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China surpassing U.S. with 54.9 petaflop supercomputer

At least those countries don't go brag around telling others they been making supercomputer since when

When did any nation ever brag around telling others they been making supercomputer since when?

as if they are some top 3, when they know their limits against the big boys.

How does " brag around telling others they been making supercomputer since when " imply "they are some top 3, when they know their limits against the big boys."?
When did any nation ever brag around telling others they been making supercomputer since when?

How does " brag around telling others they been making supercomputer since when " imply "they are some top 3, when they know their limits against the big boys."?

You just demonstrated your bragging in your previous post and my advise to you "know your limit". If you not up there. Work harder than try just put up a brave face which do nothing good to your progress.
Good news indeed. Hopefully one day we'll be able to accomplish such achievements by using homegrown chips. Anyone know how Godson, and ShenWei are doing lately?

Even if the concerned supercomputer use foreign made chips, its still huge achievement
Even if the concerned supercomputer use foreign made chips, its still huge achievement

Correct, sometimes outsider are too concern with chips that they forget the software , design and cooling system of the super computer. All these besides the chips are equally important and the demonstration of the advancement of the supercomputer.
Correct, sometimes outsider are too concern with chips that they forget the software , design and cooling system of the super computer. All these besides the chips are equally important and the demonstration of the advancement of the supercomputer.

Chill your Tits dude he was congratulating China
Anyways congrats to china
On the last Top500 supercomputers list:

No of supercomputers top 5 in numbers:

China 72
usa 250
jpn 32
uk 24
fra 21

China has 5 in top 50, highest ranking is 8th @ only 4.7 PFlops

Lets see how well we are doing this time overall!

But from 4.7 PFlops to 54.9 PFlops - an increase of 11+ times speed in a space of just about 7 months (despite it has been an on-going project began a lot earlier than 7 mths) is just amazing!

I want to see what Obama will say this time around. He mentioned Sputnik last time when we raced to the top!
This is the older list from November 2012.

Top500 List - November 2012 | TOP500 Supercomputer Sites

Forget about top 3.

India doesn't have anything in the top 80. :omghaha:

indians are going to invest big in the near future according to this:

Supercomputers: India pitches for $1bn leap to make up for lost ground | Mail Online

But as the article said in 23 January 2012:

Currently, Indian supercomputers are at a teraflop stage. This means they can perform several trillion floating point operations per second. China, Japan and the U.S. have already achieved petaflop capability. Such supercomputers are able to perform a thousand trillion floating point operations per second.

Committed: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is determined that India should catch up

These countries have also begun work on the next level - exascale - to develop machines with the capacity of an exaflop or one million teraflops.

In order to remain in the race, India would first need to develop a petaflop machine and then aim for exascale. When contacted, Dr T. Ramasami, secretary, department of science and technology, confirmed the development, revealing that the programme had been conceived with a view 'to position India strongly in supercomputing' and would be implemented in mission mode.

and the same PM who is about to end his tenure after their next election was cheerleading for this:

Singh said that because of a massive growth of in population, Mumbai's transport, communication and social services have come under tremendous strain.

"When we talk of a resurgent Asia, people think of the great changes that have come about in Shanghai.

I share this aspiration with the chief minister [Sushilkumar Shinde] and senior Congress leaders to transform Mumbai in the next five years in such a manner that people would forget about Shanghai and Mumbai will become a talking point," the prime minister said.

Make Mumbai No 1: PM:

Some 4 years later in 2008, this reality check:

For now, let us go back in time to a point when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke passionately and famously in metaphorical terms of the Mumbai makeover to create a Shanghai.

That was in 2004 and since then the talk about India's financial capital becoming a London or a much closer Dubai has been pretty unabated. The whole discussion has centred around Mumbai's infrastructure and sometimes in more serious terms, just the lack of it.

the big story: Shanghai seems to be too far for mumbai to catch up

Now is 2013!
Not long ago, the most powerful supercomputers in mainland China are the two servers used to host WoW. :what:

“It’s just a trophy, this No. 1 position,” Dongarra said. “But I think it’s a sign, perhaps a wakeup call for the U.S. Back in 2001, China had no supercomputers—zero. Today, they are No. 2 behind the U.S.”

This is BS
China does not stop impressing me. Every other day they continue to make a gigantic leap.

Only 13 years ago, in the 1990s, I remember it so well how China was constantly mocked, attacked, insulted at every turning corner in the Western hemisphere regarding it's infrastructure and poverty. Today, those very same nations fear China's technological supremacy. ... maybe they know what's coming for them.

China is some kind of a phenomenon.
China does to not stop impressing me. Every other day they continue to make a gigantic leap.

Only 13 years ago, in the 1990s, I remember it so well how China was constantly mocked, attacked, insulted at every turning corner in the Western hemisphere regarding it's infrastructure and poverty. Today, those very same nations fear China's technological supremacy. ... maybe they know what's coming for them.

China is some kind of a phenomenon.

Which all those cyberattacks, China know whats coming for them.
In the 1950s (I think), Mao Zedong said that China will surpass the United States in 2006 and no later than 2016. How on earth he made such a close prediction which is today between 2019 and 2023, baffles me.
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