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China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

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His invasion of Kuwait resulted in Gulf War 1. Gulf War 2 was purely driven by a neo-con agenda and is almost universally recognized as a bogus war. All the US had to do was to mind its own business and not let a cabal of chickenhawk right wingers drag the country into a war with a nation that had nothing to do with 9/11. Of course we know how well that turned out and the rise of ISIS is a direct result of the unstable power vacuum created by US meddling.
Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait was truly under false pretenses, not the 'false pretenses' that you pretentiously think you know and that you charged US with. That invasion upset the delicate equilibrium of the region. No one trusted Iraq and everybody in the region wanted someone to do something about it since each of them was too weak to do something about Iraq, and collectively they were too chickenshit to do something about Iraq. That left outsiders to clean up the mess and the ME was a mess despite the uneasy peace that came after Desert Storm.

Like I said -- with your line of reasoning -- that all Saddam Hussein had to do was stayed inside Iraq. Everybody knew what he was but as long as he stayed inside Iraq, he would be no different than any other dictator in the region. But no, he invaded Kuwait and that started the chain reaction.

Therefore, with YOUR line of reasoning, IS is Iraq's fault.
Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait was truly under false pretenses, not the 'false pretenses' that you pretentiously think you know and that you charged US with. That invasion upset the delicate equilibrium of the region. No one trusted Iraq and everybody in the region wanted someone to do something about it since each of them was too weak to do something about Iraq, and collectively they were too chickenshit to do something about Iraq. That left outsiders to clean up the mess and the ME was a mess despite the uneasy peace that came after Desert Storm.

Like I said -- with your line of reasoning -- that all Saddam Hussein had to do was stayed inside Iraq. Everybody knew what he was but as long as he stayed inside Iraq, he would be no different than any other dictator in the region. But no, he invaded Kuwait and that started the chain reaction.

Therefore, with YOUR line of reasoning, IS is Iraq's fault.

And Saddam Hussein was forced back to Iraq and stayed there after Gulf War 1. He learned a very painful lesson and didn't try to invade anyone else again. The US even hemmed him in with a strictly enforced no-fly zone the entire time. What I'm talking about is the 2nd Gulf war. You do realize there were two of them yes? And the 2nd one was what really screwed everything up? Sometimes I'm not so sure with the way you conflate the two separate conflicts in a weak and dishonest attempt to support your argument. IS is very much America's fault. Truth hurts, I know.
This --- I agree with you 110%. So long as Iran continues to meddle in Iraqi affairs by cultivating the Shi'a community in Iraq, a goal of national solidarity will never be possible since segments of that nation (Iraq in this case) will be siding loyalty to a foreign nation and leaders (religious or otherwise) of that said nation.

Excellent conjecture, @Gufi .

Iran is a stake holder in this game and you may call it meddling affairs or whatever you wish. The Shia land are view as legitimate projection of power by Iran.

And compared to Sunnis, the Shia are FAR more progressive.

There are no comparable ISIS like nut head among Shia militias. The Hezbollah so vilified by USA is a respectable resistance force who are accepted by many community in Lebanon including Christian. Unlike Sunni, Hezbollah does not conduct indiscriminate killings.

While Sunni has more wealth and considerable ally such as USA, I foresee the downfall of Sunni states. Reason being, Sunnis are too corrupt, too sectarian and too reactionary. Go Saudi and you find the decision rest on 3000 princes and those with talents are not allowed to emerge.

Naturally Sunni states make bad decision. The Iranian Shia cabinet and elites are full of PHD and plebians who make their way up more or less through meritocracy.

The Sunni USA ally is doomed to fail until there is a Nasser coming up in Sunni land. Right now I see an emerging and unstoppable Iran.
China doesn't have the capability to do something militarily outside of their influence periphery, this way to covering their inability they pretend doesn't have any obligation to maintain the global order like the Soviet or US was.
And Saddam Hussein was forced back to Iraq and stayed there after Gulf War 1. He learned a very painful lesson and didn't try to invade anyone else again. The US even hemmed him in with a strictly enforced no-fly zone the entire time. What I'm talking about is the 2nd Gulf war. You do realize there were two of them yes? And the 2nd one was what really screwed everything up? Sometimes I'm not so sure with the way you conflate the two separate conflicts in a weak and dishonest attempt to support your argument.
Which came from Saddam Hussein's intransigence over WMD.

Regarding your charge that the US invaded Iraq under 'false pretenses' = Absurd. Being wrong does not make one dishonest. People are honorably wrong all the time. Everyday of the yr.

The WMD inspection regime was over 10 yrs long. There were two inspection teams: UNMOVIC and UNSCOM. It was by UN mandate that the team leaders CANNOT be Americans. So the teams were led by one Australian, Richard Butler, and two Swedes, Rolf Ekeus and Hans Blix. The teams were supported by UN created advisory boards such as...

UNMOVIC - [ College of Commissioners ]

Note that there was only one American on that body. Each commissioner was supported by his own team of technical advisors, and everyone report to the UN SecGen, which was Khofi Annan at that time. The data from the inspection teams were sent to the Security Council, not US. That mean everybody saw the same set of data and its analyses, all the way from the field in Iraq to the UN offices in NYC. We may be wrong about the nuclear aspects of WMD, but not about the chemical weapons side of it. Even so, Saddam Hussein's own top nuclear scientist, Mahdi Obeidi, told the UN that Iraq was actively pursuing nuclear weapons.

To say that we invaded Iraq under 'false pretenses' mean we knew the indisputable truth but presented to the world something differently. How could we have done that when everybody at the UN saw the same set of data from Iraq ? Different interpretations from ambiguous information does not qualify as deception. And it was Saddam Hussein who created the conditions that led to those ambiguous information.

Again...According to YOUR line of reasoning, IS is Iraq's fault.
The KILLING in Middle-East will continue ... China just watch and deal with XinJiang problem inside. If ISIS close to China border like Korea or Vietnam, yes i think so.
lol you are wrong, let me ask you this. where were you when I was in Iraq fighting AQI IN 2004?
Senor Orange is probably in his mid-20s. If so, he must have been a toddler when I was in Desert Storm, and playing in the small sandbox when you fighting in the much bigger sandbox in '04.
If China do send their troops to fight ISIS, this would remind me of the plot of the game titled "Command and Conquer: Generals" as real-life is slowly beginning to resemble that game's plot and setting.
Which came from Saddam Hussein's intransigence over WMD.

Regarding your charge that the US invaded Iraq under 'false pretenses' = Absurd. Being wrong does not make one dishonest. People are honorably wrong all the time. Everyday of the yr.

The WMD inspection regime was over 10 yrs long. There were two inspection teams: UNMOVIC and UNSCOM. It was by UN mandate that the team leaders CANNOT be Americans. So the teams were led by one Australian, Richard Butler, and two Swedes, Rolf Ekeus and Hans Blix. The teams were supported by UN created advisory boards such as...

UNMOVIC - [ College of Commissioners ]

Note that there was only one American on that body. Each commissioner were supported by their own teams of technical advisors, and everyone report to the UN SecGen, which was Khofi Annan at that time. The data from the inspection teams are sent to the Security Council, not US. That mean everybody saw the same set of data and its analyses, all the way from the field in Iraq to the UN offices in NYC. We may be wrong about the nuclear aspects of WMD, but not about the chemical weapons side of it. Even so, Saddam Hussein's own top nuclear scientist, Mahdi Obeidi, told the UN that Iraq was actively pursuing nuclear weapons.

To say that we invaded Iraq under 'false pretenses' mean we knew the indisputable truth but presented to the world something differently. How could we have done that when everybody at the UN saw the same set of data from Iraq ? Different interpretations from ambiguous information does not qualify as deception. And it was Saddam Hussein who created the conditions that led to those ambiguous information.

Again...According to YOUR line of reasoning, IS is Iraq's fault.

It *was* done under false pretenses. GWB and his chickenhawk buddies claimed there was an imminent danger from Saddam's non-existent WMDs and that he would use them soon if there wasn't an invasion to stop him. You aren't going to convince me that the invasion of Iraq in the 2nd gulf war was a legit one. According to my line of reasoning, the American invasion destabilized the region. The fact that you're now trying to pin the blame on Iraq for being "guilty" and therefore deserving of being toppled by a war mongering US that destabilized the region means you agree with me. You know the direct effect of US military intervention in Iraq is the shattering of the tenuous equilibrium in the region so now you're trying to deflect by re-framing the cause from one of American aggression to one of Iraqi guilt. Nice try but no cigar buddy. :lol:

Senor Orange is probably in his mid-20s. If so, he must have been a toddler when I was in Desert Storm, and playing in the small sandbox when you fighting in the much bigger sandbox in '04.

I know right? Yet jhungary's accusations of "where were you? I was fighting in Iraq" is obviously meant to somehow induce shame in me for not doing enough during the war. Even as I played in my sandbox as a toddler. A Canadian sandbox, I might add. :rofl:

Thank God I live in Canada and not some Sub-Saharan African state where child soldiers are acceptable or my 5 year old self would really be guilty of shirking my duty to defend my country from imaginary WMDs according to jhungary's insinuations. ;)
It *was* done under false pretenses.
And I have already shown that is not possible. The phrase 'false pretense', with the word 'pretense' mean a front or mask. Again, that is not possible when everybody saw the same set of data from Iraq.
yes we all know Gambit's life threatening situations, before we even existed bullets were flying over his head while he was crapping in his pants running for his life during Vietnam War.
what could have the US done before they invaded was looked at the weapons of mass destruction, but Saddam was one who killed civilians and had to go and I can not defend that person. But what could have been done differently was understanding the delicate balance in the region and understand what bringing a hard line Shiite prime minister would do. Many knowledgeable Arabs had predicted this would happen. They did not let Sunni soldiers recruit, there were less government jobs for Sunni people and there was an extreme hatred for the American placed government and system because there was real discrimination. If sensible governance had been placed many of these soldiers would have been part of the Iraqi army.
The amount of information gathered in a war has to be more then what is the army strength but what are the political weaknesses and plans made to balance the new government. There was up rest in Syria after the Iraqi invasion when the extremists fled to Syria as you said. There should have been a proper plan coming in on how to stop the terrorists from dispersing and affecting the surrounding areas, I think as a military man you agree containing your enemy is part of your objective
Now coming to Syria, the point remains if the UN went in after the US intervention to destroy chemical weapons which were used against the Syrian people because they could be used against American allies in the region, why did they not care about the conventional military of Syria butchering the civilians. That again led to people being radicalized.

And I think i have been civil and have given proper logic to back my argument that comment was quite uncalled for. the last comment was very childish and I did not expect it from you Gary. I did not blame the US without logic nor did I go on a rant but spoke because I know what people in the region feel.

i did address your concern, i dont know why you think I ignored your point. Maybe you just read my statement in the end and chalk it to i am ranting.

Ok, i try to be clear, basically what i was saying is the ISIS growth does not have anything to do with the Iraqi power vacumn that created by US invading Iraq. Why?

I am not gonna pretend sunshrine up my arse and denied outright there were no powr vacumn, there are, indeed and US sees it after they disbanded the Iraqi government and Iraqi Military in 2004. That did boost the ISIS (Known as AQI BACK THEN) but that is not the reason why ISIS is ISIS now, no sir.

Back then after the US realise what they have done and seeing how AQI growth, we know we need to crub this somehow and from then on, 2004, 2005 and 2006, the US force in the middle east is said to have tasked with a direct action mission to find Zarqari and put a stop to his AQI, we offer the same bounty 25 millions on zarqari head as OBL and in those 3 years we reduced AQI capability to next to nothing in Iraq. And eventually we actually kill Zarqari in summer of 2006, thats about finished the AQI, by that standard AQI should not ever could turn into ISIS now, but the fact that we can see a chante from AQI to ISIS itself is the work of one man. That's Abu Bakr Al Bathdadi.

In syria, It's not like US don't want a military intervention in Syria but Russian would veto such a call, and US have been exhausted all option aside from attacking Syria by itself, but let face it, without UN support, that would just be a moot point, Syria is not Iraq, and we also have to fight in Afghanistan plus jus got out of Iraq, and UN won't go in as China and Russia would veto such a move.

In come al-Baghdadi, he was nursing the wound from being kicked out of Iraq in 2009 and now, as Al-Baghdadi know one thing, and one thing only, without pissing off US, if they launch a conventional attack toward Syria and Iraq, chances are they will not be stopped as US would not have ground to, plus the UN is divided within Syria, it was a perfect breeding place for ISIS. On the other hand, all the conventional military power of Iraqi force was destroyed during the 2003 invasion, and during the rebuild, the Iraqi force was trained to deal with insurgence, like the past 9 years. Hence, the command in Iraq were not prepared for a convention attack. Hence losing a long stretch of land to ISIS.

That was why ISIS is ISIS now, I do know people in Iraq too and I have been working intelligence during 2005/2006 in the middle east. All my information are either documented or I saw first hand.

About that statement, indeed most of those radical group are created because US foreign policy in ME, I am just stating the obvious
I know right? Yet jhungary accusation of "where were you? I was fighting in Iraq" obviously is meant to somehow induce shame in me for not doing enough during the war. Even as I played in my sandbox. :rofl:
No, he meant to say you are ignorant.

Thank God I live in Canada...
Most Canadians live within a few hundreds miles of the US. Did you know that ? Canadians are more concerned about being 'not-Americans' than they are of being Canadians. They work so hard at it that what is 'being Canadian' is essentially lost in the psychological struggle to distance themselves from US.

Like it or not, Canadians = Americans. :lol:
No, he meant to say you are ignorant.

Most Canadians live within a few hundreds miles of the US. Did you know that ? Canadians are more concerned about being 'not-Americans' than they are of being Canadians. They work so hard at it that what is 'being Canadian' is essentially lost in the psychological struggle to distance themselves from US.

Like it or not, Canadians = Americans. :lol:

Trolling now? Getting desperate are we? Better that you stick to your sinking ship of poorly constructed arguments than to try insulting me again. :rofl:

Oh poor gambit. I expected more from you. :agree:
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