye’s win is the product of a broader effort by the Chinese government to stand at the top of the medal count at the Olympics. After the 2000 Olympics, leaders launched an effort dubbed Project 119, boosting funding in swimming, gymnastics and weightlifting.

From the scenic eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, Ye entered the local Chenjinglun Sports School at the age of 6. She joined the local team from the province of Zhejiang after school, then the Chinese national team in 2010.

London Olympics - WSJ.com
I apologize for this joke. It didn't go over well. Readers were supposed to realize: (1) that I was ostensibly agreeing with the criticism, but (2) the problem was Chinese watches, not the Chinese swimmer, leading to (3) the realization that criticizing watches was absurd, hence so was the entire line of criticism.

Hey, it didn't work. :hitwall: Happens sometimes, O.K.?

Ok I got it. It is OK anyway, I've been seeing a lot of your posts that's why I said I believe you are a serious guy. One post, good or bad or misunderstanding, will not change my perception. :)
For the overly sensitive Chinese who thinks that all criticisms, no matter how legit, must be racism based...

Stop with the Ye Shiwen doping talk, already | Calgary Herald
Please, stop it. Just stop it.

At this point, there’s a grand total of zero proof that Ye did anything wrong. At this point, she’s a national hero in China. At this point, so far as I or anyone else can honestly tell, she’s powered her way to the finish line, leaving assorted sports pundits and competitors gobsmacked.

If there’s anything fishy about her swims, we’ll get the word from Olympic officials. But let’s just let them sort that out on their own. The rampant speculation has already unfairly tainted Ye’s accomplishment, and, assuming everything checks out just fine, there will still be a scent of doubt cultivated by those who cultivate doubt for a living.
That can be said to you guys as well: Please, stop it. Just stop it.
The damage is done....whatever China does will elminate the cheating stigma that has manifested itself on to Chinese atheletes. Sorry guys but the world opinion has shifted and spoken, no matter how many medals you win it will have doubt
The damage is done....whatever China does will elminate the cheating stigma that has manifested itself on to Chinese atheletes. Sorry guys but the world opinion has shifted and spoken, no matter how many medals you win it will have doubt

The damage is done? Only in the vicious minds of the people like you.

Her second win stick it up the throats of the loud mouths of the world.
Ye Shiwen (and many of our swimmers) trains in Australia with Aussie coaches Ken Wood and Denis Cotterell. If the media don't stop this nonsense it could further spiral from war of words into a diplomatic row outside of the sport and olympics between US and China. We just need some cool heads to diffuse this sensitive situation. In china this story has been MASSIVE. Alot of angry people. It reeks of racism against a non-white swimmer. Many have come to the defence of little Ye Shiwen including Aussie swim legend Ian Thorpe, coach Ken Wood among many others. This story is consuming the ENTIRE Olympics.
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