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China summons Japanese envoy over Diaoyu incident

Well you have no idea of the fact that Indian fishermen are regularly fired upon, nets torn up, jailed by Sri Lankan navy.We just warn our fishermen not to go fishing like a limp-noodle. Not that I am advocating any retaliation but we have become a butt of a joke and viewed as a soft nation who can be scratched upon at will. And F.Y.I.-----> there are reguar reports of chinese land-grabbing and threats to shepherds by PLA in the Indian media(Indian govt denies it though). So this fishing boat incident should come as no surprise to the chinese when their own practise hits them.

Well there is a logic disconnect in your argument -- you are obviously not happy with indian fishermen being harassed and view india as a victim, then why is it when the same happens to china then it is just and for a right cause?

there are reguar reports of chinese land-grabbing and threats to shepherds by PLA in the Indian media(Indian govt denies it though). So this fishing boat incident should come as no surprise to the chinese when their own practise hits them

Another illogical argument, you even admit yourself that your supporting gambit (highlighted in bold) is based on unfounded media claim, you then draw your conclusion based on as if it were undisputed facts. Name one incident that china orders its gunboats to ram other country's fishing boats?
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It's because of Indians like Jha that the country has become a football in the International arena.Everybody likes to kick it around knowing that response will not be forthcoming.I dont blame the chinese for their assertiveness/aggression/hegemony. And for the chinese here, I would like to point out how agressive china has been. Your policy has been bully the weaker(Vietnam,Mongolia,India) and negotiate with the stronger(Russia) and barking at Japan. If you dont understand what I mean, then look at your government's claim on the spratley islands. You even claim islands that are a few kilometers from vietnam coast and thousands from yours. Rational as always is "In ancient times it belonged to china". What a joke! What Japan did here was jolt you out of the dreams whereby you thought how far long your eyes can see, its your drawing room.

A fool like you who, though belligent, is always lack history... :tdown: it is ROC who claimed that and French and Vietnam had no objection then.

Google "13 segment line".
I also like how you kept on bringing the U.S. into this.

The US keeps creeping into this because Japan has protection guarantees from them.So does Taiwan. Keep pushing Japan and it will bring out its claws(quite unlike India thats being ruled by wimps). And Japanese technology is vastly superior to chinese Technology(if there is any, other than foul duplicates) .

On the other hand though I would love to see a close relation between china , India and Russia. In that case US carriers wont dare venture near your territorial waters like that "exercise" with Korea.The choice is upto china whether its with India or against it. Hope its ""with" coz I would prefer schezwan chicken than KFC anyday
A fool like you who, though belligent, is always lack history... :tdown: it is ROC who claimed that and French and Vietnam had no objection then.

Google "13 segment line".

"belligent"?....Did you mean intelligent?(Thank you in that case) or belligerent?.....In that case you need to review the full details of the spratley dispute. And its china which has turned aggressive. And being a wimp(like most Indians) in front of an aggressive adversary makes the situation worse.
Owners of Japanese cars in China should protest to Japanese government 'why are you doing stupid things to put our vehicles under risks?'
The US keeps creeping into this because Japan has protection guarantees from them.So does Taiwan. Keep pushing Japan and it will bring out its claws(quite unlike India thats being ruled by wimps). And Japanese technology is vastly superior to chinese Technology(if there is any, other than foul duplicates) .

On the other hand though I would love to see a close relation between china , India and Russia. In that case US carriers wont dare venture near your territorial waters like that "exercise" with Korea.The choice is upto china whether its with India or against it. Hope its ""with" coz I would prefer schezwan chicken than KFC anyday

Yes of course. The mighty Japanese are superior to the lowly Chinese in every respect! They've launched 3 manned space missions, started working on their own version of the GPS, have thousands of ballistic missiles and are working on mid-stage ballistic missile intercept. I'd better watch out for the those Japanese nuclear subs the next time I take a dip in the Ocean!

"belligent"?....Did you mean intelligent?(Thank you in that case) or belligerent?.....In that case you need to review the full details of the spratley dispute. And its china which has turned aggressive. And being a wimp(like most Indians) in front of an aggressive adversary makes the situation worse.

You can't expect a person to respect other countries if he can't even respect his own.
The US keeps creeping into this because Japan has protection guarantees from them.So does Taiwan. Keep pushing Japan and it will bring out its claws(quite unlike India thats being ruled by wimps). And Japanese technology is vastly superior to chinese Technology(if there is any, other than foul duplicates).

Japan has had a "pacifist" constitution since WW2, and no nukes. Their economy is stagnant, and their army has been neutered by post-war promises. They have no claws, not until they change their constitution.

(quite unlike India thats being ruled by wimps)

You think so little of your own country, how can you expect anyone here to give respect if even you don't.
Japan has had a "pacifist" constitution since WW2, and no nukes. Their economy is stagnant, and their army has been neutered by post-war promises. They have no claws, not until they change their constitution.
They have pride, and that can be enough for them to fight. Not saying the Chinese don't have pride, but I still remember reading about the Kamikaze fighters, who held funerals for themselves before they went off.

I don't think the Japanese will quickly forget their history. They may still be slaughtered like pigs in a war with China, but hey, they'll go down like men.
Japan has had a "pacifist" constitution since WW2, and no nukes. Their economy is stagnant, and their army has been neutered by post-war promises. They have no claws, not until they change their constitution.

You think so little of your own country, how can you expect anyone here to give respect if even you don't.

You might want to do a little research on a few points, Japan has no assembled nukes, that doesnt mean a few days would not change that.
Also they have been most creative in what is defined as a self defence force you might be supprised at the claws they have.

Besides its all a moot point.


Ancient cave paintings on the islands in question show pictures of sheep so the New Zealanders must have been there even before the chinese :lol:
They have pride, and that can be enough for them to fight. Not saying the Chinese don't have pride, but I still remember reading about the Kamikaze fighters, who held funerals for themselves before they went off.

I don't think the Japanese will quickly forget their history. They may still be slaughtered like pigs in a war with China, but hey, they'll go down like men.

You're right, the Japanese are proud people. No doubt about that.

Although regarding "history", it was Japan that invaded China, and killed 20 million innocent Chinese civilians... so they SHOULD remember history.

It's the Japanese who are worried about China's economy/military/nukes... because they think we might want vengeance against them. Personally I doubt China will ever attack Japan for any such reason, but try telling them that... they are the ones who are worried.

Japan's pacifist constitution, low numbers and lack of nukes prevents them from being any real threat towards us in military terms. I have never once worried about Japan invading/occupying China in the modern era.
Japan has had a "pacifist" constitution since WW2, and no nukes. Their economy is stagnant, and their army has been neutered by post-war promises. They have no claws, not until they change their constitution.

That plus the fact that their population is ageing even faster than that of China. A war will be much costlier for them this time around.

I was very upset about people bringing up a second Japanese Invasion of China because I am a Nanjing native. Sorry about acting out of line for a while.
You might want to do a little research on a few points, Japan has no assembled nukes, that doesnt mean a few days would not change that.
Also they have been most creative in what is defined as a self defence force you might be supprised at the claws they have.

Besides its all a moot point.


Ancient cave paintings on the islands in question show pictures of sheep so the New Zealanders must have been there even before the chinese :lol:

Time for Mr. Animal Nerd to be a kill sport here:

I don't believe that sheep were native to New Zealand. Up until the Maori got there the only mammal living there were bats.
You might want to do a little research on a few points, Japan has no assembled nukes, that doesnt mean a few days would not change that.
Also they have been most creative in what is defined as a self defence force you might be supprised at the claws they have.

The consensus estimate for a Japanese nuke is around a year. How they'll jerry rig a delivery system is anyone's guess. But I take your point. I think the JSDF is as capable as any small professional European force. I wouldn't count them out in a defence scenario given the PLA's dubious power projection capabilities (the PLA is just not built for that right now)

Besides its all a moot point.

:tup: agreed

Ancient cave paintings on the islands in question show pictures of sheep so the New Zealanders must have been there even before the chinese :lol:

:P just what we need another party to the dispute :lol::lol: Amphibious Toyota Hilux of the NZ army?
That plus the fact that their population is ageing even faster than that of China. A war will be much costlier for them this time around.

I was very upset about people bringing up a second Japanese Invasion of China because I am a Nanjing native. Sorry about acting out of line for a while.

Don't worry about it buddy. :tup:

I can understand if you are a Nanjing native, how you feel about Japanese atrocities during WW2.

The Imperial Japanese Army even invaded Hong Kong and started killing us too (not on the scale of Nanjing of course), for only God knows what reason.
You're right, the Japanese are proud people. No doubt about that.

Although regarding "history", it was Japan that invaded China, and killed 20 million innocent Chinese civilians... so they SHOULD remember history.

It's the Japanese who are worried about China's economy/military/nukes... because they think we might want vengeance against them. Personally I doubt China will ever attack Japan for any such reason, but try telling them that... they are the ones who are worried.

Japan's pacifist constitution, low numbers and lack of nukes prevents them from being any real threat towards us in military terms. I have never once worried about Japan invading/occupying China in the modern era.

In short they're sh!t scared of pay back. Though I can only see everything to be gained by cooperation with Japan and everything to be lost by a renewal of blood debt. (this coming from someone who's lost distant family members to fighting the Japanese and a native of an area where the three all policy was instituted "kill all, burn all, loot all")
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