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China 'should sprint to become the world's most powerful country'

Hi Xdrive,

In my opinion, you had started your comments very negatively on China.

For example, you had mentioned that China wants to invade other country! Which country are you refering to? Provide with example if you are commenting negative issue and you will gain more ground.


Of course the comments i made about China are negative, Criticism is negative lol.

I'll give you an example. If you steal something and i call you a thief, that's me giving you fair and valid criticism. It doesn't mean i hate you.

The same with china. I am criticising China for things that should be criticised such as the abuse of human rights. It doesn't mean i'm anti china.

I am not going to ignore what's happening in China just because it's "negative"

I don't know why you Chinese members can't understand this. You think someone giving fair and valid criticism of you government is an attack on china and is anti-china.

If the Chinese government keeps doing things such as abusing human rights, it's going to get criticised.

As for you question "who does china want to invade?" China wants to invade Taiwan. This is what this whole thread is about lol.

where are your exclusive criticisms of australia and american? show me those posts and threads.

Make a thread about bad things america or any other country is doing and i will criticise it, if criticism is due.
As for you question "who does china want to invade?" China wants to invade Taiwan. This is what this whole thread is about lol.

You don't sound like you know much about the current given situation. If by 'invade' you mean the use of military then they don't want to, unless Taiwan declare independence, as this would break 'One China policy'. For them it's better if things resolve peacefully.

You don't sound like you know much about the current given situation. If by 'invade' you mean the use of military then they don't want to, unless Taiwan declare independence, as this would break 'One China policy'. For them it's better if things resolve peacefully.

Yes by invade, i mean the use of the military to take taiwan. The chinese government has already tried doing that and have said they will try in the future.
Yes by invade, i mean the use of the military to take taiwan. The chinese government has already tried doing that and have said they will try in the future.

How do you know that it would not be the other way around and the government of Taiwan would become the government of China? Maybe China is scared of Taiwan invading it so it has to protect itself. you never know so do not assume.

BTW, I grew up in Taiwan with the teacher telling us daily that we are going to take China back. Any dissent would be sent to jail. Of course, that was in the late 70s early 80s.
How do you know that it would not be the other way around and the government of Taiwan would become the government of China? Maybe China is scared of Taiwan invading it so it has to protect itself. you never know so do not assume.

BTW, I grew up in Taiwan with the teacher telling us daily that we are going to take China back. Any dissent would be sent to jail. Of course, that was in the late 70s early 80s.

There is no way Taiwan could successfully invade China. Chinas military is way more powerful plus it would be hard to hold the huge mass of land.
There is no way Taiwan could successfully invade China. Chinas military is way more powerful plus it would be hard to hold the huge mass of land.

This is not called "invade",both sides want to countrol the whole country,they are still in civil war in law,if you want to say something about taiwan,pls learn more history~
This is not called "invade",both sides want to countrol the whole country,they are still in civil war in law,if you want to say something about taiwan,pls learn more history~

You obviously don't know the definition of "invade" so here it is for you.

in·vade (n-vd)
v. in·vad·ed, in·vad·ing, in·vades
1. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.
2. To encroach or intrude on; violate
3. To overrun as if by invading; infest:
4. To enter and permeate, especially harmfully.

If Chinas military takes over Taiwan, that is called an invasion, plain and simple.

Please take the time to actually learn the definition of words.
So in other words, PRC invades ROC territory or China invades Chinese territory?
and what happened in 1987 when when ur pla was running back showing their back in the plains of assam when our guys were showering bullet on ur:bunny:

Look yourself.:lol:
I cant read out anything about "and what happened in 1987 when when ur pla was running back showing their back in the plains of assam when our guys were showering bullet on "

By the way, are you trolling?Or are you from Mars? :lol:
After her return to power in 1980 as Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi ordered a general review of India's security plans. In 1982-83, she approved a plan submitted by the Chief of the Army Staff, General K.V. Krishna Rao, to upgrade the sporadic deployment of forces along the Line of Actual Control with the People's Republic of China.

Since the late 1960s, India had developed an elaborate plan to defend the Himalayan frontier with China. This involved the provision of screening defences at the Line of Actual Control and the building of strong defence nodes at key points along the frontier. By the early 1980s, while the forces to man the defences were ready, the nodes were not, and the greatest weakness was in the fact that the servicing road network had not been built. The decision was taken to resume the defence infrastructure construction.

Since 1962, India had not returned to the site of its major defeat-- the Namka Chu an east-west running stream which separates the Thag La and the Hathung La ridge to its south. India's efforts to occupy Thag La was the cassus belli for the October 1962 Chinese military attack on India. Because there were no other feasible defensive locations north of Tawang, the government had more or less decided that in the event of a new war, they would abandon the town and prepare for battle at the Se La pass to its east. However, after the 1980 review, it was decided by the military strategists that it was important to defend Tawang in a future conflict.[3] The army made it clear that the only viable line of defence for Tawang would be along the Hathung La ridge. In 1983, an Intelligence Bureau team went to the pasturage of Sumdorong Chu which is north-east of the confluence of the Namka Chu and Nyamjiang Chu. The defence forces stayed through the summer and returned in winter. This procedure was followed for two years. In 1986, Indian forces found that the Chinese had preceded them and set up semi-permanent structures there.

In Feb 1986 the army nominated a new chief, General K. Sundarji, who was determined to press the decisions taken by General Krishna Rao. In addition, Sundarji sought government permission to conduct an exercise named Operation Chequerboard to see how quickly troops based in the Assam plains could take up their positions on the Sino-Indian border. As part of the exercise, towards the end of the year, the army landed a brigade of troops at Zimithaung, south of Hathung La using its new heavy lift Mi-26 helicopters. These forces occupied the Hathung La, across the Namka Chu from Thag La. All this alarmed the Chinese forces in the region; they responded with alacrity and moved up their forces to take up positions all along the LAC. At points near this area-- Sulu La, Bum La, etc. the troops were now face to face with their Indian counterparts. This caused concerns of Sino-Indian clashes. However, the forces did not engage in combat.

[edit] Possibility of war
At the end of 1986, India granted statehood to Arunachal Pradesh, which is an area claimed by China but administered by India. The Chinese government proceeded to protest. But the military movements in Tawang, taken in conjunction with this political action were seen as a provocation by the Chinese. In early 1987 Beijing's tone became similar to that of 1962, and with the Indian Army refusing to stand down, Western diplomats predicted war.

The Indian response to the Chinese buildup was Operation Falcon and involved movements across the Sino-Indian border. Among the more interesting deployments, using Mi-26 heavy lift helicopters, was that of Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICVs)and some armour in North Sikkim in the east and Demchok in the west. These two were viewed as particularly threatening by the PLA because they seemed to indicate that India had moved from a strategy of defence in its own territory to that of a larger offensive involving all of Arunachal Pradesh.

The result was a thaw. Indian Foreign Minister N.D. Tiwari arrived in Beijing in May 1987 en route to Pyongyang, North Korea. He carried with him messages from Indian leaders that there was no intention on New Delhi's part to aggravate the situation. The first formal flag meeting to discuss “ the freezing of the situation” since 1962, was held on the fifth of August 1987 at Bum La in the aftermath of the Wangdung affair. Both sides decided to take up talks with renewed urgency and the following year, Rajiv Gandhi visited Beijing, returning Zhou Enlai's '60s visit.[4]

[edit] Aftermath
Both India and China realised the danger of inadvertent conflict and after initial posturing the decision was made to de-escalate their deployments. The Sumdorong Chu fallout was that India and China decided to restart their dialogue on a new and more urgent basis. After Rajiv Gandhi's September 1988 visit, there was a hiatus of sorts because of political turmoil in India. But finally in 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC.

The agreement brought in an interesting concept of "mutual and equal" security where thinning of forces was envisaged, based on geographical and logistical considerations. However, its most important element is to have the two sides work out a mutually acceptable Line of Actual Control. As of now the two sides have their own versions of the Line and there are points, especially in the Sikkim-Bhutan-India trijunction, the Sumdorong Chu area and so on where the claims are disputed.
lol i don't understand why people insist that what i am saying about china, is anti china. It's not.

You unleashed an unsubstantiated anti-China rant.

My criticisms of China are fair, and valid. I am not just writing these things because i "don't like china"

You are claiming that China wants power so it can subjugate other countries. That is just plain nonsense. Certainly China will use its power to enhance its bargaining position in any conflict situation. In a world with growing resource-contention, there will always be conflicts, and the edge goes to the one with more power. If China wasn't powerful enough to defend its interests, someone else with more power would beat China and get the scarcce resources.

The fact is that China, like every other country, will use its power to furtther its interests. That's the whole point of having power in the first place. That is what the Europeans did, the Japanese, the Americans. If Australia suddenly discovered a super weapon and because a power, it would use it to bend other countries its will. That's what governments get paid to do.

If you have a personal bias agaisnt communism, then it is not your place to lecture the Chinese. As long as they are happy with communism, it's none of your business.
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That's what governments get paid to do.

No it's not.

Governments are elected by the people for the people (well only in a select countries which actually have a democratic system) to serve the country and it's people, NOT to stand over other countries like you suggested.

It's pretty sad that you think a governments roll is to bully other countries and do things against them
No it's not.

Governments are elected by the people for the people (well only in a select countries which actually have a democratic system) to serve the country and it's people, NOT to stand over other countries like you suggested.

It's pretty sad that you think a governments roll is to bully other countries and do things against them

The descendants of ethnic butcher talk about peace? wow ,god must be neuropathy,because its christian is neuropathy.

i think you should be care for the Tasmanians,though they all were extinct in 1876:D
The descendants of ethnic butcher talk about peace? wow ,god must be neuropathy,because its christian is neuropathy.

i think you should be care for the Tasmanians,though they all were extinct in 1876:D

Don't feed him, the more you feed him, the more he will be encouraged to post anti China rants.

One more thing, many members are here hiding behind other nations' flags. An Australian member has rebuked him many times.
Don't feed him, the more you feed him, the more he will be encouraged to post anti China rants.

One more thing, many members are here hiding behind other nations' flags. An Australian member has rebuked him many times.

Well said brother, i still remember he got banned for being an Indian

pretending as a Pakistanis and started crying like a baby, poor guy.

A well known liar at best. :cheers::china:
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